Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 356: “Dumbledore and Others”

Chapter 356: “Dumbledore and Others”

The attack did not impact Hogwarts students much, and everyone stayed in the common room safely that night without any trouble.

However, the news that everything was safe was quickly spread to the students who hadn’t fallen asleep. While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they also began to ask what happened curiously.

Sean and Stephanie were the only ones who were not in the common room; they became everyone’s main focus. As soon as they returned to the common room, Sean was surrounded by crowds.

“Guys, Professor McGonagall will explain the situation to everyone tomorrow.” Sean rubbed his head and said.

It is impossible to hide this kind of thing from them, and they need to know it sooner or later. But Sean has no energy now. He suffered no damage in tonight’s battle, but his energy was consumed a lot.

After all, he was facing wizards who always cast the Killing Curse. He seemed to deal with it easily, but maintaining high vigilance for long was a load of work.

Fortunately, Sean is quite respectable in Ravenclaw. Seeing what he said, they dispersed understandingly.

“Sean, are you alright?” Hermione and Daisy asked with some concern.

The two looked suspiciously at Stephanie, who was silent behind him.

“It’s nothing, but I’m a little tired tonight, and some things will be taken care of later. Let’s just sleep.” Sean smiled.

He turned to Stephanie again and said, “You did well tonight. You should go to bed earlier.”

Stephanie nodded, “Good night.”

She left quickly.

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

After a brief explanation with Hermione Daisy, Sean fell asleep on the bed. This is probably the most tiring birthday he has ever had.

At the same time, in a huge temple-like building. A wizard was in a big robe, bowing to the old man in front of him.

“It was just an accident. I admit that there were malicious people in the Guards. I apologize for the accident that Hogwarts suffered.”

The eyes of the old man in front of him did not change.

“Are the Guards also victims?” he asked.

The wizard breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said, “Of course, this is because of our recklessness. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, Mr. Dumbledore.”

Dumbledore nodded lightly, “I have always believed you must maintain trust. There is no need for you to do that. I hope you will be more careful in the future.”

“Thank you for your tolerance and understanding, Mr. Dumbledore.”

“I’ll take over here.” Dumbledore finished speaking, took out his wand, swung it violently, and disappeared in place.

The wizard looked up in a daze, not knowing why he said this sentence. However, he quickly understood what he meant. Behind him, the temple, hidden in the shadows, made a rumbling sound. The smoke and dust filled the air, the stone walls collapsed one by one, and the whole temple shook and sank violently.

The pupils of the wizard shrank, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he instinctively took out his wand to stop it. A voice came from the very top of the temple, which was the only building that didn’t sink. It was floating in mid-air, and the bottom had become ruins.

“Let him go. Dumbledore’s anger needs to be endured, and you can’t stop his spell. He has gone further than we thought.”

The wizard shivered and retreated. His eyes were blank, and he watched the temple that his ancestors had guarded for thousands of years crash to the ground.

“We know that Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts, and he knows that we did it.”

“Pablo Calchas took his own life by using the contract. He must have suffered an inhuman torture.”

“Poor child,” a voice of indifference “But don’t worry about him revealing our secrets, the contract will not allow him to say anything.”

“I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about Dumbledore.”

“It’s time for you to change your way of thinking, old friend. Dumbledore is untrustworthy, but he has planned many things for us. For now, we can cooperate with him safely and get what we need. For me, that’s good.”

“Yes, that’s right. We need to make sure that he won’t be united with Grindelwald.”

“Even though I don’t have a body, my consciousness is still warning me. Our plan will be severely damaged if these two people are together.”

“Impossible,” A voice said firmly, “The relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald has been completely torn apart, and they can’t be together again.”

Another voice also agreed, “Yes, I have already checked it, and that thing is definitely not faked by him. If he can even fake this, then his power has already reached the sky, and he does not need to have anything to do with us. He can even change the world at will according to his wishes.”

These few voices finally convinced, “You are right…”

There was silence for a while, and finally, someone said, “Let’s keep executing the plan.”

“As usual, let me know and mobilize all the power of the Ministry of Magic. I want to make sure that the new president of the Confederation is one of us.”

“Where’s the creature?”

“We can get it later. If we can’t, we can change the target. Stop those groups who were after it, and let that Scamander take the Qilin. He is Dumbledore’s man, as long as it doesn’t fall into the hands of Grindelwald. Everything will be fine.”



The last day of October draws to a close, and November arrives.

The students hurried into the Great Hall, wanting to know what happened last night. Right away, they saw something was wrong.

In the hall, a group of wizards were already sitting there, and many students had already recognized each other’s identities. Those were the residents of Hogsmeade, and many of them still had wounds on their bodies.

Surprised, the students walked into the hall, and soon someone discovered something was wrong.

Among the gemstone hourglasses representing the scores of the four colleges, the one belonging to Ravenclaw exploded with many gemstones. Students concerned about the scores stepped forward, counted them, and said in surprise, “Someone added almost hundreds of points!”

Only two people were not in Ravenclaw last night, Sean and Stephanie. Professor McGonagall quickly dealt with the students’ doubts.

“Last night, Hogwarts was attacked. Among them, Hogsmeade suffered the most casualties. They will temporarily stay in the castle. I hope everyone understands this situation.”

“The attack comes from an unknown force. Many of the attackers are escapees from Azkaban. They are trying to destroy the peace here.”

“Fortunately, Hogsmeade didn’t suffer much, and I have to credit two students who helped the situation.”

“Sean Wallup and Stephanie Ollivander from Ravenclaw showed extraordinary courage and excellent magical abilities last night, helping the professors fight off the attackers and save many lives. Especially Mr. Wallup showed the ability and quality of a best Hogwarts student.” Professor McGonagall’s tone was serious yet full of pride.

The eyes of all the students became blazing, and they rarely heard such praise from Professor McGonagall.

Fred even stood up exaggeratedly and pointed at Sean, “He faced the prisoners of Azkaban and defeated them?!”

Professor McGonagall nodded, “Yes, he defeated many of the attackers by himself and performed better than the others. Of course, Miss Ollivander, too, is equally brave and excellent.”

Several people stood up and bowed to pay tribute to Sean at the residents of Hogsmeade. Ms. Flume bowed gratefully to Sean, “Mr. Wallop, you saved me. My husband told me when he was in his hospital bed that you can come every time to Honeydukes for free.”

Sean said helplessly, “It’s nothing. I’m just doing what I should have done.”

The hall suddenly became noisy. The students applauded Sean and showed admiration and eagerness in their eyes. Students also surrounded Stephanie; she seemed not quite used to this praise and adjusted her glasses repeatedly.

Sean shook hands with the students one by one and saw Professor McGonagall smiling at him in the crowd. He understood the meaning of what she said last night.

That Hogwarts will stand on his side.

Professor McGonagall continued when the students’ enthusiasm finally subsided, “Sean Wallup and Stephanie Ollivander have been given several hundred points. The school decided to award special contributions to the two, and Hogwarts will always remember your bravery and dedication.”

There was thunderous applause in the hall.

Inside the Room of Requirements, Sean was panting heavily. Sometimes, dealing with enthusiastic classmates was even more tiring than fighting the wizards last night.

Hermione helped him tidy up his robe, shook her head, and said, “My God, Sean. You have to avoid them these few days. Daisy and I couldn’t even get within five meters of you just now.”

Daisy was staring at him. She said, “Wow, Sean is really amazing.”

“Come on now,” Sean said helplessly, “Last night, except for the basilisk, Dave and the others were all released by me.”

Hearing this, Hermione frowned, “Is the situation that serious?”

“Well, there were at least forty people who attacked Hogsmeade last night, and most of them were from the prison. However, their skills are not too strong. They can be dealt with easily except for the amount of them.”

“My God,” Hearing Sean say this, the two realized that they had even underestimated the seriousness of last night’s incident.

“However, everything is okay now and not a big problem.” Sean said with a smile.

Last night, he thwarted their plan and also got some useful information. What Sean said to Hughes at the end was actually a test.

Sean wanted to use this to test him, and Hughes’s attitude had already shown that a Returner had established the Guards. But they did not appear in the field. They had to rely on the Guards to make a move.

It’s just that their real intention is still unknown, and Sean did this in order to lure them to take action and disrupt the rhythm of their plan.

However, Hughes was quite calm, didn’t take the bait directly, and didn’t leak some information that Sean wanted. But Sean still has a backup plan.

The airwing bird has grown three or four times its size and flew over cheerfully. It pointed its long tail at the hidden creatures that Pudding fought before.

Sean smiled, touched the airwing bird’s head, and walked to the side.

Some contract spells bind wizards, but magical animals are not.

Having dealt with those people, Sean can see that they did not care about magical animals and thought they were just some kind of tool. They don’t treat magical animals like they treat wizards, and they don’t make friends with magical animals in a gentle way.

Therefore, the magical animals they control are probably controlled with some unknown spells.

But now, the two creatures controlled by the Calchas family can provide a lot of information, and Sean can speak in their language.

These two creatures were obviously controlled by unknown means, and Sean’s affinity for magical animals was useless, so he needed some other way. Something has happened to this creature’s thoughts, and the diluted venom of the Winged Demon can eliminate this.

“I hope it works…” After getting the venom from Dave, Sean directly poured it.

After that, Sean administered a healing potion to the two. They woke up. Its eyes were no longer full of anger and murderous intent.

Sean was overjoyed and met the eyes of the creature.

“Look at me, little guy.” There was an unspeakable charm in his voice.

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