Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 174: Advance (2)

Chapter 174: Advance (2)

"Is this the Blood Genesis Pill mentioned by his highness? To think it really existed..." the five half-step experts were busy studying the pills Qin Lan put before them. They were both excited and curious right now due to Sun Wu Jian's words before and Qin Lan's statements.

Get ready to meditate as you'll be the first five people to breaking through the half-step Bone Reconstruction tonight." what Qin Lan has just said still lingered in their minds. That's because nobody has the gut he has. 

To claim that everyone will have a breakthrough in a single night...

If it was so feasible... Won't there be a bunch of Bone Reconstruction Layer experts around them?

Seating down in their most comfortable meditating posture, the five half-step experts started the breakthrough attempt by taking five Blood Genesis Pill per person. In front of them was a pill-platter with ten Spiritual Accumulating Pills going through its moment of maturity.

As they're yet to enter the threshold of the Bone Reconstruction Layer yet, taking the five Blood Genesis Pills is like swallowing 500 Flesh Foundation Pills at a time. There's also a rush of vitality coursing through their body when the pure Spiritual Energy is rushing out from the pills they swallowed.

"How powerful...I've only had the Precelestial Essence twice in my life, and that outburst of Spiritual Energy is still attached in my mind. To think that such an experience is achievable by taking just five of these Blood Genesis Pill is wondrous." one of the half-step experts said.

It was indeed a favorable moment when the Spiritual Qi is bursting out from their body. The reason behind this is likely due to the nourishment to their meridian and energy channel when it happened.

The five of them immediately concentrate as they guide the Spiritual Qi to nourish and attack their core. That's where all half-step experts often failed when trying to breaking through.

But failure was not one of their options today. Each one of these experts was given 500 Blood Genesis Pills to break through their Flesh Refining shell.

And what does 500 Blood Genesis Pills amounted to?

50,000 Flesh Foundation Pills.

Or 50 drops of Precelestial Essence.

One by one, the five experts are trembling in excitement as they focused on directing the Spiritual Qi released by the Blood Genesis Pill to attack their core.

"Take the Spiritual Accumulating Pills right now! And finish all the Blood Genesis Pill you have! Don't wait!" Qin Lan's instruction came at a crucial moment where it was the final hurdle they'll have to surpass to allow their core to grow.

Often, the experts failed right here because many factors disturb their success rate in taking apart this Flesh Refining Shell. But that was not the case today. With Qin Lan here inspecting each and everyone while adding more Blood Genesis Pills on their plate, he's able to force them to advance.

His existence within this room was not to monitor them but instead to give them a hand. If it wasn't because Qin Lan was the creator of this Blood Genesis Pill, they might not allow a total stranger to accompany them, let alone five.

"Aargh!" while the outburst of Spiritual Qi inside their body is a pleasurable experience, giving too much for the body and core to take is still torturous. It was akin to a man who was given a companion for a night.

Having a partner or two made the night pleasurable, but what if he was given a hundred companions to satisfy on that particular night? Even if he had the heart to do them, he couldn't.

The overflow of Spiritual Qi soon breaks their body. It was like a dragon was finally released from its chain when the outer layer of the core was broken apart. Feeling like they just shed the outer shell that was imprisoning them for so long, the five experts gave out a loud roar.

A satisfying, loud, and menacing roar akin to a dragon that was imprisoned for too long!

"I've done it!!!"

"At last! At last!"

The combined force of the five recently advanced Bone Reconstruction Experts even throws Qin Lan back until he crashed onto the wall.

"Coughed!" blood rolled down from the corner of his lips as Qin Lan kept the pain to himself.

'Hahaha... To think that these five can actually consolidate their cultivation to the middle and peak of first-level Bone Reconstruction Layer after breaking through. They must have put on quite some effort to break that wall...' Qin Lan smiled.

"Chief Alchemist Qin, please accept three kowtows from the five of us." the experts knocked their forehead three times at where Qin Lan is. Such a favor was one that they're unable to repay even if they were to die on behalf of Qin Lan's cause.

"Fellow experts, please stand up." Qin Lan slowly lifted his hand up as he answers them.




The outburst of the five Bone Reconstruction Experts disrupted the peaceful moment inside this Demon Mountain Fort when their Spiritual Qi converged together. This alarmed not only the garrisoned experts on duty but also made everyone restless.

The experts that were on duty quickly questioned the others, who was also greatly disturbed by the sudden existence of five Bone Reconstruction experts inside the fort.

Together, they headed straight to the Pill Hall, where the source of Spiritual Energy came from.

"Commander Huang! You're here as well." said one of the first-level Bone Reconstruction Expert. A few others were slightly embarrassed because it somehow meant that they're not doing their job well.

"At ease, fellow experts. There's nothing to worry about. But inform the others to maintain vigilance while this continues to happen." Huang Ping added. His word turned to become puzzling to them as they're asking themselves why the commander said so.

It also piques their curiosity when they see the five Bone Reconstruction Layer experts coming out from the Pill Hall. Each of them was about their cultivation strength.

"How come all five of them advanced at the same time? I remembered two of them were just a half-step Bone Expert yesterday!" a first-level Bone cultivator said.

"Advancing together in a single night? What kind of sorcery is this?" the other said. This made the other cultivator curious as they're clueless about what happened.

One afternoon later, the momentary calmness was disturbed once more when a surge of Spiritual Qi rises like a tower of energy inside the Pill Hall. More and more people were getting excited to the point cultivators are standing outside of Sun Wu Jian's manor and Qin Lan's Pill Hall to have their questions answered.

Sun Wu Jian immediately summoned Huang Ping to give him and the public an explanation. As for Qin Lan, he was not even bothered by the people gathering outside of his establishment. This made the people desperate for an answer to their curiosity.

It ended up into a shopping spree as they start to purchase and clear whatever pills the Pill Hall has to offer. This outcome was unpredicted because the power of the masses is indeed scary when they're not well informed.

Using the reason that he was having a rest, Qin Lan entered the Mountain and Sea Sublime Painting to repeat the refining process. But this time, the temperature inside this isolated world is slightly warmer than before.

This greatly enhanced the growth rate of the Spiritual Herbs as they're showered with freezing dew rich with Spiritual Qi in the morning and a nourishing warmth in the afternoon.

Even the dragon-like creature seems happier as some of its brown-colored moss turning verdant. There's even a tiny patch of flowers are growing on its buttock.

'What did you do when I'm not around? Look at that flower on your butt.' Qin Lan chuckled as he patted the head of the young Dragon Moss creature. It had now get used to the habit of getting fed by Qin Lan a few times a day with the Blood Balsam Extract.

He was kicked out from the Mountain and Sea Sublime Painting three hours later. But it was a proper rest for him as it was as long as three days inside that isolated world.

'I guess we'll continue with the expert's promotion.' Qin Lan poured a cup of tea for himself and enjoyed that short moment of quietness before coming out of his Private Refining Hall.

"Get me a Medicine Servant and... Eh?" Qin Lan stopped his sentence in between as he was greeted by close to two hundred half-step Bone Experts outside of his private hall. Such a sight puzzled him as they're all here before he even summoned them.

"Chief Alchemist Qin!" everyone greets him with a posture and expression full of respect.

"Please rise, everyone. It is a surprise to me that everyone was waiting for me here. But may I request that only the gold sycee holder remain? As for the silver and bronze holder, please return to your position until you were called." Qin Lan said with a smile on his face.

There were two kinds of thought running across the expert's mind right now.

To the gold sycee holders, they're glad that they chose to serve Sun Wu Jian full-heartedly. As for the two other sycee holders, regret is all they had in their minds right now. Some of them even wanted to shout and say they're willing to serve Sun Wu Jian for life, but speaking about anything else at this time would be pointless.

It was unfortunate because no store sells a potion to cure the feeling of regret. Because even if it does, they won't be able to buy it anyway.

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