Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Dragon King

Chapter 1513

Tang Wulin merely nodded in response, then made his way out of the waiting area while assessing the information he had memorized about his opponent.

His opponent was a Soul Douluo who was a bright young talent in the military.

The military had its own training base, and with so many troops across the entire federation, there was naturally no lack of exceptional talents among them. Selecting some particularly outstanding talents to be specially nurtured at those training bases was something that every military area did, and an example of this was the Blood God Legion's Blood God Battalion.

Wild Gale Saber Demon Sima Jinchi had emerged from the special training base of the Southern Legion, while Tang Wulin's second-round opponent came from the Northsea Fleet.

According to the information Tang Wulin had gathered, his opponent was a senior colonel, and he was the captain of the Northsea Fleet's most elite squad, the Northern Light Special Battle Squad. He had plentiful practical combat experience, and he was particularly adept in mecha-piloting.

The main difference between soldiers and normal Soul Masters was that the former took part in far more battles, through which one developed superior battle instincts and techniques.

In particular, such a bright young talent like him would undoubtedly receive special treatment in the military, similar to that received by all of Shrek Seven Monsters during their time in the military.

According to Tang Wulin's recollections, his opponent's name was Mu Tian.

The two of them emerged from the resting area one after another, and having emerged from the soundproof environment of the waiting area, they were immediately greeted by the raucous commotion outside.

The first match had been very long and exciting, so the spectators were in very high spirits.

"Our next two competitors are Mu Tian of the Northsea Fleet's Northern Light Special Battle Squad, and Yu Longyue of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. Both of them have secured victories in their first-round matches, so the outcome of this battle will be very important."

The commentator was still Ai Fei, and his voice was very pleasant and comforting to listen to.

Mu Tian and Tang Wulin strode onto the platform, and Mu Tian voluntarily made his way to the other side of the platform to open up distance between himself and Tang Wulin.

Meanwhile, Ai Fei was still hard at work.

"There's not much to be said about Yu Longyue's last match; he defeated his opponent even though he was in less than stellar condition, and he quickly left after the match. His opponent, Li Weisi, was also unwilling to disclose any details during his interview, so we have no idea what happened during the match. However, we do know that Mu Tian's performances during this event have all been quite outstanding. With the special Northern Light Battle Techniques of the Northern Light Special Battle Squad, he has crushed all of his opponents, and even now, I still feel like I can sense the threatening aura emanating from his saber. His battle techniques have undoubtedly been honed over the course of countless battles; let's see how Yu Longyue is going to handle this stern challenge."

Tang Wulin's cultivation rank was superior, so Mu Tian was naturally being referred to as the challenger.

Due to the fact that Tang Wulin had been putting on an arrogant facade earlier, he hadn't gotten a chance to take a good look at his opponent, and he was only being presented with such an opportunity now.

Mu Tian was very tall and well-built, but his muscles weren't overly exaggerated, and he stood with the ramrod-straight posture customary of all soldiers. Aside from that, there didn't appear to be anything special about him, but this only made Tang Wulin more cautious.

Both Ao Wuchang and Li Weisi were interesting opponents as one possessed the Door of Summoning, while the other possessed the Crystal Ball, both of which were exceptional martial souls, but of course, they didn't post much of a threat to Tang Wulin.

However, Mu Tian was different. His martial soul seemed to be a simple saber, but his disposition was completely different from that of his past two opponents. There was nothing flashy about him, but he was clearly going to be more difficult to deal with.

In the face of such an opponent, Tang Wulin was willing to afford him more respect.

"Five, four, three, two, one, begin!"

As the commencement of the match was announced, Mu Tian immediately sprang into action, charging directly toward Tang Wulin like lightning. His strides weren't very long, but he was extraordinarily fast, and as he moved, the aura of sharpness emanating from his body elevated further and further.

A saber projection that was around four feet in length appeared above his head, and as he advanced onward, the saber projection became brighter and brighter. By the time Mu Tian had covered half the distance between himself and Tang Wulin, the saber projection had turned a scorching white color.

All of a sudden, Mu Tian let loose a loud roar, and he suddenly raised both hands up into the air to grab onto the hilt of the long saber above his head.

In that instant, Tang Wulin felt as if Mu Tian had become one with the saber. The space on either side of the dazzling saber projection seemed to exist independently of one another, and as the saber projection was brought down from above, Mu Tian's essence, energy, and spirit had all been elevated to their very peak.

Ever since Mu Tian had joined the special battle squad, he had named his saber the Northern Light Saber. He had been able to make it to this point through a combination of talent and a tremendous amount of hard work, and in the Northsea Fleet, he had the nickname of 10,000 Saber King.

This didn't mean that he had 10,000 sabers in his possession. Instead, it reflected a part of his training regimen, which involved unleashing 10,000 full-force saber strikes into the sea every single day.

Regardless of how turbulent the waves were, he made sure to part the sea with every single saber strike he unleashed, and that was how he had attained his saber projection.

Initially, he had no saber projection, but gradually, it grew to a foot, two feet, three feet, 10 feet, 20, 30... After that, the saber projection was withdrawn into the saber itself, and this process took him 30 years to complete.

Only after his saber projection had been completely withdrawn into his saber was this technique complete, and he named it "Two Realm Separation".

On this occasion, Tang Wulin didn't remain still on the spot. Instead, he sprang up and charged directly toward Mu Tian's Northern Light Saber.

The saber projection had been withdrawn, but the sharp saber intent was affecting the entire platform. The fact that Tang Wulin was able to advance in the face of the saber intent was enough to make Mu Tian even warier of his opponent.

However, his resolve had been honed through countless battles, and he wasn't going to waver regardless of what his opponent did.

Just as the two of them were about to clash, Commentator Ai Fei yelled, "Everyone, please turn your attention toward the air in front of the Northern Light Saber."

The spectators did as they were told, and sure enough, all of the light in front of the Northern Light Saber seemed to have been stripped away, creating a patch of inky-blackness up ahead.

Everyone was then greeted by the sight of Tang Wulin raising his right hand to grab toward the blade of the saber, and in that instant, his entire hand had turned a bluish-purple color.


Ai Fei was stunned into silence by what he was seeing. He was a Soul Master himself, and even though he wasn't very powerful, he was an expert who had studied countless past battles, and it was exactly because of this that he had been entrusted with the role of commentator. However, it was truly very rare to see someone grab an opponent's weapon with their bare hand like Tang Wulin was doing, especially when the Northern Light Saber's Two Realm Separation was so formidable.

What was he doing? Did he intend to sacrifice that hand?

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