Sect Master’s Immortal Journey

Chapter 535: Waiting

Chapter 535: Waiting

Meng Zhang dismissed the team led by An Xiaoran and asked everyone else to leave. He only kept An Xiaoran and two Guardian Spirit Generals. The two Guardian Spirit Generals had been to the Deadly Sea of Sand multiple times in recent years and were familiar with the situation there. An Xiaoran was Meng Zhang's personal disciple and qualified to know the sect's secrets. Meng Zhang asked the two Guardian Spirit Generals if the current Hanhai Alliance could completely sweep through the Deadly Sea of Sand if they mobilized all their forces.

The response from the two Guardian Spirit Generals did not surprise Meng Zhang. Even without considering the influence of Demonic Cultivation, the countless sand monsters roaming within the Deadly Sea of Sand were far more powerful than the entire Hanhai Alliance. Meng Zhang had been to the Deadly Sea of Sand before and had some understanding of the situation inside. Now, upon hearing the response from the two Guardian Spirit Generals, he abandoned the idea of taking the initiative to solve the problem.

The Deadly Sea of Sand is adjacent to the Demon Wind Gobi and the Endless Sea of Sand. There are several areas in Taiyi Sect's territory that border the Deadly Sea of Sand. If any unexpected situations were to occur in the Deadly Sea of Sand, Taiyi Sect would be the first to bear the pressure, even before the Flying Swan Sect and the Northern Desert Qi Family. With a mindset of being prepared for the worst, Meng Zhang immediately informed Daoist Master Jin Li to investigate the situation inside as soon as possible. At the same time, he increased the deployment of more cultivator teams to go to the Deadly Sea of Sand and act as Taiyi Sect's eyes and ears.

After discussing the main matters, Meng Zhang assumed the role of a master and reprimanded An Xiaoran before ending the conversation. Afterwards, Meng Zhang sent someone to inform Jin Qiao'er of the changes in the Deadly Sea of Sand and asked her to relay the information to Jin Li Daoist Master. Although Jin Li Daoist Master spent most of his time near the Deadly Sea of Sand, his whereabouts were unpredictable, and he occasionally went on long trips. Jin Qiao'er knew how to contact Jin Li Daoist Master, but when she would respond and return was not something she could decide.

Meng Zhang had no other choice but to wait patiently for Jin Li Daoist Master's response. After waiting for a considerable amount of time without receiving any news from Jin Li Daoist Master, he was greeted by Delicate WaterSpirit General instead. In the past few years, Delicate WaterSpirit General had voluntarily ventured deep into the Demon Wind Gobi for exploration. She had been gone for several years and had finally returned safely to Taiyi Sect.

Upon returning to Taiyi Sect, Delicate WaterSpirit General immediately came to pay respects to Sect Master Meng Zhang. Delicate WaterSpirit General had always been unruly and didn't pay much attention to even the Sect Master, Meng Zhang. However, she knew how to distinguish between important and urgent matters and wouldn't be confused in critical situations. After meeting Meng Zhang, Delicate WaterSpirit General didn't exchange any pleasantries and went straight to the point, recounting her experiences in the depths of the Demon Wind Gobi.

Taiyi Sect's current territory is located to the east of the Demon Wind Gobi, while there are still many demonic beasts occupying the west. This time, Delicate WaterSpirit General traveled westward, leaving the controlled area of Taiyi Sect and entering the region occupied by demonic beasts. Delicate WaterSpirit General had profound cultivation and rich experience, so she was not unfamiliar with tasks such as infiltrating and gathering information. She didn't elaborate much on how she managed to penetrate the area controlled by demonic beasts or the battles she fought against them. The main content of her account was about the strength of the demonic beasts and the overall situation there.

In the area of the Demon Wind Gobi where Taiyi Sect has yet to set foot, there are still a large number of demonic beasts, including Third Rank ones. Although there are occasional internal conflicts among these demonic beasts, they are relatively united as a whole. When the joint forces of the three major powers invaded the Demon Wind Gobi, they occupied a large area. Later, Taiyi Sect took advantage of the situation and even claimed the areas around the Crow's Nest. The demonic beasts are not unaware of this situation, nor are they uninterested in expelling humans. However, they are troubled and preoccupied with their own issues, making it difficult for them to pay attention to humans.

At the western end of the Demon Wind Gobi lies an endless sea. This sea area is part of the Western Sea. Within the sea, there is a powerful clan known as the Sea Clan. For many years, the Sea Clan has been continuously attacking the western coast of the Demon Wind Gobi, attempting to invade and occupy the mainland.

The demonic beasts living in the western part of the Demon Wind Gobi naturally refuse to give up their homeland without a fight. The demonic beasts united and fought against the Sea Clan multiple times, doing their best to resist their invasion. The Sea Clan's goal in invading the mainland is to occupy the Demon Wind Gobi and plunder its resources.

The demonic beasts in the Demon Wind Gobi are also valuable resources. When the Sea Clan leaves the sea and enters the land, their strength is greatly reduced. Even so, these demonic beasts, even when united, are unable to withstand the Sea Clan's invasion. In multiple wars, the demonic beasts have been at a clear disadvantage, retreating step by step. If the Sea Clan had invested more forces in the Demon Wind Gobi, the demonic beasts would have been unable to resist long ago.

The current situation in the western part of the Demon Wind Gobi is that, under the leadership of some Third Rank demonic beasts, a large number of demonic beasts have gathered to barely withstand the Sea Clan's attacks. However, it is unknown how long the demonic beasts can hold on and whether the Sea Clan will continue to advance after achieving a comprehensive victory.

After listening to Delicate WaterSpirit General's account, Meng Zhang felt fortunate for himself and Taiyi Sect. The demonic beasts in the depths of the Demon Wind Gobi were being restrained by the Sea Clan, allowing Taiyi Sect to easily occupy a large area of the Demon Wind Gobi without being distracted. Without the threat of these demonic beasts, Taiyi Sect could safely develop the various resources of the DemonWind Gobi. However, Taiyi Sect still had its concerns.

If the demonic beasts in the area couldn't withstand the Sea Clan's invasion and retreated towards Taiyi Sect's territory, conflicts and even large-scale battles would be inevitable. What worried people even more was that no one knew the extent of the Sea Clan's ambitions. If they were to occupy the western region of the Demon Wind Gobi and continue advancing eastward, it would pose an unprecedented threat to Taiyi Sect.

The intelligence brought back by Delicate WaterSpirit General was crucial, as it provided Sect Master Meng Zhang with a clearer understanding of the situation in the Demon Wind Gobi and what Taiyi Sect would face.

Meng Zhang realized how lucky he and Taiyi Sect were. The demonic beasts in the depths of the Demon Wind Gobi were being held back by the Sea Clan, allowing Taiyi Sect to easily occupy a large area without being distracted. The absence of these demonic beasts' threat enabled Taiyi Sect to develop the resources of the Demon Wind Gobi in peace.

However, Taiyi Sect was not without worries. If the demonic beasts couldn't hold off the Sea Clan's invasion and were forced to retreat, there was a risk of conflict and even all-out war with Taiyi Sect. Furthermore, the extent of the Sea Clan's appetite remained unknown. If they were to occupy the western region of the Demon Wind Gobi and continue their eastward expansion, it would present an unprecedented challenge to Taiyi Sect.

The information brought by Delicate WaterSpirit General was of great importance, providing Sect Master Meng Zhang with a deeper understanding of the situation in the Demon Wind Gobi and the challenges that lay ahead for Taiyi Sect.Long ago, after the Taiyi Sect occupied the eastern region of the Demon Wind Gobi, Meng Zhang and some elders in the sect had the idea of advancing westward. They wanted to wait for the right moment to occupy the entire Demon Wind Gobi as the foundation of the Taiyi Sect.

Now it seems that their idea at that time was too naive. Besides the vast number of demonic beasts, there is also the powerful Sea Clan in the west of the Demon Wind Gobi, which is beyond the reach of the Taiyi Sect. The path of the Taiyi Sect's westward expansion has been effectively blocked.

To the south of the Taiyi Sect is the Jiuqu League, where there is no room for the Taiyi Sect to expand. To the north is the Deadly Sea of Sand, which contains many resources but is not suitable for human habitation. To the south is the territory occupied by the Flying Swan Sect and the Northern Desert Qi Family within the Endless Sea of Sand.

Although the Taiyi Sect has not fully developed its existing territory, as the Sect Master, Meng Zhang has to consider the long term. "He who does not plan for the distant future is not worthy of a moment's plan. He who does not plan for the whole situation is not worthy of a corner's plan." If they do not consider the long term now, how can they expand and develop rapidly in the future?

If it weren't for the factors of the Primordial Spirit True Monarch, the Flying Swan Sect and the Northern Desert Qi Family should be the next targets for the Taiyi Sect's conquest. As for the situation in the west of the Demon Wind Gobi, they cannot be careless and must pay attention at all times.

According to the information provided by Delicate WaterSpirit General, there are at least five Third Rank demonic beasts deep in the Demon Wind Gobi, each leading a large army of demonic beasts. However, they are still at a disadvantage against the invasion of the Sea Clan. Fortunately, Delicate WaterSpirit General has a clear judgment of the situation. The demonic beasts can hold on for a while, and if nothing unexpected happens, they can maintain a stalemate with the Sea Clan for a long time.

During this period of time, the Taiyi Sect will definitely have greater development and accumulate stronger power. In fact, the two young elders of the Taiyi Sect, Wen Qiansun and Yang Xueyi, have honed their cultivation bases during their time in the Deadly Sea of Sand and are not far from reaching the Gold Core stage.

What the Taiyi Sect needs most now is enough time for development. If it were not for the necessity, Meng Zhang would not want to engage in external warfare. His greatest expectation is to stay low-key, focus on farming, and not seek unnecessary conflicts.

After Delicate WaterSpirit General finished reporting, Meng Zhang asked her to stay in the Taiyi Sect for the time being and not to wander around. If the changes in the Deadly Sea of Sand affect the Demon Wind Gobi, the Taiyi Sect will still need her strength as a Gold Core cultivator.

As for the situation in the west of the Demon Wind Gobi, the Taiyi Sect currently lacks the ability to intervene and is unwilling to get involved easily. Meng Zhang only instructed the disciples in the sect to strengthen their surveillance of the west of the Demon Wind Gobi and be vigilant for any major events.

After discussing matters with Delicate WaterSpirit General, Meng Zhang bid her farewell. She had been away from the sect for several years and had a lot of things to take care of. Before leaving, she handed a pearl the size of a human head to Meng Zhang.

This time, Delicate WaterSpirit General went to the west of the Demon Wind Gobi, all the way to the western coast and even deep into the sea. While roaming near the coast, she accidentally encountered a severely injured thousand-year-old clam.

As a cultivator specializing in water attribute techniques, Delicate WaterSpirit General is almost in her element in the sea, fully able to unleash the power of her water-system Divine Ability. Even when encountering powerful aquatic beasts, she is not at a disadvantage.

After a fierce battle, Delicate WaterSpirit General successfully killed the thousand-year-old clam and obtained its corpse. Clam demons usually give birth to clam pearls, which are the most precious items on their bodies. This thousand-year-old clam was no exception, and it indeed contained a thousand-year-old clam pearl.

Delicate WaterSpirit General has some knowledge of Meng Zhang's cultivation technique, the "Sun-Moon Wheel Turning Sutra," especially the Sun and Moon Divine Light, a derived Divine Ability. After successfully cultivating the Sun and Moon Divine Light, one can refine a spirit pearl into a Sun Moon Divine Pearl.

The Sun Moon Divine Pearl not only enhances the power of the Sun and Moon Divine Light but also has other uses. Meng Zhang had considered refining a Sun Moon Divine Pearl after cultivating the Sun and Moon Divine Light, but it would require at least a Third Rank spirit pearl.

Spiritual treasures of Third Rank and above are often priceless. With the current channels of the Taiyi Sect, it would be difficult to collect them in a short time. Unexpectedly, Delicate WaterSpirit General had been keeping this matter in mind. After obtaining the spirit pearl, she voluntarily handed it over to Meng Zhang.

Feeling in a good mood, Meng Zhang, for the first time, found Delicate WaterSpirit General quite adorable. Her somewhat unruly nature didn't seem so annoying anymore. Delicate WaterSpirit General seemed indifferent about handing over the spirit pearl to Meng Zhang and left in a hurry. Meng Zhang knew her temperament and didn't waste words on unnecessary thanks. If he were to express gratitude, it would only create distance between them.

In the days waiting for Jin LiDaoist Master's return, Meng Zhang began to refine the spirit pearl according to the methods recorded in the "Sun-Moon Wheel Turning Sutra." This superior cultivation technique not only recorded the main cultivation method but also derived Divine Abilities and special magic tools that complemented the main cultivation method or Divine Abilities.

These special magic tools are not difficult to refine, but they have strict requirements for the cultivation technique. Even cultivators who are not good at crafting can succeed as long as they have suitable materials and slowly refine them using the main cultivation technique.

Meng Zhang tirelessly displayed the Divine Ability Sun and Moon Divine Light day and night, refining the Third Rank spirit pearl. He cleansed the demonic energy attached to the pearl, allowing it to slowly absorb the aura of the sun and moon. Shortly after Meng Zhang began refining the Sun Moon Divine Pearl, Jin LiDaoist Master received news from Jin Qiao'er and returned from his trip, arriving at the Grand Lion Ridge.

Originally, Jin Li Daoist Master received a message from Jin Qiao'er, saying that Meng Zhang wanted to discuss something with her, and she felt a bit embarrassed about it. Previously, Meng Zhang asked Jin Li Daoist Master to take care of the cultivator team sent by Taiyi Sect to the Deadly Sea of Sand. Jin Li Daoist Master agreed immediately, only asking Meng Zhang to take care of Qiaoshou Sect in return. Meng Zhang fulfilled his promise and provided many benefits to Qiaoshou Sect. However, Jin Li Daoist Master had been busy with her own matters during this time and hadn't stayed in the Deadly Sea of Sand. Instead, she went to the Jiuqu League.

Since Jin Li Daoist Master wasn't in the Deadly Sea of Sand, she naturally couldn't take care of the Taiyi Sect cultivators. Moreover, she had heard rumors that the cultivators from Taiyi Sect who entered the Deadly Sea of Sand seemed to have suffered heavy casualties. Jin Li Daoist Master thought that Meng Zhang wanted to hold her accountable, and feeling guilty, she didn't know how to face Meng Zhang. However, shortly after, Jin Qiao'er provided more detailed information.

Upon hearing about the changes in the Deadly Sea of Sand, the Demonic Cultivation in the small demon cave breaking through the Black Wind Grave and capturing all the ghost cultivators, Jin Li Daoist Master realized that something was amiss. She quickly finished her business in the Jiuqu League and hurried back to the Demon Wind Gobi. First, she met with Jin Qiao'er and had her recount the events in front of her, and then she brought Jin Qiao'er to meet Meng Zhang. After meeting Meng Zhang, he once again explained the whole story to her.

After listening to Meng Zhang's account, Jin Li Daoist Master remained silent for a long time. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke to Meng Zhang. It turned out that the Fifth Rank great power deep in the Deadly Sea of Sand rarely interfered with the events there. Shortly after his arrival in the Deadly Sea of Sand, many Demonic Cultivations came here, followed by ghost cultivators. It's unclear what agreement the ghost cultivators and Demonic Cultivation reached with the Fifth Rank great power. The base established by the ghost cultivators, Black Wind Grave, and the stronghold established by the Demonic Cultivation, the small demon cave, have never been subjected to a full-scale attack by the sand monster army.

The ghost cultivators and Demonic Cultivation coexist in the Deadly Sea of Sand, and although conflicts occasionally occur with the sand monsters, they have never erupted into a major battle. Jin Li Daoist Master couldn't understand how a group of Foundation Building stage cultivators like the ghost cultivators and Demonic Cultivation managed to catch the attention of the Fifth Rank great power.

Over the centuries, more and more cultivators have come to the Deadly Sea of Sand, either because they had no other choice or in search of treasures like the spiritual essence. Apart from many cultivators dying at the hands of the sand monsters, some of them either turned into ghost cultivators or Demonic Cultivation. Jin Li Daoist Master dealt with the ghost cultivators who were at most at the False Core stage with ease. If she wanted to, she could have dealt with them long ago. However, when it came to Demonic Cultivation, Jin Li Daoist Master became extremely cautious. As a strong cultivator at the Gold Core stage, she didn't even pay attention to ordinary cultivators at the early Gold Core stage. But a group of Foundation Building stage Demonic Cultivation in the small demon cave made her wary and unwilling to approach them easily.

According to Jin Li Daoist Master's judgment, the Fifth Rank great power came from outside this world, and the earliest Demonic Cultivation in this world also came from outside. Who knows if there is any connection between the two? Jin Li Daoist Master wasn't a diviner and didn't have the ability to have sudden insights. However, as a cultivator with her level of cultivation base, she had some spiritual awareness. Jin Li Daoist Master could vaguely sense the danger in the small demon cave. A group of Foundation Building stage Demonic Cultivation didn't bother to hide their malicious intent in front of her.

Jin Li Daoist Master's entry and exit from the Deadly Sea of Sand were not of her own volition but for True Monarch Tian Zhu. She had personally experienced the troubles and treachery of Demonic Cultivation in the past. As long as they didn't actively provoke her, she didn't want to easily become enemies with Demonic Cultivation. Now, after hearing the situation from Meng Zhang, she couldn't continue to ignore it.

The Deadly Sea of Sand was full of dangers, but the situation had always been stable. Both the small demon cave and Black Wind Grave were long-established forces that had existed for centuries. The sudden attack by the Demonic Cultivation in the small demon cave on the ghost cultivators in Black Wind Grave must have some secret that she didn't know about.

She repeatedly questioned Meng Zhang, but his knowledge was also limited. The captured ghost cultivator, after being interrogated by the Guardian Spirit General and even personally questioned by Meng Zhang, provided valuable information, but the information about Demonic Cultivation was limited. Black Wind Grave and the small demon cave coexisted in the Deadly Sea of Sand for many years without any conflicts.

The ghost cultivators have always feared Demonic Cultivation and never dared to provoke them. Even if they occasionally encountered each other outside, they would immediately keep their distance. Why did Demonic Cultivation suddenly attack the ghost cultivators, break through Black Wind Grave, and capture a large number of ghost cultivators?

Jin Li Daoist Master was still very confused. Unable to obtain more useful information from Meng Zhang, she needed to personally go to the small demon cave to investigate further. However, Jin Li Daoist Master was very resistant to this idea and was unwilling to deal with Demonic Cultivation.

Meng Zhang urgently hoped that Jin Li Daoist Master would clarify the situation, but Jin Li Daoist Master tried to avoid it. In the end, she told Meng Zhang to wait a while longer. She would report to True Monarch Tian Zhu and see how he would handle the situation.

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