Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 278: “A Poor Child”

Chapter 278: “A Poor Child”

“Sean!” Professor McGonagall screamed and rushed over.

At this time, there were only two Guards came and hurriedly cast a spell on Sean, who was lying on the ground. Professor McGonagall jerked the air with her wand, and a stone shield rose from the ground to block the spell.

“Idiot!” It was the first time that Professor McGonagall was so rude. Her extremely angry eyes made the Guards who cast the spell shudder. “He is my student!”

Professor Rosier looked cold. She glanced at the Guards and said indifferently, “If it really depended on you idiots, Tom Riddle would have escaped by now.”

Professor McGonagall also stared at her angrily, “Professor Rozier!”

“All I killed was Riddle, and the kid seemed fine.”

Professor McGonagall had no time to argue with her. She anxiously helped Sean up and was relieved after checking that he was still alive. Then, she cast a healing spell on him.

“Professor…” Sean opened his eyes with difficulty.

“Are you alright?” Professor McGonagall was kindly, like a kind old lady, and the tip of her wand kept casting spells.

Sean straightened up quickly, and he looked at his hands in doubt and confusion.

“I’m okay… What’s happened? I’m confused…”

There was a rush of footsteps outside, and dozens of guards ran over quickly.

“What’s going on?!” A wizard looked at everything in front of him in shock and confusion.

The room had become ruins, their captain had been knocked up, and even among the dozen or so members of the Guards that were here, only two were left standing there.

“Captain!” He exclaimed.

In Nurmengard’s vice principal’s office, the atmosphere was silent. Sean was sitting on a chair in the middle and was frowning tightly with a look of confusion. After spending a lot of time, Professor McGonagall described the recent events to him and explained the reasons for the incident to the Guards.

“Sean,” Professor McGonagall felt sorry for him, “It’s not your fault. You are also a victim.”

Sean grabbed his hair in pain and said in a low tone, “But…but I hurt so many people…”

“Sean, it’s okay…” Professor McGonagall hugged him.

On the side of the office, the faces of the two Guards were heavy. They suffered a heavy loss this time, but the culprit had been defeated, and Sean was nothing more than a poor student who was used as a tool.

Outside the room, the newly sent captain was listening to his subordinates about the situation. If Sean saw him, he would definitely recognize it. It was Mark Ponte who had interrogated him before.

“Parasitized? Is that Ms. Rosier really attacking him?” Ponte asked.

“Yes,” the Guards nodded, “It’s all Killing Curse, and there is no mercy at all. The final situation is also in line with the appearance of the soul being hit by the Killing Curse.”

“Could it be that Rosier has separated herself from Grindelwald?” Ponte frowned and thought, “Or maybe the Death Eaters have nothing to do with Grindelwald?”

“Captain, what should we do?”

Ponte glanced at his subordinates and ruffled his hair irritably. The Guards interrogated the Lestrange brothers and then vowed to arrest them. As a result, Wallup was the convict. His people suffered heavy losses, and the culprit had already been dealt with.

“Damn it, I’ll take care of the mess again…” Ponte cursed angrily.

“Captain, what’s that?”

“Nothing.” He said angrily, then opened the door and walked in.

In the office, he saw Sean was in pain, surrounded by Professor McGonagall, who was comforting him, and Professor Rosier was sitting behind a desk expressionlessly.

Ponte gritted his teeth. He walked in front of Sean and Professor McGonagall. After considering his words for a while, he said slowly, “Professor McGonagall, we have follow-up investigations, and we want Mr. Wallup to…”

Before he could finish speaking, Professor McGonagall suddenly raised her head, “Mr. Ponte, our student was parasitized by the soul of a dark wizard, and he has suffered a great deal. Most of the responsibility for this incident lies within Hogwarts’ care. We failed to protect our students and let dark wizards take advantage of them.”

“However, your organization should also be responsible for the situation. How come you guys did not expect such a thing?”

“Even before you have a perfect plan, you come here rashly to arrest people. If that Riddle is completely insane, without the help of Professor Rosier, not only your team members will be injured, but our students will also be injured.”

“I will report this matter to Dumbledore, and we at Hogwarts will do our best to protect the rights and interests of Mr. Wallup.”

A series of words like a cannonball almost knocked Ponte out. Her words were obvious. Hogwarts was at fault in this matter, and the Guards were also at fault. Only Sean was innocent. If they want to take him away for questioning, they should get permission from Dumbledore.

He secretly groaned in his heart. He needs to take responsibility for what happened tonight since they did not plan it well. If Professor Rozier and Professor McGonagall did not take action, the Guards would be in ruin.

Ponte didn’t have the confidence to speak now. He still said slowly, “I understand what you mean, Professor McGonagall. Mr. Wallup has been involved in an evil dark magic organization for the safety of the entire wizarding world, you see…”

This time, Professor Rosier sneered. She raised one foot gracefully, and her tone was full of sarcasm, “Why are you so persistent for the so-called information? He’s just a child in the second grade. He has just suffered a lot of pain and felt bad about it. But what about you?”

She spoke faster and faster, “To tell you the truth, why do you think those people in your arms didn’t turn into dead bodies on the spot? Even if Mr. Wallup was parasitized, his soul was there fighting Voldemort as well. Because of his effort, because of Professor McGonagall’s effort, your team can survive now, understand?”

Beside the door, a member of the Guards looked sour. He glanced at Ponte and said softly, “Captain Maeterlinck may have to lie in the hospital for half a year and may need a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But he is still alive.”

Professor Rozier sneered, “Yes, he is still alive. If it weren’t for Wallup fighting with his willpower in great pain, Maeterlinck would been buried now.”

Professor McGonagall continued, “Sean is only a second-grade student. How can he resist when facing such a powerful wizard? I think the Guards should track down the Death Eaters instead of meddling in your business with this boy.”

Several members of the Guards looked at Sean.

Ponte’s face changed. He hesitated for a while and said, “We are also worried about whether the soul of the dark wizard has not been completely wiped out. We’re not going to interrogate Mr. Wallup but to do a comprehensive inspection.”

“Mr. Ponter.” Professor McGonagall was surprisingly angry, “As long as I’m still here, I won’t allow you to take Sean away.”

“Professor McGonagall…” Sean raised his head.

Seeing the stalemate situation, Professor Rosier stood up again, with her arms folded, “My spell really hit Riddle’s soul. If there were still soul fragments entangled in Sean, he would not be like now. He will be suffering from pain all the time as if a Cruciatus Curse struck him.”

“We’re just making sure, professors. Maybe using a potion that…” Ponte spoke again

Professor McGonagall said coldly, “No, Mr. Ponter. I’m worried about the potions that you Guards had prepared.”

Just as he was talking, another person came over. It was a witch wearing a robe. She had the medal of the Guards pinned to her chest.

“Let me introduce,” Ponte said, “This is the healer of our guards. She is not only good at healing magic but also has a lot of research on potions. I can guarantee that under her supervision, Mr. Wallup will be fine.”

The witch pushed her glasses and said, “I’ve heard about the matter. In fact, to check whether Mr. Wallup is still parasitized or not, he needs to take a Veritaserum. The effect of Veritaserum is to check their brain memory. If the parasite still exists, the memory of two souls can be seen, and we will know it.”

“I don’t trust your Veritaserum.” Professor McGonagall refused.

Sean raised his head slowly, and he said seriously, “Professor, in order to prove my innocence, I am willing to take Veritaserum.”

Ponte was overjoyed. As soon as he was about to speak, Professor Rosier spoke first, “Since Sean has said so, to ensure his innocence, I suggest that the Potions professor from Nurmengard provide the Veritaserum. In this way, Professor McGonagall and I can feel more at ease.”

Ponte’s eyes turned, and he immediately denied the proposal in his heart. He looked at the two professors, knowing that the Veritaserum of the Guards declined by them, but he could not let Grindelwald’s former subordinates provide the potions.

Ponte investigated Sean’s information, which naturally included his interpersonal relationship at Hogwarts. This kid is extremely talented, handsome, and polite. Basically, everyone has a good impression of him, except for a professor.

That professor also happens to be in potions.

Ponte coughed, “Professor Rosier, the situation is sensitive now. You don’t trust us, but the Guards can’t trust Grindelwald’s former subordinates. Even if you all passed the investigation.”

He looked at Rosier and pretended to act casually, “How about this, Hogwarts also has a potions professor. Professor McGonagall, you trust your colleagues, right? How about having a colleague in the UK provide a Portkey and the professor bring us the Veritaserum?”

Just as Rosier was about to speak, Sean nodded, “Alright, Professor Snape is okay. I trust him, and I also believe in my innocence.”

She glanced at Sean and nodded without any hesitation, “Yes, Professor McGonagall. How is it?”

“I agree with Severus.” Professor McGonagall believed that Sean was innocent.

“Okay, I’ll notify you right away.” Ponte replied.

In the corridor in Nurmengard Castle, the students who had been evacuated in advance were discussing together. They had just run into the corridor when there was a huge commotion coming from behind. Hermione and Daisy were holding hands and looking anxiously at the entrance.

There was too much movement, and since Sean was taken away from the scene just now, the two also guessed that it was related to Sean. Just as they were talking, suddenly, something was poking Daisy’s arm.

Daisy slipped Hermione into the corner, where her brother’s head was emerging from the air.

“I heard they are going to interrogate Sean with Veritaserum.” Harry said seriously.

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