Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 236: Guan Feng’s Gift [Part 2]

Chapter 236: Guan Feng’s Gift [Part 2]

When Guan Feng was done drinking, he put down the glass, stood up and walked towards Bel and Gen Xingming.

His movements immediately caused the stunned Bel and Gen Xingming to tense up in full.

Guan Feng stopped in front of Bel and Gen Xingming before raising his hands to pat their shoulders once. Then, he said gently, “Make sure you’re well prepared. I hope that the two of you will pass your semester exams smoothly.”

After that, while holding his bag of purchased items, he walked out of the shop, got into his car and left the place.

Cold sweat poured down Bel and Gen Xingming’s backs.

On purpose, old fox Guan must’ve done that on purpose!! It was a threat wasn’t it, wasn’t it?! “I hope that the two of you will pass your semester exams smoothly” my ass, he’s totally planning to shoot a crazy question during the semester exams!

“What do we do, Bel?” Gen Xingming asked miserably.

“What else? Let’s go back sooner and see if we can find any hints around the area. If we fall for old fox Guan’s trap and make an exhibit of ourselves then we’re going to be the butt of a joke for a while, and my dad’s probably going to whoop my ass for the next few years.”

Cillin asked curiously after listening to their conversation, “You can find hints to an exam question in your school?”

Gen Xingming pointed at the direction Guan Feng left and said, “The fact that he publicly told us this semester’s exams are going to be harder means that a clue to the exam question is somewhere to be found. However, we’ll have to find this clue ourselves.”

“So you mean that the semester exams had actually begun from the moment he said that?”

Bel nodded. “That’s right. In fact, everyone would spend a great deal of effort to search for the clues of the exam questions prior to every semester exam. However, the results were minimal at best. The three of us - ah, you remember Ulaganuo, the other friend I told you? - would normally work together to find a clue before the exams so that we would have a higher chance of passing them.”

Gen Xingming looked at Cillin sympathetically. “Your exam questions are only going to be crazier if you’re planning to attend AF1. There is still a clue to be found, but it will be pretty difficult to locate.”

Cillin wasn’t scared by their warning. On the contrary, he grew even more interested in AF1 than before. These exams sounded a lot more interesting than the ones at Seven Lights. Many of the exams in Seven Lights were in fact quite inflexible, and even the ones that were had a scope of reference. All in all they weren’t difficult for most students, and were an absolute breeze for Cillin. It would seem every affiliated academies’ exam styles were different from each other...

After Guan Feng had left the parts market on his car, he turned on a communicator that was installed in the vehicle.

“His character is okay, he has the qualifications to get in, his background needs further investigation... It’s okay. Identity is secondary in AF1.”

Guan Feng was holding a part he bought from Old Chang. It was a flying car part assembled from a number of smaller second hand parts by Cillin himself.

The person on the other side of the communicator said something that drew a small laugh or two from Guan Feng. “You know me well. I am using Cillin to give those boys a wake up call.”


Bel and Gen Xingming was plagued by worries after they were ‘terrorized’ by Guan Feng, so they hastily left the shop during the second day. They were students, and they weren’t completely free of responsibilities.

Old Chang didn’t know who Bel, Gen Xingming and Guan Feng were. He had asked Cillin about this before, but Cillin only told him that they were people from the upper class.

Old Chang knew that those three men had only shown up because of Cillin, but he considered himself lucky to be able to bask in his limelight for even a bit, not to mention witnessing a total of three “Whirlwinds” in his life. It might not be a good thing to know about those trio too well, especially since he was just a commoner.

There were some things in life that Old Chang got over very easily, and his meeting with the trio was one of them. So he stopped asking about them after their departure and instead switched the topic to Chang Five’s education for a bit.

Logically speaking, Chang Five should be sent to a primary school due to his age, but considering his current mastery of knowledge he was entirely qualified to study in a middle school immediately.

They could try send him to one of the top three schools of this star region. These schools normally conducted their preliminary tests online during the recruitment period. The fact that some of the questions they asked during the preliminary tests would stump even some of the students who were currently studying in those schools showed just how high their entry standards were. There was a second round of tests after the preliminary tests and other processes such as interviews and so on. If they were nobles, then of course they could skip some of the processes. However, the only way someone of Chang Five’s background could get in was to tread the difficult path just like Chang Three and Chang Four.

Bel had talked to Cillin about the children’s future education while they were at Baelenbaatar. He could see that Bel was willing to deliver them straight into the best school of the star region or even the imperial capital, if that was the kids’ wish.

But Cillin knew Chang Five enough to know that the boy held a great pride at the bottom of his heart. He would rather pass through the tests step by step than rely on Bel to get into a school.

Cillin asked Chang Five about this, and as he expected Chang Five turned down the offer. He decided to challenge the exam with his own strength and get into Baelenbaatar just like Chang Three and Chang Four. His family was there, and it was more convenient to call back home from Baelenbaatar.

The way the gray cat put it, it didn’t matter which school Chang Five entered. The only thing he lacked was a stepping stone, and one of the top ten school of the star region, Baelenbaatar was a good place to start as any. It would enable Chag Five to progress even further than before.

One day, the gray cat rolled back and forth across the bed because it couldn’t sleep.

“When can we go back, Cillin? I still got some stuff stored up inside the base, you know. I’m worried that Snowball and Dough will eat them while I’m not around.” There was no way it was admitting that it missed those fellows.

Cillin sighed and scratched the gray cat’s chin, “I don’t know either...”

Maybe, maybe he might be able to find some real ways to go home if he went to the imperial capital and got into contact with people at higher places.

“Let’s go to the imperial capital, Wheeze.”

“The imperial capital? That sounds like a nice place, and it’s not a bad idea to head out and relieve our boredom a little. Oh, that AF1 is also there. We should go there and take a look too.” The gray cat wanted to know exactly how many more idiots like that black panther were there in that place.


After he had made up his mind, Cillin informed Old Chang of his decision.

The shop had welcomed a new employee, and Cillin himself was the guy who verified him. His name was Alai, and he came from the commoner zone too. He was a good lad, but what was important was that he didn’t have a bad bone in his body. With him around, Cillin wouldn’t need to worry about taking care of Old Chang and the little fellows. After all, the robots couldn’t handle everything. There were many things that only a human could do.

After he had arranged everything, Cillin and the gray cat went on a new journey and headed towards the imperial capital star region of the Mist Bodhisattva Empire.

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