Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 287: “Return Trip”

Chapter 287: “Return Trip”

Before the dinner started, Sean went to the edge of the Black Lake. After hitting the scales, it didn’t take long for the Basilisk’s green head to float out of the lake.

“It’s ready, I’ll give you a try.” Sean hissed and then let the Basilisk, with its back turned, lower its head.

This time, the special glasses that his father helped him make were extremely huge. The shape was somewhat similar to windproof glasses, but there was an extra fixing strap, which was specially ordered by Sean to prevent the Basilisk from accidentally slipping out.

The main body of the glasses is a light black frame with pure black lenses. There is a mechanical button next to it. Press the outer black lens, and it will pop up, revealing the inner transparent crystal lens.

There is also an electronic control device integrated into the frame. Sean has a remote control that can control the opening and closing of the inner and outer lenses. Of course, the electronic devices within Hogwarts will automatically fail, so we will have to wait until later to try this.

Although the time was short, Mr. Wallup still made it fast. He was very satisfied with the glasses in front of him.

The Basilisk tightly closed its eyes and lay motionless on the ground. Sean took out the huge glasses, and Pudding came out of the ring and stood up.

“Meow?” Pudding looked at the Basilisk rather apprehensively.

Sean rubbed its head, “Don’t be afraid.”

After a while, the Basilisk put on a pair of pure black glasses, which looked weird and funny.

“How do you feel right now?” Sean asked the Basilisk.

The Basilisk shook its head and seemed a little uncomfortable, “It feels weird, like I have an extra layer of thickness in my vision.”

Sean patted it on the head, “Please bear with me. After you leave with me, I will find a way to change it to a more comfortable material. However, will it affect you much after wearing this?”

The Basilisk shook its head, “It doesn’t matter. For me, there is no difference between swimming with eyes closed and swimming without eyes.”

“That’s good. But you must remember that you can’t remove your glasses without my permission.” Sean instructed.

“No problem, I will listen to you.” The Basilisk nodded.

Sean took out a cage containing a few mice, which are the usual snacks of Pudding.

Putting the cage under the Basilisk, Sean asked, “Can you feel the mouse normally?”


“Okay, open your eyes and stare at the mouse to see if my glasses are useful.”

The Basilisk moved. Its emerald green scales scraped against the rocks and made a screeching sound. It raised its head and looked at the mice. The mice were still huddling together and shaking in one second, two seconds, three seconds, but they didn’t suffer any harm.

Sean grinned, “It really works. How do you feel?”

“I don’t feel anything. It’s just that the lens in front of the eye is a little hot.”

This effect was what he wanted, and now he finally didn’t have to worry about being hurt by the Basilisk’s unintentional actions.

“Great. Now, come with me.” He stroked the Basilisk’s cold scales.

The Basilisk lowered its body and rubbed its head against Sean, “Okay.”

Sean opened the ring and expanded the entrance to the maximum. The Basilisk squeezed in forcefully, deforming the door frame of the passage, and finally slipped in.

Pudding roared threateningly. The Basilisk doesn’t care. Its intelligence allows it to clearly distinguish between enemies and friends.

Sean stretched his hand into comfort Pudding for a while and shouted at the Basilisk, “There are caves and lakes on the left. Are you still used to it?”

“Yes, I like it very much.” It was probably his first time moving into a new place, and it was excited.

Sean felt relieved, and after communicating with the two animals for a while, he closed the ring and then walked towards the way he came. Now, with the Basilisk, he doesn’t have to worry about fighting.

Sean flew over the cliff and landed next to the castle, thinking about what to do next while walking towards the hall.

First of all, since it was agreed to take the Basilisk out for a walk, it is better to travel to other places during the summer vacation. So that it can see other places than Hogwarts.

As for how to feed the Basilisk, it is not difficult, and it won’t cost him much money.

The Basilisk has a wide range of tastes. It eats everything except chicken. Sean plans to buy some cattle and sheep for it to change its palette. This guy has been at the bottom of the lake for hundreds of years. It is too bad that it can only eat fish every day.

Of course, in addition to further improving their chemistry, he thinks about how the Basilisk can help him.

The size of the ring door needs to be enlarged. Otherwise, when there’s an emergency, the Basilisk will be stuck for a long time just to swim out of the ring. Secondly, he can teach the Basilisk some things, such as how to reasonably use its various deadly weapons.

In addition to killing enemies by looking directly at them, the venom of the Basilisk is also one of the most poisonous things in the world. Afterward, he can consider letting the Basilisk drain some poison and save it.

Sean walked towards the hall while thinking about it.

It didn’t take long for him to walk to the door of the hall. At this time, the students had already gathered, and the flags of various colors symbolizing the four houses were flying in the air.

“Sean, this way!” Daisy waved at him.

He smiled and sat next to his friend, greeted and joked with the students around him. When the dinner began, Professor Dumbledore, who hadn’t shown up since that night in Paris, finally appeared.

He is hale and hearty, and the wisdom and gentleness in his lake-blue eyes can still be seen through. Dumbledore looked the same as ever, and the duel with Grindelwald didn’t seem to have affected him in any way. He still smiled and chatted with the professors and occasionally raised his wine glass in greeting.

Sean didn’t look much, nor did he try to contact Dumbledore. He couldn’t be more clear that as long as Dumbledore didn’t want to see him, it would be useless to think about it.

Perhaps, as Aurelius said, everything can only be explained clearly by Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

It is worth mentioning that this year’s House Cup was not held, and the previous champion, Ravenclaw, still kept the trophy.

Dumbledore believes that the school has lost nearly half of its students, and Gryffindor’s head of the house, Professor McGonagall, also goes to Nurmengard to halt the House Cup.

After much consideration, the teachers unanimously agreed that the House Cup would not be awarded this time.

However, Sean felt that Snape might not be very happy. Daisy was not in school, and Snape rarely added points to other houses throughout the school year. In the end, Slytherin’s points were ahead of the other three houses.

This is probably why the professors “unanimously agreed”.

Snape sat on the professor’s table, his face was expressionless, and he only used a fork to fork some food to his mouth occasionally.

Probably noticing Sean’s gaze at the table, Hermione nudged him with her elbow and whispered, “Are you really going to stop taking two divination classes next semester?”

Sean nodded, “I don’t think I have much talent for it.”

This is just an excuse. To be precise, Sean has already understood something from Grindelwald. Divination, prophecy, prophet, is this mysterious and mysterious magic real and effective? Yes, absolutely works.

But no doubt the exception is that the wizards who can learn useful knowledge from these courses are basically the special ones. If you don’t have the talent for divination, even if you study for decades, your ability will not be as good as that of a Seer who just turned eleven years old. It sounds harsh, but it is what it is.

So, Sean decided not to take the divination class.

He plans to devote a lot of energy to the ancient runes course next semester. Even if he has only a little talent in it, with the help of Hermione and some other things from the lottery, he should be able to learn a little bit.

Hermione propped her cheeks in distress, “I’m struggling whether to choose only one of Arithmancy or Divination.”

Sean raised his eyebrows, “Do you have to choose so many?”

“Of course!” Hermione glared at him. “Now that the four houses have adopted the unified class model, I need more time.”

“Well, alright then.” Sean returned with a smile.

Hermione raised her head proudly and then became puzzled again, “But it’s strange. I talked to Percy before, and he also took all the courses. How did he find the time to take so many classes at the same time?”

Sean smiled and didn’t speak. He might have used a Time Turner. Daisy, on the side, listened to the conversation between the two. She narrowed her eyes slightly and sipped a pumpkin juice.

Daisy looked around casually with the pumpkin juice in her hand and then happened to meet Snape on the table. Daisy raised her glass of pumpkin juice to Snape and smiled sweetly.

On the table, Professor McGonagall just turned her head, and Snape was motionless next to her. She wondered, “Severus, does today’s food not suit your taste?”

Snape shook the red wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp, “No, today’s dinner is very good. I am very satisfied.”

“I see.”

The dinner finally came to an end, and Dumbledore stood up.

He glanced at all the students gently and said, “Another school year has passed, and you will leave school tomorrow. First of all, I would like to congratulate the seventh-grade students for their successful graduation.”

There was a burst of applause in the hall, and the seventh-grade students stood up and bowed to Dumbledore.

“I hope that this year’s study can fill your curiosity with what you want. I hope that you will be adamant about the path you want to take in the future. I also hope that you can live a healthy and happy life.”

“I believe that you and your friends have more things to say. I will stop here today. Students, enjoy your summer vacation; the wizarding world awaits your return.”

Cheers and applause resounded throughout the hall.

The next day, they boarded the Hogwarts Express. Sean, Hermione, and Daisy sat in a room and shared snacks while Harry and his group followed George, Fred, and the others to mess around. Suddenly, the twins specially reserved a few fireworks for the return trip.

Percy had just become the head of the Boys’ Council chased his brother all over the train. But the twins ran and shouted for help from Penelope, a Ravenclaw prefect who had become Percy’s girlfriend. Percy quickly retreated but kept muttering in his mouth to go back and give these two a punishment.

In the room of Sean and the others, Hermione practiced spells on the train. They were all underage, and they were not allowed to practice spells during the summer vacation.

However, it was only then that Sean realized that Grindelwald had swapped his wand, and now he was using his branch wand without a core. He has never been clear whether the Trace is on the wizard’s body or inside the wand.

If the Trace is inside the wand, does that mean that he can use magic freely during the summer vacation?

Maybe he can ask Barty Jr. during the summer vacation. His father is preparing for the election of the Minister of Magic during the summer vacation. He should know a lot about these things.

On the other hand, Daisy hugged Hermione’s arm. She said, “You can come and play with me! In wizarding families, the Ministry of Magic detects whether or not you cast spells.”

Sean raised his eyebrows. The young wizards from wizard families do have a great advantage in practicing spells.

Hermione was obviously a little moved. She replied, “But this is illegal, and your parents will watch us.”

Daisy smiled and hugged Hermione even tighter, “My dad is already an illegal Animagus. Don’t worry. They will turn a blind eye about it.”

Hermione bit her lip. She was even more excited.

Sean smiled and said, “Daisy has kindly invited you. You should go for it, and you may become an illegal Animagus next semester.”

Hermione sighed and then looked at Daisy, “Alright, I’ll see you later there, I guess.”


Daisy cheered and looked at Sean expectantly, “Sean?”

“I’ll come and play with you if I have the chance.”

“That’s amazing!”

The train is gradually slowing down, and the station in the distance is visible from the window.

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