Summoned Slaughterer

Chapter 100: Welcome To The Jungle

Chapter 100: Welcome To The Jungle

Oh. (Hifumi)

While walking through the forest following Puuses guidance, Hifumi discovered the same thing he saw not long ago. It was the figure of an elf entrusting their back to a large tree.

Its a different person from the one he saw first. The elf still hasnt completely changed into a wooden figure.

Once Hifumi got close without listening to Puuses shy restraint, the left eye of the sitting elder elf opened.

You are conscious? (Hifumi)

Human, eh? I was able to see something unusual just before my death

The elder elf, who talks in a fragile voice, was a male. Wearing a plain attire as if he has wrapped himself in a cloth, he is sitting in a cross-legged posture.

Most of the visible part have transformed. Around one third of the mouth on the right and the right eye in the face had turned into moss-covered bark.

The voice, which leaks from a gap in the slightly opened mouth, seems to be really strained.

Is it painful? Are you seeing properly? (Hifumi)

What a barrage of questions.

The elder elf, who spilled a laughter as if leaking air with a fufu, shifted his attention to Puuse, who is standing behind Hifumi.

Puuse, huh? The one who brought along a human is you?

E-Excuse me. (Puuse)

Theres nothing to apologize. I was able to have an interesting encounter in my last moments. Human, do you want to ask something?

Returning his sight onto Hifumi, the elf muttered I dont have much time left.

My body will gradually stop to move. The tree-turned parts dont feel anything, be it getting wet or cracking.

Even my hunger vanished before I realized it, the elder elf explains.

A gentle death, huh? (Hifumi)

Fufufu Human, its different.

The elder elf turns his eyeball in a circle. His gaze turned towards everything in visible range.

I can watch like this, but its only in the range of my eyeballs movement. I wonder how far it will become.

Fuufuu, his breathing goes roughly.

My breathing- is slowly- getting painful. Its not- a gentle sensation. What is certain- is me gradually heading towards the approaching death. Undoubtedly, if its like this and even if I stop moving completely, I will probably survive- for a while. Without seeing, without hearing and unable to move.

That probably doesnt mean that its not scary, he says.

Even my tears arent flowing anymore. It seems Im going mad due to the despair of being unable to handle my own death.

Such a (Puuse)

Puuse has become speechless with a pale face due to his fear towards death, she heard of for the first time.

The ones, who were unaware of it, isnt only you. Its an unapproachable law, created by someone, for anyone facing death, but thats wrong.

Without anyone knowing the truth, they vanish into the forest believing to be visited by a gentle death.

The result of that is this. Therefore, Im grateful- for being able to talk to someone. And, human.

What is it? (Hifumi)

Please- kill me. Any more and I will cease being a living creature. I dont want to taste dread

I see. Its fine, I guess. (Hifumi)

Hifumi readily accepted his request and drew the katana from his waist.

P-Please wait! Something like killing him (Puuse)

You are a cruel fellow. (Hifumi)

Eh? (Puuse)

I was told something unexpected, Puuse raised a voice of surprise.

Its as the human says, Puuse. For the current me death is a salvation.

Such a (Puuse)

I want to examine the corpse. (Hifumi)

The elder elf smiled within the range of being unable to change his expression due to the words of Hifumi, who prepared his katana.

If I can die, its fine for you to do as you like afterwards. Human, your name is?

Its Hifumi. (Hifumi)

I see, Hifumi, huh? You have my gratitude.

See ya. (Hifumi)

Holding the katana above his head, the katana, which was brought down head-on, divided him into two separate halves up to the head with its marvellous sharpness.

Moreover, the head drops sideways due to a horizontal slash.

The head, which was split into two parts, tumbled down from the neck stopping its breathing.

C-Cruel (Puuse)

Whats cruel is the state inside his body. (Hifumi)

Using the point of the katana, Hifumi pointed at the cut end of the head, which fell to ground, up.

Uuh (Puuse)

While somehow enduring the stuff swelling up from within her throat due to the gruesome view, Puuse timidly turns her sight.

Hifumi examined it carefully from point-blank range while squatting.

Even the heads contents have mostly transformed. So, whats this? (Hifumi)

Hifumi, who had seen the interior of humans many times, knitted his brows due to the appearance as if an entire part of the components was created to be replaced by wood.

Moreover, theres another part Hifumi doesnt understand.

Do you know what this white thing is? (Hifumi)

I dont know. Its the first time that I saw this, but (Puuse)

What Hifumi saw was a sticky white something, which clung thickly to a part which was on the verge of changing to wood within the head.

Once he tries to lightly scoop it up with his finger, there are sticky strings drooping.

I dont know this. It might be something characteristic to elves. (Hifumi)

Wiping his finger with a paper, Hifumi stood up and muttered in a small voice,

It would be best, if I could see the contents of a still safe fellow though. (Hifumi)

Eh? What did you say? (Puuse)

Hifumi, who saw Puuses look of not having heard it, is intently glaring at Puuses head while staying silent.

Did something happen? (Puuse)

Feeling something frightening from his gaze, Puuse asks nervously.

No, its nothing. Rather than that, lets hurry up. (Hifumi)

According to Puuses explanation, the barrier for imprisoning the demon race deep within the forest is apparently created with the elves mana in a special location, where a magic square was drawn, just past the village.

In the end it wont work unless we pass through the village? (Hifumi)

Please, Id like you to have peaceful talks in the village. (Puuse)

That depends on you guys behaviour. I dont have a playful mind to attempt being on good terms with hostile fellows. (Hifumi)

On the contrary, questions are rapidly released by Hifumi. Even though Hifumi knew about it once he entered the elven forest, perception magic for the sake of protection has been set up close to the barrier. He realizes that its unclear whether it has been done by elves, beastmen or humans.

As he only met accidentally with Shiku in the midst of his patrol, it was Puuses group, who came to welcome him upon Zangas order.

While having such conversation, the village came in sight.

Two elves, holding bows, are standing in front of the simple wooden gate.

Ah, we arrived (Puuse)

Puuse believed that it would turn into a quarrel, if she guided him there just like that, but they ended up arriving without her coming up with any idea in the end.

Wait! Stop!

The two elves, who stood watch at the gate, call out to them.

Human, huh? We were told you would be coming, but why Puuse and on her back Shiku? What happened?

Let me see Since it will be too long to explain, I want to lead him to Zanga-samas place first. (Puuse)

Is that so? Please take the human along since I will carry Shiku to his house.

Lifting up Shiku, who was still unconscious, one of the elves leaves.

W-Well then, its this way. (Puuse)

While being relieved that she was at least able to avoid a critical situation without resolving the unacceptable circumstances in any way on purpose, Puuse continues to guide him.

All of the houses as far as the eyes can see are one-story houses, which were build with wooden planks and some ivy and twigs. Without having anything door-like, slightly dirty clothes are hanging at the entrances similar to a sign curtain hung at shop entrances.

Zanga-samas house is over there. (Puuse)

The building, pointed at by Puuse, is two times bigger than the other ones. A simple door, which was made with a board and not a cloth, was installed at the entrance.

Hifumi, who stopped and watched it for a short while as he had some feeling of discomfort, noticed that building to not have any windows. The other buildings have openings, although those are merely hollowed out, for the sake of letting skylight in, but those cant be seen in that build at all.

Without realizing that peculiarity, Puuse stood in front of the door and called out towards the buildings interior.

Zanga-sama, its Puuse. I have brought the human. (Puuse)

Ah, thank you. Come and enter. (Zanga)

A hoarse voice of an old woman resounded from inside.

Since we got permission, please go ahead. (Puuse)

Being urged on by Puuse, who opened the entrance by detaching the whole board, Hifumi steps inside without hesitation.

The building seems to have only one room. A bed, which was a cloth covering a pile of dried grass, and a low wooden table are visible.

With the entire building having no windows, only a small flame, faintly swaying in a place, similar to a sunken hearth, in the middle of the one room, is dimly illuminating the inside.

So you came, human-san. Look, its fine for you to sit down over there. (Zanga)

Sitting in the centre of the room, the old woman points at the opposite side of her across the sunken hearth. Skilfully breaking a thin branch with only her right hand, she fed it to the fire.

A cloth, similar to the bedding, is covering a pile of dried grass at the designated spot.

Hifumi, who sat down without reservation, looked straight at the old woman. Equal to the elves, who were reduced to arbour and whom he saw in the forest, she has well-regulated features. Her face, carved by deep wrinkles, can be even regarded as similar to annual tree rings giving her the impression of having lived for many years.

Puuse, you can go now. Since I will talk with our guest, return to your other work. (Zanga)

Yes. Then, excuse me. (Puuse)

Once Puuse leave, the old woman sighs and throws a small branch, she held in her right hand, into the fire again. Suddenly approaching the fire by getting on her right knee, the aged face of Zanga shines more vividly than the swaying flame.

Although you seem to be quite old, your body still moves? (Hifumi)

By that way of speaking, it looks like you know what will happen to an elf at their final moments, eh? (Zanga)

With her talking about the details, Hifumi knows, in order to confirm, he nodded indicating that Zanga was correct.

The elves, you know, live in this forest since long ago. They died in this forest no, were absorbed into large trees Seen from a humans standpoint, what do you think about this? (Zanga)

Its abnormal. (Hifumi)

Fufu Hihihi. (Zanga)

Zanga was happy and laughed due to his direct and denying words.

Abnormal, huh? I guess thats true. Something like there being no other way but to only wait for oneself becoming unable to move is strange. (Zanga)

Did you especially invite me to ask me that? (Hifumi)

No, not at all. I only tried asking you because I was worried about this a bit. (Zanga)

That, Zanga pointed at the katana, Hifumi laid aside.

What made the elf pass on some time ago was that sword, right? I want to be killed in the same way, too. I cant make such request to another elf. (Zanga)

Elves absolutely wont do anything like injuring their brethren. They seem to have established the concept that all of them should die in the forest, with the exception being death by sickness or accident.

By the looks your transformation hasnt yet started, though no, your foot and the left hand, huh? (Hifumi)

Keen insight, eh (Zanga)

As you surmised, my left foot and left hand have already stiffened and I have lost the ability to move them, Zanga says.

I had a weak body since back then though. While obediently secluding myself within my house, I ended up dragging on my long life before I realized so myself. However, I wondered whether I should disappear into death by leaving to the forest, if this progressed a bit more even though its shameful, I got scared. (Zanga)

Zanga laughed with a feeling of self-mockery, but that laughter settled down before long.

Therefore, human guest, I want to die before that happens. Death isnt scary. Waiting for death while unable to do anything, thats scary. (Zanga)

Well, its fine, I guess. However, is it fine, even if the villagers die as result of that? (Hifumi)

What do you mean by that? (Zanga)

You dont know? Hifumi glared at Zanga.

I dont particularly mind killing you. I dont care either way. But, the other elves, who would become aware of it, will probably try to avenge you. I dont have a spirit of self-sacrifice to be done in easily due to that, is what Im saying. (Hifumi)

I wonder if you cant wait for one night. I will explain to the villagers. (Zanga)

After hesitating for a short while, Zanga said that and promised Hifumi to make sure that no harm comes his way. Even if there was someone causing harm to Hifumi and if that someone had the tables turned on them, it would be up to Hifumi to do as he likes, she says.

I will prepare a bed. Apart from that, as exchange for listening to my request, isnt there something I can do for you, I wonder? (Zanga)

Why are only you among the elves scared to enter the forest? (Hifumi)

Zanga quickly averted her look due to Hifumis question.

Well, theres no point even if I hear it. It will be fine, if you stay silent until your death. There is nothing I want to request from you. I heard everything I wanted to hear from that elven woman. (Hifumi)

Is that so? Thank you. If you head right after leaving this place, there will be a small house. Since Puuses home is next to it, it would be good, if you greeted her. I will arrange for a meal as well. (Zanga)

No, its unnecessary because I have food. (Hifumi)

I see. If thats the case, see you tomorrow. Please come to this place tomorrow. (Zanga)

Since I have to resolve myself for death, Zanga regained her smile once again.

Inn the appointed hut, Hifumi, who rested on dry grass, woke up after sensing a presence stepping inside.

The time is still before dawn.

Who is it? (Hifumi)

What came leaping into the sight of Hifumi, who pulled the katana towards himself swiftly and took a stance of nukiuchi, was that young elf Shiku.

H-Human! (Shiku)

Due to him awkwardly calling out while being afraid, Hifumi doesnt release his stance.

Its a smart move to attack someone while they are asleep, but you are fare too unskilled at erasing your presence. (Hifumi)

I-Its different! Puuse-neechan is in great trouble! (Shiku)

Puuse? Ah, that elven woman, huh? I dont care. (Hifumi)

Hanging the katana at his waist, Hifumi sat down on the grass bed.

Such a thing! I beg you, please save Puuse-neechan! (Shiku)

Putting that aside, wouldnt it be better to hide? (Hifumi)

Eh? Au!? (Shiku)

The pellet, which came flying from behind Shiku, grazed Shikus shoulder without hitting Hifumi.

Wind blades, mixed with stones of various sizes, come flying one after the other. The cloth, hanging at the entrance of the hut, has been torn to pieces.

Him having fallen down at the moment of receiving an injury bears results. With the exception of the shallow cut on his shoulder, Shiku has sustained no injury worth mentioning.

However, the building, which has suffered damage in succession, is very unlikely to last any longer.

The walls are riddled with holes and the pillars are shaking grandly as well.

U-Uwah! (Shiku)

Watching the roof collapsing at last, Shiku clung to Hifumi.

Seeing the hut collapsing completely and getting enveloped in a cloud of dust, the elves, who cast the spells, raised laughters.

Hee, the likes of humans. You will pay for the crime of having killed our brethren with your life.

Laughing foolishly, the elves can hear someones voice with their ears.

Crime, eh? I dont have any intention to go along with your revenge game.

The cloud of dust vanished in an instant and above the collapsed hut a large, dark disk was rotating.

And, the one who stood on top of it was Hifumi.

Shiku is clinging to his waist.

Though I didnt have any intention to do this either. (Hifumi)

Hifumi thrust his hand into the round dark magic, which absorbed the roof and the dust, and took out the kusarigama.

Lets reply with a big service, if you want to kill me. (Hifumi)

While whirling around the counterweight attached at the end of the chain, he tightly grasps the sickle with his right hand.

Use you magic steadily. Its going to be an enjoyable contest of strength between fantasy and martial arts. (Hifumi)

Hifumi slowly took one step forwards.

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