Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Chen Ci bellowed for the teacher who was watching to help her control the operation, then released her own mecha and entered the simulation laser room.

After being continuously shot in the thigh and calf, Wei San looked up into the dark: Teacher Chen, you are not authentic. How can the invigilator come into the field?

Which rule says that examiners cant enter the field?

After Chen Ci spoke her last word, Wei Sans gun moved.

Little stinky rabbit, youre still quite a little tender. Chen Cis voice rebounded from a different position.

Her gun moved with the sound, and Wei Sans bullet followed again. At the same time, a light knife struck the laser beast in front of herself.

Chen Ci squinted and did not proceed to speak. She only opened fire. Being dragged by her, Wei Sans speed slowed down.

One minute later, Chen Ci fired five shots at Wei San, all of which took place in the first 45 seconds, and all the attacks in the next 15 seconds failed.

More than that, Chen Ci suddenly found herself locked in.

Senior sister, help me. Wei San turned her head, angling herself so that half of the laser beast showed, and released her bullet net to counterattack Chen Ci.

In one minute, Wei San grasped Chen Cis general range, and picked out the possible position she might move towards, so as to prepare for the attack in advance.

Chen Ci squinted at the laser marks left on her flank and stopped attacking.

Without Chen Cis extra effort, the team of Wei San quickened its pace again and still exited in first place.

Who ran in front just now?

As soon as they came out, someone asked.

It must be senior sister Ding.

Probably Nie Haoqi.

Ding Hemei put out her finger and pointed to Wei San: her.

Isnt Wei San a shooter?

Ding Hemei was quite casual as she said, shes even a medium-sized mecha soldier.

But with a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, Wei San seems to be quite good.

This competition seemed to be ranking, but in fact there was another data passed to the teachers.

At noon, all the A-grade teachers held a meeting to analyze the ten teams.

Generally, teams with shooters were better than other teams 3 in all aspects. Ding Hemei was not weak in strength and had competition experience. As for the freshman Nie Haoqi, he made great progress.

Now the attacks of all the mecha soldiers in the ten teams were better than all the statistics, and they were passed to every teacher present.

As usual, shooters and other mecha soldiers should be counted separately. Chen Ci stood in the front, lets take a look at the shooters data first.

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