Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 181: No Such Thing as a Fool Proof Secret (Upper Part)

Chapter 181: No Such Thing as a Fool Proof Secret (Upper Part)

"Call for a complete retreat. There's no longer value in sacrificing more soldiers here just for the sake of taking over this city." an expert of third-level Bone Reconstruction Layer said.

There was an unconscious individual on one of his shoulders.

His position in this army could be significant based on the armor colored in golden linings and red paint. But right now, he's merely an unconscious individual who had to rely on his subordinate to protect him.

Across their deployment, more flags were raised along the city's wall as they announced their confidence to repel all invasion attempts from their attackers.

A pattern of a wolf head and the word "Lei" is printed on each flag as they were lifted up as tall as the flagbearer could. As for their commanding officer, he's observing the battlefield in the tallest tower.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... Take everything I have to give you!" the officer with a naked lower body moaned as he shot his load into the woman. After finishing the deed, she was thrown aside without a bother whether she survives the crash.

"Bring me another woman." Yang Yuan said.

"Yes, commander." the soldier standing beside him went to drag another woman into the room as Yang Yuan speaks with his officers.

"The few of you... Go out there and capture as many enemy soldiers as you can. Keep pushing them until they cross the border between Yunshan and Kuanglei Province."

"The more captives you have in your hand, the more the resources our Thunder Roaring Palace will provide you. I'm sure all of you will be excited, correct?" Yang Yuan chuckled as he started to force another woman to go down on him.

"Your subordinate understands. We will dispatch immediately and make sure to execute your order!" the few officers nodded and left the room in a hurry.

Soon, the news about the Second Prince's defeat in his attempt to take over the capital of Kuanglei Province was spread across the three countries. Ignoring the fact that Yang Yuan almost ruined half of the local women's modesty in the city itself, he was hailed as a hero across the province.

When the news about Sun Ding Tian's defeat arrived at the ears of the Wu King, he was furious to the point he smashed the cauldron located on the entrance to his audience hall.

The king's imperial mandate was immediately delivered to the Yunshan Province, ordering the three princes over there to take responsibility for the shameful defeat.

Furthermore, the arrival of the imperial mandate was announced publically, making it harder for the three princes to come up with a solution before the Thunder Roaring Palace responded.

Letter of a challenge then distributed through merchants, travelers, and commoners as they move between the two provinces.

The Thunder Roaring Palace proudly announced that they'll be responding to the King of Wu's mandate by aiming to capture both Fuyun City and Demon Mountain Fort. The date for their attack was also chosen, which will be a month later.



"I'm finally broken through the border between Flesh Refining and Bone Reconstruction Layer!" Peng Yan smiled as her strength grown by leap and bound after using the medicine provided by Qin Lan.

Even the two adjutants were envious because she was lucky enough to enjoy these kinds of resources at such a young age. If they were given the same resources ten years ago, they might have advanced through the Middle-Attainment Rank right now.

But she was not the only one that enjoyed such a benefit. Zhou Mei, who was living in a courtyard not far from Peng Yan, also broken through. And because she was given an extra Precelestial Realm Restructuring Pill to consolidate her cultivation, her achievement is much higher than Peng Yan at this moment.

With few more days of persistence, getting to the second-level of Bone Reconstruction Layer won't be a problem for her.

Unfortunately, the news about the King of Wu's mandate came at the wrong time. As the few of them were in a sensitive position due to political standing, a cruel decision had to be made.

First of all, Peng Yan and her entourage were invited to leave the Demon Mountain Fort under the pretense of misunderstanding. The trade between the two countries was also placed at a halt, particularly cultivation pills. It was a sensitive trade right now, where even smuggling is made impossible.

This hurts the cash flow for the Demon Mountain Fort as it was still relying on cash cows like the Country of Wei to cover their expenditure.

And secondly, the news about Qin Lan's breakthrough in his creation of Blood Genesis Pill eventually reaches the ears of Sun Ding Tian.

The second prince was in a rage when he heard about this and immediately brought a legion of soldiers to clarify the validity of this rumor. The atmosphere here was heavier than how it was supposed to be while the two princes were talking.

"All of us are the people of Wu... Why are our weapons pointed at one another?" some officers are complaining. They hated to be placed in the middle of all these awkward situations.

By right, they should be busy preparing to repel the forces that might be coming from the Kuanglei Province. But it somehow ends up like now because of Qin Lan's Blood Genesis Pill.

Furthermore, nobody knows what will happen if a fight started between them.

And while the two royal princes are in a talk, a few things were happening between the two provinces.

Peng Yan's return to the Country of Wei is intercepted by the soldiers from Kuanglei Province. Not even using any formal or informal speech when they met, Peng Yan was invited to the Kuanglei Province's capital by force.

If it weren't due to her position as the only daughter of Peng Likun and the representative for the King of Wei, her fate might be unknown.

As for another matter, it seems that the seventh prince has returned from his trip to the Ancestral Dragoncloud Forest. Leading close to three thousand soldiers with him, he's eager to join the discussion between his two brothers on how they repel the attack from Thunder Roaring Palace.

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