Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 330 Bloody Eyes

"What is it? Why are you laughing, Nina?" Yan asked as he hugged her from behind.

"She's sleeping, she must be exhausted despite not training, I guess from not sleeping well..." Nina responded and Yan smiled.

"Well, let's get her fixed properly," Yan said as he lifted Adora up in his arm, and she woke up at the same time and looked at him.

"Did I sleep away?" she asked, and he nodded before placing her properly on the bed and handing her the phone, which she sighed and took off.

"Thank you very much," she said.

"You're welcome," Nina replied.

"No problem, try to sleep more," Yan said, as Adora smiled at him.

"I will do my best, good night," she replied.

"Good night and sweet dreams," Yan said before he and Nina left, and Ador turned off the lights in her room, where she finally fell asleep after a brief struggle.

When Adora awoke the next morning, she stretched before getting out of bed and going about her normal morning routine.

After the girl had finished, she went downstairs and assisted Nina in preparing breakfast for them to eat.

When they finished preparing their meal, they took everything and placed it on the living room table, where everyone sat before taking their food to eat.

"Adora when will we be leaving here?" Scott asked while eating and she looked at him and then sighed.

"How do you like the sound of this afternoon?" she asked, and they looked at her as she lowered her head.

"How long are you planning to stop home for?" Alix asked and she looked at him.

"Not long," Adora replied, "just need to brief my father on a few things and get another location where we should start looking for their base and the crystal."

'Then this afternoon is fine to leave; we can't stay here much longer if we don't know where to look for them.' "Kyris stated.

"I agree," Ifrit said, as did the others.

"OK, then we'll leave this afternoon, we'll keep going with the ship, it's best to use it right now, we'll refill more once we get home," Adora replied.

"Got it, then I will prepare the ship to leave," Scott said and Adora smiled when Alix's eyes started glowing red along with Adora's and she gasped.

"What's wrong with you two?" Aerav asked as they both started to see the crystal.

"I can see the crystal," both Alix and Adora said at the same time, and the others exchanged glances before turning to them.

"Alix, tell us what you see," Ayden said.

"The crystal is dark and glowing a bit red, there are several people around it, one in a dark robe, it's a he, he's saying something, but I can't catch the voice not what he is saying, oh wait, someone else is speaking," Alix responded.

"I couldn't catch what he was saying to the others, what exactly was the one in the robe saying?" Adora asked.

"Well, the other one is saying that the crystal cannot be used right now, they need something else but it will take a while to get it, oh no, this person in the robe caught on to us, watching the crystal," Alix said as the person turned to the direction Alix and Adora were in even though he couldn't see them, personally.

"Is he looking at us?" Adora asked.

"Yes, he knows we can see," Alix responded when they felt pressure against their eyes and blood began to flow down Adora's eyes and the others gasped upon seeing that.

"Adora," Ifrit said as their eyes returned to normal, and Alix looked at her, blood dripping on her hand as her eyes shook, and Alix grabbed tissues and went to her, wiping the blood.

"Are you all right?" he asked, and she swallowed.

"Yeah.... I'm fine; how about you?" she asked, looking at him, and he sighed.

"Whoever that was, forced us away, I am not sure we can see anything like that again, he was powerful enough to know we were there," Alix said as they exchanged glances.

"Did you see the same thing?" Zack inquired, and Adora nodded.

"This isn't good, guys," Misran said, sighing as Adora clutched her right eye and Alix looked at her.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Alix asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts a little," Adora replied. "We're leaving this afternoon, we have to find that crystal no matter what."

"Adora, I believe the crystal is what allowed us to see that," Alix said.

"I think so, too," Kyris replied and she sighed.

"The same here, we don't have that ability," Adora said as she stood up and went to wash her face.

"That scared me for a second, her eyes bleeding," Zavis frowned as Zack patted him on the back.

"Don't worry, she said she's fine," Zack replied and Zavis sighed.

"Are we going to be okay?" he inquired.

"Probably not, are you worried about yourself?" Alix asked, and Zavis looked at him and smiled.

"No, I'm not going to back down," he responded, and Alix smiled as Adora returned and sat down, and they all continued to eat their food.

Adora drank her coffee after they finished eating, then went out onto the back porch and sat down, looking at the water as it washed against the beach, and she smiled when she saw the dragon pass by.

"What are you up to?" Alix asked as he approached her, and she smiled at him.

"Not much, just relaxing a bit, are you guys even ready to leave here?" she asked as he sat beside her.

"Yeah, we are, we need to do something, don't we?" he asked and she scoffed.

"Yeah, if only we didn't need to," she responded and he glanced at her.

"I doubt you can sit here and watch these crazy things happen," he said and she chuckled.

"You are correct; I cannot sit and do nothing; if I do, the kingdom as I know it will fall," she replied, and he nodded.

Alix knew Adora was not the type to keep quiet, which was one of the many qualities they all admired in her.

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