Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 338: “Brand New Spell”

Chapter 338: “Brand New Spell”

The Flash Spell brought enough surprises to Sean, and Hermione and Daisy were also amazed.

Of course, with Sean’s current proficiency in spells, the effect of the Flash Spell is not good. But once the proficiency increases and Sean can cast silently or even without a wandless, the Flash Spell will be one of the most powerful spells in actual combat.

The success of casting it for the first time gave Sean a lot of motivation. In order to remember the feeling just now, he tried again.

It worked again. This time, he tried to set the distance of the flash to be shorter, and simultaneously, he accelerated his movements.

As Sean expected, the casting time required this time is shorter than last time. When Sean was ready to do it again, Hermione suddenly stood up.

She covered her mouth and looked at Sean in disbelief.

“What’s wrong, Hermione?” Sean asked suspiciously.

“You teleported!” Hermione’s voice was sharp and excited.

Sean didn’t react for a moment. He spread his hands strangely and looked, “Yeah, I did it twice. Is there something wrong with me?”

“Not that!” Hermione stomped her feet in disbelief, “You teleported! You teleported in Hogwarts!”

“Yeah, I teleported…” Sean replied subconsciously and then froze in place.

He also opened his mouth wide. All teleportation and flight magic is prohibited within the area of Hogwarts. The only exception is the Phoenix’s teleportation ability.

Apparition, Floo Powder, Portkeys, all of them are forbidden. Only the principal can open access it, and Sean obviously didn’t get Dumbledore’s permission.

He raised his wand in surprise. Although the casting time was different and the distance was very short, he did teleport within Hogwarts twice. Logically speaking, this is impossible. As an extremely powerful magic item, coupled with the fact that it was built in a magic field, it was impossible for Sean to do so.

Then there is only one possibility.

The essence of the Flash Spell is not movement or teleportation but summoning.

Just like when he cast a charm like Serpensortia at Hogwarts, the Flash Spell is essentially a summoning spell that will not be blocked. This means that Sean can freely enter and exit all places in Hogwarts, and no walls will hinder him.

Sean immediately thought of the space he was in. In Sean’s understanding, two reasons exist for the Room of Requirements.

One is a mirrored image space, and the other is another variant of the Extension Charm. This magical space that incorporates many profound magics is a place Sean has always wanted to explore thoroughly.

Sean came up with an idea: If he was standing in the corridor, could he use the Flash Spell to enter the Room of Requirements directly?

Whatever the nature of the Room of Requirement, Sean can be sure of one thing: The place where the Room of Requirements only exists in Hogwarts.

It may be just a bare room, and then it will transform into a room according to users’ needs, but no matter what, the Room of Requirement must be a space.

The only hidden danger is that when the Room of Requirement is not summoned, it may be hidden in another space that is not intertwined with reality because ghosts who can pass through walls have never inexplicably walked into a room without a door on this floor.

Sean became excited. It was probably his original intention to explore the wizarding world. He was really curious about what the original Room of Requirements would look like.

Moreover, this is not a useless exploration. The Room of Requirements has accumulated a lot of things from Hogwarts for thousands of years. Maybe he can find spells left over from ancient times, magical and weird items, and so on.

Sean has never forgotten one thing: the authority of Hogwarts mentioned by Salazar Slytherin. A quarter of Ravenclaw’s authority may related to the Room of Requirements.

Sean has suspected it for a long time, but he has not found a way to verify it.

Hermione immediately began to think.

“The essence of the Flash Spell is a Summoning Charm, so it makes sense that Hogwarts’ rules do not apply to you, and your observation on the Room of Requirement also makes sense.”

Daisy interjected, “But there is a problem. The main room of the Room of Requirements may be hidden in any corner of Hogwarts. The stone wall on this floor may be just a doorbell or a portal. So if you can only teleport in a short distance, you wouldn’t be able to get it.”

“That’s right,” Hermione nodded, “and there is another thing: how do you locate it? The essence of the spell is to control the magic power to the location to be there. Magic power can pass through walls, but it cannot automatically find the targeted point, and you may not be able to locate the exact location.”

“In that case, it is very dangerous to use the spell rashly. You may be like those failed summoning spells, and the summoned object will be stuck in the process. Of course, even if the spell goes perfectly, and you may fall into a dark space that no one knows about.”

“You’re right, but I think my idea has room for implementation. Of course, I act rashly before finding a safe method and mastering the spell proficiently.”

Hermione looked seriously at him, “I hope you don’t die.”

“Don’t worry, I still want to live my life.”

If he is unfortunately caught in an unknown dark space, Sean has a way to escape, and he also has a prop that can make him escape. Of course, if it is used in this kind of place, Sean will feel that it is quite wasteful. Therefore, all actions still have to be done until he finds a way to be sure he can do it without any problem.


Entering October, the weather in the Scottish Highlands has become cold.

The students were delighted that the Ministry of Magic hadn’t sent the next investigator after Umbridge went away. Of course, the rules are still much stricter than before.

In mid-October, another serious accident broke out, and the details of the accident were concealed. Lupin didn’t get any more information, but the danger level of exposure to the wizarding world rose again.

Let alone Hogsmeade, it was very difficult for the students to get out of the castle, and the Dementors had already started wandering around the Hogwarts bridge.

Just a few days ago, there was an attack in Hogsmeade, which was said to be done by an escapee from Azkaban. Fortunately, the situation was resolved before it spread.

The man wanted to use the Imperius Curse to control the Honeydukes’ boss, poison all the candy, and give it away to the students as a gift. The Imperius Curse went well, but the poison didn’t.

Snape happened to be in Hogsmeade that day and walked into Honeydukes.

Although it is weird that he walked into Honeydukes, Sean can also express his understanding. Daisy told Sean in the corridor that she had gotten a lot of candy to snack on. When he took out the pile of candy she had left, he happened to see Professor Snape, who had just turned away at the corner.

Snape smelled something wrong as soon as he walked into Honeydukes. He pretended not to notice and directly poisoned everyone except himself in the room with a gas potion.

The escapee was hiding in the storage room and foaming at the mouth and was arrested by Snape on the spot.

It’s just that the candy contaminated with the gas potion needs to be completely destroyed. It is said that when the Aurors took the escapee away, the escapee seemed to have suffered quite a terrible torture.

After this accident, the rules in Hogwarts became stricter, and Aurors and Dementors patrolled even more.

However, without a new investigator, the students are happy. At least their study and life are still normal, especially since Professor McGonagall sent someone to help contact the parents of the students from Muggle families.

A huge silver dragon covers everyone’s sight in the Room of Requirements. Daisy has shown an amazing talent in the Patronus Charm; she is already thinking about how to make her Patronus shrink and enlarge its body freely.

Hermione’s performance is also good. She can already summon the silver otter to play around.

Only Sean was in trouble.

“Is this it?” Sean held up his wand uncertainly.

After working hard, his silver mist has finally evolved.

It formed a small to a very large one, almost blocking Sean’s vision.

Daisy took back her Patronus, tilted her head, and looked it over, “It seems to be much stronger than the previous one, but it hasn’t formed. I don’t know. I don’t know the Patronus Charm much.”

Hermione put away her wand, came to the side, and said, “Maybe you’ve mastered it, but you’re still a little bit emotional?”

Sean thought for a while and shrugged his shoulders, “Maybe, but the mist seems to be okay. It hasn’t dissipated after so long.”

Daisy cheered him up, “Practice for a while, and you should be able to do it.”

Sean smiled, “I think so, too.”

At least there is progress, and the progress is steadily advancing. After practicing the Patronus Charm, Sean started working on his Flash Spell again. The progress of the spell is much faster. Before that, Sean drank a boosting potion, and with a lot of practice, the proficiency of the spell rose rapidly.

Although he still can’t cast spells silently, Sean can already cast them extremely fast, and the distance has also been greatly improved.

A voice sounded when Sean’s body appeared at the other end of the room. Sean nodded in satisfaction.

Next to it, Daisy was pondering over the Flash Spell. From time to time, she looked up at Sean and bit the tip of her pen from time to time.

After Sean moved again, Daisy whispered to herself, “Why can’t you move long distances?”

Hermione heard what she said and explained, “Because your magic power does it that far, an inaccurate positioning will also lead to the failure of the spell.”

Sean also said, “The key to the spell lies in the precise landing point. If you go too far, not only will it be impossible to put the exact magic power, but you will be unable to put your targeted point.”

Daisy nodded and asked doubtfully, “But other summoning spells can summon creatures from far away.”

“The Flash Spell is a variant of it, which is different from the normal spell.” Sean said.

“Ah, I see. So the bison spell you improved is also a variant of it? I can do that too, and it’s not the same as an ordinary summoning spell.” Daisy pointed at a dummy in the distance, casting a spell. A calf appeared out of nowhere and slammed into the dummy hard.

Sean scratched his head, “Strictly speaking, it’s also a variant. Because ordinary summoning spells have a way to position things.”

As he spoke, Sean suddenly froze in place.

Long-distance positioning.

Looking at Sean, who was lost in thought, Hermione and Daisy looked at each other.

At this moment, Sean’s brain is thinking hard. His own bison spell, or Improved Levitation Charm, was very successful, which showed that a summoning spell and long-distance positioning could be combined.

What if he combined both principles, like summoning himself to the target?

Sean’s brain was running wildly, and in his mind, the magical principles of the two spells were presented to him bit by bit.

“This is not right… This is contradictory… The transmission of magic power here will be blocked…”

“The root of the chant and add the first step of the Flash spell… No, it seems to be more accurate to replace it…”

“Replacing the positioned target with the summoning method of the Flash Spell might be a way, but that would be a problem. What if I reverse the spell, replace the structure of the Flash Spell, and combine it?”

After a long silence, Sean pursed his lips, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

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