Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 351: Loki And Flake Being A Filial Son And Their Wonderful Plan.

Chapter 351: Loki And Flake Being A Filial Son And Their Wonderful Plan.

"Wait for a bit"

Despite the sweet and heartfelt confession, Snow can only blink his eyes when the blonde Angel has shown a confused look and grabbing his head with one hand while the other hand has swiftly snatched the special heart that he has offered making his lip twitch and his crimson eyes curve in a happy crescent moon shape.

"M-my feeling... is telling me that it's mine"

Completely different from Snow that is capable of quickly and swiftly becoming conscious of what has occurred after waking up from a long deep sleep, Alaude has countless memories chaotically flashing in his mind, after all, he has live in the Realm of Mortal with endless identity after being unable to complete the Pure Race Mission.

"It's alright, take your time. It won't change the fact that you are now mine."

After declaring sovereign that contains an infinite amount of possessiveness, Snow has carefully grasped the blonde man's free hand before gently pulling him toward the surprised, delighted, and happy Samuel, Lisette, Simon, and Vincent that has been anxiously waiting in the side.


Snow really wanted to tease and bully this exceptional beautiful lover after seeing the confused expression on his face along with the obedient behavior of allowing him to do whatever he wanted despite having chaotic memories.

He somehow regretted the promises he utters a moment ago, completely pampering and doting on him most of the rest of their life.

I'll just do it in our next life...

"Well, Loki, my dear son, I'll leave you to awakened all the remaining Angel and Demons while we speak with our friends and Fathers."

In the short words that the World Rule Will has complained after he has woken up, there are still countless races of the Realm of Heaven and Hell that was also performing the Pure Race Mission being placed to a deep sleep after the world has changed, which has taken a long time.

Especially when using the Appraisal skill among the four people walking toward them has already made Snow understand that years have quickly passed by after being put into a deep sleep.

Although there is only a slight change in appearance when it comes to his two Fathers while Samuel and Lisette have grown older, particularly already having two children being written in the information, which a great surprise since Snow has never thought that these two people will become lovers and creating a family.

Naturally, Snow felt so sorry for his lover because, despite the fact that they share the same insane amount of possessiveness when it comes to each other, it doesn't change the fact that it doesn't stop his lover from loving every single child that they are capable of creating.

After all, in his lover's eyes, their children are also the proof of their love, there wasn't any single ounce of disgust or aversion just because of having someone sometimes interrupting their two people world.

Well, Snow will just have to work hard so that they can have children in this world after all being the same gender, especially as male isn't impossible.

"My Son you are alive Good Good!"

Being pulled from Snow thought, he can only inwardly sigh at the emotional Vincent that has openly let out tears of joy, completely showing how much he was extremely affected by his death.

Although Snow has chosen to show a bright smile in order to give comfort to his Father while tightly hugging his lover's arms at the same time, never forgetting to always display an intimate interaction with his lover.

"Father, I'm sorry for making you sad but you don't have to worry anymore, I'll live a long life, especially with my lover, so please feel at ease."

Snow couldn't help but turned his head after feeling the increasing hot eyes of his lover before shamelessly winking and throwing a kissing blow after a split second, making the beautiful blonde man's white cheeks to flush into a beautiful crimson color.

"Ah~ How adorable! My love, why are you so cute? I couldn't help but want to drown you with my overwhelming love and take you away to do adult matters!"

Suddenly being thrown dog food at the shameless Snow who keeps showing love to the blushing blonde man has cause Samuel, Lisette, Vincent, and Simon to become stunned while never knowing how to react to it.

"Yay! My Big Brother Loki is the best! Flake has a physical body again~ My Grandfathers! Flake miss you!"

Before Snow can continue to harass his suddenly shy but secretly please lover, a childish voice has suddenly resounded out causing his head to slightly turn around before gazing at a lovely and beautiful ten-year-old child with black wings fluttering behind his back, completely showing how happy and delighted he felt.

"Of course, I am the best! Besides, I can't let my Younger Brother remain as a soul right?"

'Hey! Surprise? Since this is my world and after it upgraded I can at least do this much to my younger brother after making him lose the Fallen body~' 

As always, when it comes to Snow identity of being a Granter, Loki's voice rang in his mind while feeling happy for Flake of being able to live in a physical form in this world after his Fallen body has also broken down when all of the vile aura has been safely stored in Loki perfectly stable body.

After all, the random physical form skill of Flake can only be used once in every single world.

Shortly, Loki can only continue to do his task of awakening the remaining two races that were put into a deep sleep as the world God while Flake has chosen to stay on his side with a serious expression on a lovely face and cheering once in a while.

And at the same time, Snow has quickly learned about the new form of what has changed after a hundred years along with his lover being the son of Simon's departed friend and the leader of the group of Angels that has been gone in the Realm of Heaven for many years.

Which was another surprise but something Snow has also doubted after being given a hint about his lover identity by the World Rule Will.

There is also the half-true and half-lie Legend of the turbulent time when Fallen still exist, which has become the First History that is going to be remembered for the new world. 

"Ah, then call me 'Snow' from this moment on since I can't use 'Noel' as my name anymore. It will be too much trouble if the Legend suddenly becomes alive right?"

Because using the name Noel, Claude, Brian, and Ange have been deemed taboo from the world rule order, although because one is being worshiped while the other is being disgusted, nonetheless, it was the perfect time for Snow to finally able to use his true name for the first time in a new world.

Particularly when his lover is now called Alaude which can also mean a brand new start of their life, speaking about his lover, Snow turned his head when he suddenly felt their intertwine hands squeezed a bit hard.

"My Love, what's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable? Tell me and I'll do everything in my power to make you feel good."

Rather than getting an answer, a beautiful glowing special heart was suddenly was shown toward Snow while a soothing and beautiful voice rang out with the familiar overwhelming love and endless tenderness carried within it.

"Baby, I will give you my special heart one more time."

Snow slowly turned his head before meeting his lover shimmering deep sky blue eyes filled with overwhelming happiness and joy, completely showing that Alaude has finally remembered the time that they have been together.

"Snow I'm extremely happy to meet you again."


"Baby, we are finally together right?"

"Yes my Love, we are now lovers."

Snow has happily nodded his head while showing a loving smile causing his lover's entire atmosphere to become sunny and bright, although, in a split second, he can only remain dazed when his entire body was engulfed in a warm hug before being carried up by his lover and hearing the gentle fluttering sound of large wings slightly moving.

"...? My love, what's wrong?"

"Baby, I remember my last regret"


Snow heart twitches when he remembers the time his lover was dying in his arm however the growing pain was quickly blown away when Alaude's beautiful face has slowly shown an evil smile before letting out a sexy hoarse voice that contains the familiar ambiguous taste that always causes his cheeks to turned bright crimson color while a familiar thrilling shiver is running down his spine.

"... it's time to eat you all up"


Shortly, Snow was carried away by an excited Alaude who has straightly flown in the direction of one of the floating islands, which is the Snow Mountain, appearing to have already known a place to stay despite waking just a moment ago, although everyone has quickly known who the culprit was in just a second.

Loki: "Wooo! Fathers don't worry I won't watch it even though I would love to! And please make sure to take your time! As a filial son, I already prepared a place for the two of you to stay a long time ago, so no one will be able to disturb your loving time~."

Flake: "Yeah! Father, Papa, please take your time! Flake will obediently stay with Big Brother Loki since I'm already grown up and will not be a light bulb on your precious time!"

Loki and Flake watched with a bright smile while their Father Alaude takes their other Father Snow to a place where no one can disturb them.

"Big Brother Loki, do you think I'll become a Big Brother after our Fathers are done?"

"Well, although having children depend on the partner's soul and true emotion when it's related to Spirit Race, but, I'm sure our Fathers has a higher chance of having children however, I also want another sibling! So, I'll be a filial son and will support them to stay undisturbed in the Snow Mountain for many years until they can have a child!"

"Yeah! Let our Fathers roll in the bed for a long time!"

Samuel, Lisette, Vincent, and Simon who heard the two brothers' wonderful words can only remain silent while their lips twitch.

such incredible and thoughtful sons they are...

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