Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 273: “The Pride Inside Him”

Chapter 273: “The Pride Inside Him”

Sean felt that he had fallen into a strange state, a feeling half-awake, but there was still a faint feeling deep in his heart. He had to break free. Dave couldn’t be contacted, and he couldn’t even reach out and slap himself. He was in a state where he could only do destruction.

“I can’t go on like this…I have to find a way to wake up myself…”

Images kept flashing in his mind and then stopped a minute ago.

“I have to thank you again, Voldemort.” The Giant Sean let go of his palms. In the center of his eyes, a black vortex swirled, and negative dark forces surged wildly.

Sean clearly knows that The Obscurus in his body has been stripped, and the other part resides in the body of the Pride. It froze for a moment, and then, a red vortex began to spin in the center of his eye.

This is probably the fastest time for Sean to reach a consensus with the Pride, and the dark forces are getting more and more violent. Sean seemed to feel his heart beating violently, and the trembling palpitations came again, but instead of panicking, he cheered up instead.

The existence that poses a fatal threat to the Obscurus is still here.

The hand that Sean attacked Voldemort suddenly trembled.

After a careless effort, flesh and blood splashed from between the fingers, and immediately after that, a large translucent mouth appeared above the fist. The big mouth was opened up and down to the extreme, and an oily black substance resembling the Obscurus was spinning rapidly inside.

Sean was in Pride’s body and could feel the powerful suction. His magic power, vitality, and energy didn’t change at all. Just like a tornado is about to sweep a boat away, the connection between The Obscurus and Sean is being severed, and the dark power is being stripped out of Sean’s body continuously.

It was only at this time that Sean felt great pain, and he finally understood what Daisy suffered when she stripped away the Obscurus in her body that day.

As if a piece of his brain was about to be gouged out, Sean’s limbs twisted in intense pain. On the outside, Sean suffered from the same situation, and The Obscurus was being stripped away.

A terrifying vortex flowed out from the giant’s eyes. Amidst the sky-shattering sound, he fell to his knees with great force. A red mist with a black gradient went straight to the big mouth.

It is obviously absorbing his power.

The more it was stripped away, the greater the pain he suffered. Sean was still suffering from the pain, but his mind was getting clearer.

“Just like I thought, it is a parasite on my soul. I have to endure it when it is stripped away from me, and the one below obviously wants to grab more power.” Sean tried his best to think in pain, and he could even feel the weakening of the magic power.

The Pride is a parasite in his body. In order not to be controlled by it, he needs to give birth to it and consciousness. Something he cannot do at the moment, and he cannot avoid the pain when it is being stripped away.

Sean suddenly felt that his consciousness had become heavy.

The big mouth sucked the last trace of red mist into the mouth. It has become the size of the giant Sean’s fist, and there is already a frightening magic power emanating.

It opened its mouth wider and was about to absorb all of them. However, the process was suddenly interrupted. Sean himself stood up staggeringly after falling for a while. He patted his head and gathered his strength for the first time.

Sean was surprised to find that the moment the Obscurus in Pride was completely stripped away, he finally broke free and fell to his soul world.

Sean endured the pain and stood up, and then saw the Wallup family mansion in the center of the island. A small half of the outline of the mansion has been stained with red lines, the villa’s gate has been opened, and magma seeps from the ground and continuously flows into the villa.

Although he didn’t know exactly what was going on, he could guess what was going on. The mansion may represent his soul body. Pride is sneaking inside it.

After figuring it out, Sean immediately rushed over to the gate. As soon as he got close, the magma seeping from the ground overflowed with negative emotions.

Sean suppressed the killing and violent emotions without much effort. He grabbed the gate and closed it forcefully. As the gate closed, the empty island finally stopped sinking, and the magma protruding from the ground quickly retracted.

The island seemed to have cleared up, and the warm and comfortable atmosphere returned. Only then did Sean breathe a sigh of relief. He subconsciously collapsed to the ground and then suddenly remembered that big mouth.

“I almost forgot, there is another problem to face…”

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he suddenly found something wrong. In front of him is not Grindelwald lying in the transparent barrier but dark clouds, and there is a dazzling fire not far away.

Sean was a little dizzy. He slowly lowered his head and opened his palm, and there was a sticky ball of meat sauce inside. Sean was dumbfounded. He is now in the form of the giant or the embodiment of Pride itself.

There was a voice from below. Sean slowly lowered his head and saw two wizards riding broomsticks.

The two seemed to come to check the situation, but when they saw the giant’s gaze, they were almost stunned. The broom shook with the owner and then flew away. Before Sean could react, a force he was extremely familiar with surged out, and the black, oily substance enveloped the two of them like a thick net.

Sean lowered his head and found a huge mouth in his abdomen, from which the black oily substance came out. The two wizards only let out a short scream and then fell straight down.

Sean’s eyes froze, and he found himself getting smaller.

He lowered his head and saw the big mouth that instantly killed the two wizards turned to face him. Almost instinctively, Sean raised his hand while shrinking. The big mouth moved for a while, and a black, oily substance rushed straight.

However, Sean felt nothing, and The Obscurus force had no offensive power. Sean moved in the air, and the howling sound of the overwhelming air resounded through the night sky.

He finally felt something when blocking it, but it was only for a moment. As if passing through a layer of cream, the sound of foam breaking was inaudible, and the mouth instantly disappeared into nothingness.

Sean’s body was shrinking rapidly, and just as the right hand hit the big mouth, he found the transparent barrier on the ground.

Sean finally regained his former figure.

He raised his hands and looked at it in shock. His chest heaved and heaved violently.

“Don’t depend on that power, kid,” Grindelwald said in a low voice.

Sean turned his head quickly and then quickly ran over to help Grindelwald. Without any hesitation, he opened his ring and took out several potions. Sean poured the potions into Grindelwald’s mouth while applying some ointments on him.

He also uncorked a bottle of something that would refresh his mind and soul and took a sip by himself. Sean was almost absorbed by the dark force just now and came into contact with a lot of negative emotions. He needs to drink a lot of it.

A mouthful of potion did not make him completely emotionless, and the killing intent in his heart was calmed down.

“That’s enough, Sean.” Grindelwald weakly pushed away Sean’s hand, pouring him the potion, and said, “Do you really want to choke me to death from your potion?”

Sean smiled awkwardly. He observed Grindelwald’s state and then heaved a sigh of relief.

“It’s good that you’re okay.” He sat down on the ground.

Grindelwald said leisurely, “Of course, I can’t die yet. I still have work to do.”


Grindelwald stood up, looked at the flame above Paris, and then showed a smile.

“Looking at this, I feel younger.”

Sean panted, “Professor, it’s Arianna. Didn’t you say that the group of people were neither human nor ghost? Did the ghosts return? If that’s the case, Professor Dumbledore might be doing this because of Arianna.”

Grindelwald glanced at him and pointed to his face.

“So, I’m nothing to him for not asking my help?””

“That’s not what I meant…”

“Let’s wait for him to tell me this,” He rubbed his chest, which Voldemort broke just now, “I have made a lot of flames, but he should be about to deal with it. I have to go now.”

“Huh?” Sean looked at him with a surprised look.

Grindelwald smiled, “It’s time to remind our friends in Europe about the first Dark Lord.”

Sean was stunned and finally stood up slowly, “Promise me not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Don’t look at me like that. I’m serious, and how should I contact you later? What is that big mouth? Voldemort? That’s supposed to be Voldemort? Why did Voldemort lose his mind all of a sudden? Is he dead now?”

Grindelwald waved his hand, “Do you really think I know everything? You will know it later. There’s a secret room in the Principal’s office in Nurmengard that is currently only open to you. The key to the basement I gave you earlier is the room of the Vanishing Cabinet. Albus will always be going to hunt me, and I can’t beat him now. I will find a way to contact him later and deal with him.”

He took out his wand, and Sean was surprised to find that the wand had survived such an impact without any damage. Grindelwald flicked his wand lazily, then looked back.

“Sean,” he said with a smile, “You did a good job tonight.”

The air distorted, and Grindelwald disappeared in place. Sean opened his mouth, but he still couldn’t speak in the end. He shook his head and sat down on the ground again.

He looked at the sky weakly.

At this time, the flames above the Paris sky finally disappeared. After a moment, Dumbledore appeared in the place where Grindelwald had just disappeared.

“Professor,” Sean looked at him weakly, “The Pride has appeared tonight…”

Dumbledore nodded, “I know, but you did a good job.”

“But I don’t understand, are you just pretending to not care what happened? You should feel it when Voldemort broke your barrier.”

Dumbledore answered, “The people suffering that were laid upon your eye should be the ones that be put into priority.”

Sean lay powerlessly on the ground, knowing Dumbledore didn’t give him a clear answer.


In the middle of the night, in a forest far away from the Père Lachaise Cemetery, a person in a black robe appeared.

Voldemort’s translucent face struggled. Fragments of his soul were dissipating. However, his face was full of crazy smiles, his mouth opened and closed, and the shape of his mouth couldn’t be more clear.

“That was close…”

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