Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 246: Guan Feng’s Treat [Part 2]

Chapter 246: Guan Feng’s Treat [Part 2]

After the interview was over, the examinees were allowed to return to their temporary hostels and await the final notice.

Libero and Ironhead had already returned by the time Cillin made it back to the hostel. The lifeless expression on their faces made it clear that the interview hadn’t been kind to them either.

A teacher had asked Ironhead this question: “With this interview hall as the center, how many stones are there within a one kilometer radius?”

Ironhead couldn’t answer this question.

“Are you stupid? Just give them a random number. It’s not like those teachers will actually investigate it, right?” The gray cat stared at him scornfully.

Ironhead sighed. “The problem is, the teacher also said this at the end of the question: “Please provide proof.””

The gray cat fell silent, looked away and went back to crunching fish biscuits.

Although Ironhead felt very dejected when he initially walked out of the interview hall, he felt a lot more relaxed when he learned that everyone’s treatment was more or less the same.

The results were quickly announced. The students who were enrolled would be given a communicator and contacted through the device at a later point in time.

Everyone inside Cillin’s hostel had received a communicator. Ironhead and Libero were extremely excited, while Teita and Walley reacted a lot calmer than they did. Teita was taken away by the old manservant who sent him over in the first place right after he received the communicator, while Walley went to an unknown location according to the instructions he was given through the communicator and never returned as well. The next day a few people came over to pack Walley’s stuff, and they claimed to be his dear senior brothers.

Why did they call themselves Walley’s “dear” senior brothers? For most enrolled students, their tests results determined which teacher they were assigned under. To the previous term students under Walley’s teacher, the newbies who just joined their ranks were their “dear” junior brothers or sisters, unlike the previous term students of other teachers, who simply referred to each other as senior or junior brother or sister. That was the difference.

Not long after Walley left, Cillin also received a call through his communicator.

“You’re at your temporary hostel, right?” Guan Feng’s image appeared on the communicator. He looked as “harmless” and seemingly serious as he used to.

“I am,” Cillin answered.

“Good. Go pack your stuff; your senior brother will be heading over and picking you up some time later.” Guan Feng cut off the call right after he said this.

Cillin looked at the his communicator for a second before informing Libero and Ironhead about the call. Then, he grabbed the gray cat by the scruff of the neck and went back into his room to pack his stuff.

The gray cat watched Cillin work as it lay lazily on top of a cabinet. From time to time, the cat would instruct, “Ah, pack that one into the bag too. That a spoil of war I got from Dahl!”

Cillin pulled out a piece of crocodile skin from underneath the bed and threw it into the bag.

“There’s also a rhino horn down there! I bit it off a rhino’s head!” The gray cat said while pointing beneath the bed.

Cillin threw the bag aside, grabbed the gray cay by the scruff of the neck again and pushed it beneath the bed, “You pack your own stuff!”

As it turned out, the gray cat had hoarded a pile of random things and the shells of some insects it toyed to death but didn’t consume beneath the bed.

“If you’re not going to eat these things then throw them away! Don’t let them turn into mold beneath the bed!”

“But these insects won’t turn into mold, I’ve checked with them before!” The gray cat said from beneath the bed, swaying its tail.

By “them”, the gray cat was referring to the animals such as King Kong and Boa.

“I don’t care, if you hoard another pile of insects beneath any beds I’m putting you inside the same trash bag as these insects and will leave you outside.”

“... Alright.”

The gray cat was reluctant to toss away its precious insects just like that, so it swallowed everything.

Cillin sighed as he stared at the gray cat. It keeps getting fatter...

Cillin hadn’t kept much stuff in his room. Not long after he packed his stuff, Goryeo had shown up inside a car.

“Yo Cillin, we finally meet again!” Goryeo greeted Cillin.

Cillin returned the greeting and bid Libero and Ironhead goodbye before he entered Goryeo’s car while carrying the gray cat.

“Where are we going?” Cillin asked.

“Our teacher’s place. Teacher Guan is going to treat us to a meal and introduce us seniors to you today.” When he said this, the corner of Goryeo’s mouth twitched unnaturally for some reason.

“How many students do Teacher Guan have?”

“Our teacher has a weird temper and extremely high standards, so there really aren’t that many of us. There’s you, me, a senior brother and a senior sister. Our senior brother is called Pistura, and our senior sister is called Fu Qingqing. However...” Goryeo paused for a moment before continuing, “None of us were allowed to use the PTS K. Although they personally believe that they’re capable of using the weapon now, Teacher Guan still hasn’t permitted them to use it. That makes you the only one out of all of us who was permitted to use K, so watch out. Senior brother and senior sister might not be as kind to you as they could be.”

Goryeo was giving Cillin a friendly warning, informing him that the senior brother and senior sister he never met in his life might be prejudiced against him. Conflict might even be inevitable. Cillin wasn’t afraid though.

“So what, if they hit us we’ll hit right back at them!” The gray cat said on top of Cillin’s shoulder.

Goryeo didn’t interrupt the gray cat. He had researched the gray cat before, and he knew that it was powerful enough to bully Panther the black panther so badly that the latter wanted to hide in a hole and never come out, and bit the giant crocodile, Dahl into tears. Even he didn’t think he could fight the gray cat. Another thought entered Goryeo’s mind: did Old Fox Guan nab Cillin from Griffin so forcefully because he had seen the power of this cat? Regardless, this was a “buy one get one free” deal alright.

Goryeo’s flying car reached a slightly spacious location. A larger spaceplane was parked nearby. When the pilot of the spaceplane noticed Goryeo’s car, they opened up the hatch and allowed Goryeo to drive right into the spaceplane.

“This is Teacher Guan’s private spaceplane, but it’s not the only one he has. If you are free in the future, you can ask Teacher Guan to lend you one for a spin. He won’t turn down a request like this.” Goryeo said while leading Cillin into the cockpit.

Guan Feng’s spaceplane took to the space and flew towards the planet where the affiliated schools’ main campus was situated.

The three affiliated schools took up a part of the planet each, but most of the time AF1 and AF2 loved to pretend that AF3 didn’t exist at all. It was because AF3 didn’t qualify as a true rival.

AF1 and AF2 were the two best schools in the Mist Mist Bodhisattva Empire. Geniuses were everywhere in this place, and geniuses loved to compete with each other. That was why AF1 and AF2 constantly competed with each other overtly or covertly.

AF3’s students were a collected bunch. In fact, they were very happy to be ignored by the other two affiliated schools. After all, catching the attention of AF1 or AF2 students usually ended badly for them.

Speaking of which, AF1 and AF2 usually referred to each other as the “neighbor”. They disliked calling each other school’s name, AF1 or AF2, directly. AF2 especially was very displeased with the naming because it made it sound like they were far inferior to AF1.

In reality, 90% of the courses in AF1 and AF2 were the same. Sometimes, the two schools even held their elective courses together. There was something even more important than the courses though, and it was the missions set up by their respective teachers.

According to Goryeo, an affiliated school’s mission wasn’t nearly as simple as a normal school’s. The teacher could very well instruct them to kill someone or do something that was extremely risky.

“There’s no need to worry too much though. Teacher Guan can be very extreme sometimes, but he’s usually reliable during mission assignments. Plus, the pay is pretty good,” Goryeo explained.

AF1 and AF2 students weren’t required to pay any tuition fee. On the contrary, the school sometimes covered their living expenses. Therefore, their income normally came in two ways: the school and the teachers.

There was no universal standard on how much a teacher should pay their students. Some teachers paid more, and some less. Of course, the pay was also related to the type of person the students had to deal with during the mission. If the mission was performed successfully and if the teacher was happy with the result, the student would be paid a large sum of money. Otherwise, well, they would be lucky their income wasn’t deducted.

Goryeo led Cillin to an arranged accommodation at AF1. They might be students under the same teacher, but that didn’t mean they lived in the same area. Accommodation arrangements were purely random.

His accommodation was a bachelor’s apartment, but it was twice as big as the bachelor’s apartment at Seven Lights. It looked pretty good too.

Goryeo looked at the time and said, “Alright, let’s head over to Teacher Guan’s house now.”

“I thought he’s treating us to a meal?”

“He is.” Goryeo’s smile looked a little forced. “Teacher Guan normally treats his guests in his own house. He’s also the cook...”

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