Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 156 Spell Backlash

However, the system can only deduce in accordance with established parameters.

So the final step is to use the magic energy formula to test the arrangement and combination into the magic model, but Angel needs to complete this step by himself. Because this step no longer belongs to the category of “science.”

Angel kept the system operating, and he began to transform each combination into a magic model.

Magic Model 1: “The broken hook outline is in the centre of the circle.”

Angel experimented with the magic power and finally took out a pen and paper to record his observations: [It does not seem very effective, but the humidity of the surrounding air has decreased significantly. This probably has a dehumidification effect? Further test tests are required.]

Magic Model 2: “The broken hook outline is distributed around. It is vaguely connected by a thread.”

Angel was somewhat surprised by the effect of this magic model experiment because a pool of water appeared out of thin air. Compared with the magic models he tested earlier, this one has more “extraordinary” results. If this was performed in front of mortals, they would call this “magic,” right?

Effects recorded: [Drawing water from the air and releasing a pool of water without form. Measures about one cup worth of water. For the time being, it is named… Water Supply. Further testing is needed for measuring improvement.]

Magic Model 3: “The hook outline is obliquely inserted into the plane.”

Effects recorded: [There is a small range of wind and the condensation of very small water droplets.]

Magic Model 4: “…”

Angel tested each of the magic models one by one. From the results of the tests, there was basically no useful magic models: There was either more water, or more wind elements, and some that he could not judge whether there has been any change at all.

In this large number of experiments, Angel also summed up some laws for the models. For example, if the magic model is a “broken hook series,” then the balance of the water and wind elements focuses on the water element. If the magic model is “plane and complete hook series,” then the balance of water and wind elements focuses on the wind elements.

Angel will summarize the laws and record them in a book So that it can be queried in the future.

Only then did his heart rise to respect his predecessors, and he was able to summarize the magic model of the perfect “cleansing” magic model. He wonders how long his predecessors had tested it…

After releasing about 15 variants of the “cleansing” magic models. Angel now noticed the release of magic power from his magic source began to appear in a state of blue and yellow. This was connected with the external absorption of Ancient Magic.

“It seems that my current full-load of magic power can only perform 15 level 0 magic spells.” Angel says silently while thinking this figure was not too good, but if Angel remembers correctly, the book records the magic power of a First Level Apprentice, which is estimated to only release about 1.5 levels of magic and requires meditation to replenish the magic power. And the number of spells he casts is basically 10 times that of others.

However, Angel has also tested the total amount of magic power he had currently squeezed. It is not much higher than his peers. The reason why the effect can reach 10 times the estimated value can be attributed to the purity of his magic power. The purer one’s magic power is, the less magic power is required than others to interfere with the material world.

When his magic power was exhausted, Angel immediately responded by meditating.

In the course of his meditation, the system is still calculating the various arrangements and combinations of water and wind elements for the essence of cleansing.

When Angel meditates for three hours, he replenishes his magic power to about half full. At this time, the system has arranged 100 more combinations. There was more this time around because there were more variables, and with more variables, the slower the calculation speed became. At present, a new arrangement takes about 13 minutes to complete, which is much slower than the original 30 seconds.

Angel initially experimented with simple models, but after replenishing his magic to half full. He decided to try experimenting with a more complex magic model that would take more than 10 minutes to calculate in the system.

It took Angel more than an hour to convert the calculated results into a magic model through the magic energy formulas.

Angel has a glimmer of expectation for this new model that looks more complex than the original “cleansing” magic model.

The new magic model: “Half of the hook outline is broken, and the plane is folded into nine polygons, dividing the outline into thirteen sections.”

Angel excitedly squeezes out his magic power from his magic source, and then very carefully guides the magic power into the shape of the model…

But what he didn’t think of was that when he had just simulated half of the hook, his magic power was exhausted?!

Angel felt like a big fool. He clearly feels the size of the model is about the same as before. Ah, why is the magic power consumption so frightening?

The magic model in his mental space is only about half-constructed. When Angel had left the construction unfinished, it slowly began to disintegrate and collapse after construction stops for some time. The disintegration process does not matter, but when the magic model is breaking down, a Spell Backlash collides with his entire mental space.

Angel only felt his spirit in a state of trance, and then his brain exploded like fireworks, followed by a sharp pain. He could hear a roaring in his ears while fluids flowed out of his eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

Next, Angel only felt the darkness before his eyes, and then he could not perceive anything on the outside world.

Angel seems to be sober while in a coma. Clearly, he does not have the ability to think at this moment, but the sharp pain repeatedly explodes again and again in the depths of his spirit. The pain is accompanied by unconscious sobs, and so…

It took him a long time to wake up and recover from his stupor.

Angel felt a splitting headache and rubbed his temples a little, which turned out to be stained with blood-coloured scabs. He rubbed his head a little too hard and now there were fine crusts of blood.

Looking at the blood scab crusts on the ground, it was not until then that Angel recalled what had happened before he went unconscious.

Angel soon found something similar to this incident recorded in the books he had read.

—Spell Backlash.

According to the book, three kinds of situations lead to Spell Backlash. Firstly, a Wizard forcibly overrides the casting level. Secondly, the magic model construction has errors. Thirdly, half of the magic model is built but the magic power was not enough, resulting in the collapse of the model.

Angel’s circumstance is clearly the third reason.

Spell Backlash, which is common in the Wizard Plane, is mostly due to the second reason for other Wizards based on human brain calculation errors. These accidental mistakes are understandable.

But the third reason… during the apprentice stage, these accidents seldom occur. Because as long as Wizards goes through the steps of practice and accumulation. They will slowly understand their own bottom line so they can avoid these situations of going beyond their bottom line in the future.

Angel is a complete fool, relying too much on the system’s computing power, he directly leapt across mountains without knowing his bottom line. This led to his tragedy in life.

The fate after a Spell Backlash is generally very tragic, with very few comings out with minor injuries and most with even serious injuries which result in death. As a result, formal Wizards seldom build models randomly and indiscriminately, mostly following in the footsteps of their predecessors. At least this path is much safer.

Angel’s situation is not good; his whole mental space is messy. As soon as he attempts entering a meditative state, he will feel a splitting headache.

Fortunately, he built a very low-level magic model, not a complete spell model. So, the spell backlash situation is not as serious as one may imagine. He only needs ten days to half a month of rest, and it will automatically ease down.

Not being able to meditate for ten days to half a month puts an end to Angel’s reckless experimenting.

Angel watched as the system was still autonomously calculating the arrangement and composition of “cleansing.” He thought about it and left it alone to continue calculating. He dragged his tired body out of the quiet room and boiled some water to take a bath to wash all the bloody scabs off his body.

Soaked in warm water, Angel’s mood has not completely recovered yet.

Because of his neglect in common sense, and the blind belief in the “Holographic Tablet,” his resulting blind self-confidence led to such reckless behaviour.

Also thanks in part to the magic model being built with only a variant of a level 0 magic cleansing, weakening the aftereffects. Otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable! From the bottom of his heart, Angel secretly warned himself with this kind of lesson. Once would be enough, and there would never be the next time!

Not being able to meditate for a while, Angel doesn’t want to stay idle. He just starts sorting out the information in the Holographic Tablet.

Most of the books recorded from Sanders Library are in image format, and Angel only needs quickly sort them out by a category.

But some of the information he recorded in the Nightmare Plane, such as the leather scrolls are mostly not in image format. Angel needs to go through them one by one and take screenshots and make corrections before he can place them in the right folder. This process is time-consuming and laborious, but Angel can only sort them out slowly.

In the course of his sorting, the combination arrangement of water and wind elements in “cleaning” was calculated by the system with the total combinations coming to 630. Angel created a magic cleansing subfolder in the magic folder, setting it up as the “level 0 magic-cleansing” folder. He put in all the arrangements and combinations derived from the system. After the Spell Backlash is alleviated, his study will be continued.

The third day of the Month of Flower.

Angel laid down his work and noticed Sanders Wizard Garden was close to “completion,” one day before hearing from Housekeeper Goode a week ago.

Angel decided to wait for Phantom Island first to start sorting again. Although he did not know what the so-called “opportunity” was, seeing as so many other Wizard Apprentices are gathering around and eyeing Phantom Island covetously. He wants to come to see if this “opportunity” has any prospects.

Angel combed and washed, trying to appear more energetic. He even wore his gorgeous clothes, meticulously combed his head into a slick back style. But his bloodless cheeks, as well as his drowsy eyes caused by the Spell backlash, made him look more morbid. As if a gust of wind could blow him over at any moment.

“Alas…” Angel looked at his decadent self-image in the mirror and finally sighed. He took off his flashy coat and put on the “school uniform” he had received from the Resource Allocation Hall. A black robe in the style of a bed sheet.

Angel stepped out of the house with a hood covering his pale face.

When he left, Angel did not forget calling Toby to follow along.

“The last time we went to Phantom Island. You heard about it too.” Angel said to Toby, who was standing on his shoulder. “There is a big opportunity when the Wizard Garden takes shape. When we arrive there together, maybe you can also hit the opportunity and be a bird that turns into a phoenix.”

A Phoenix is a mythological bird of Earth. Toby, of course, has never heard of it. But this does not prevent him from understanding Angel’s meaning and nodding excitedly.

Angel saw Toby’s cheerful appearance and was in a much better mood. He laughed and patted his little head. “Even if there’s no opportunity this time, when I go to High Cloud Library next time, I’ll help you find out how to practice as a Warcraft.”

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