Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

As an output of force, the school teams mecha individual is basically daily training. The team and the team change their skillful formation. The unified and centralized training is the command. They are trying to connect with Jin Ke. The mecha engineer is responsible for observing their teams mecha so that they can be skillfully maintained during the competition.

After Wei San rested up, she took out her mecha on the battlefield.

Blood Drop!

As soon as the engineer on Wei Sans team saw her release Blood Drop, he scooted over against the mecha and touched it.

Wuwuwu, my dream machine.

Wei San hasnt responded yet, and even had a deep understanding of what the engineer said. Her dream was to touch the S-grade mecha to see what was different from it compared to the A-grade mecha.

However, Ding Hemei and Nie Haoqi, who were nearby, were all speechless. Its too stupid to see other people touch their own mecha so rudely. Even if they were a mecha soldier, they wouldnt be able to bear it.

Can you bear him touching your mecha like this, Wei San? Ding Hemei asked in a low voice, clutching Wei San, if the maintenance engineer was a maintenance engineer, it was still provocative to touch it face to face!

Hes just touching it. Wei San doesnt care. When she liked other peoples mecha, she also did this.

Ding Hemei: Wei San, the teacher said you were fooling around before. I didnt expect you to sacrifice yourself to this point for the competition. The teacher must have misunderstood you before.

Wei San: ?

After feeling it up, the mechanic was finally satisfied. He turned to Wei San and sighed: If teacher Xiang didnt gift this to you, I would never know whether I could touch Blood Drop in my life.

The S-grade mecha made by the S-grade mecha couldnt be mass produced, not only because it is a one-to-one design, but also because it is made by chance. Even if the same mecha maker used the same material, he may not be able to make the same mecha again.

The Blood Drop was made by an S-grade mecha engineer, and it was perfect in all aspects. In addition, it has the reputation of being the former mecha of an ex-mecha soldier. It was not too bad to be called a top A mecha.

Some of the grade A mecha were inherited in this way, and some were shelved when they couldnt find suitable candidates, and gradually disappeared from the view of the public.

Can you check it quickly? Ding Hemei was not used to seeing the mecha engineer like this. They were afraid that the next one to be poisoned was their own mecha.

Almost, almost. The mechanic connected all the three mecha to his bare brain and opened the data board. The left knee joint of the light mecha is a bit worn. Sister Ding Xuejie, you should pay attention to it at ordinary times. This oneen, very good?

I think its good, too. Nie Haoqi touched his head. Its much easier to use than the previous mecha.

He even felt that he had become much stronger.

I remember that your mecha is new. If you practice more often and form a sense of connection with the mecha, the fit will be higher. After reading the data board, the mechanic whispered, Strange.

Whats so strange? Nie Haoqi asked nervously. He just got this mecha. Its very precious. He cant stand hearing any bad words.

Oh, its nothing. Its just that the balance of your mecha is too good. The mechanic received the data board and said, You guys train, Ill do some tests first.

Hearing the praise from the peers, Wei San agreed. She also felt that this mecha was well done. If Nie Haoqi gave more budget, she could do even better on the weapons.

When it comes to mecha, she hasnt gone to the underground factory for a while, because she doesnt have a mecha in her hand, but the design drawing has been made, and now shes waiting for the store owner to help her get the materials.

In the evening, Wei San received a message from the shopkeeper, saying that except for a few parts that had not been found, the others had basically all arrived.

That night, she hurried to the underground floor of the underground factory to prepare to build a large mecha frame.

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