Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 217: Vivian meets the king

Chapter 217: Vivian meets the king

After walking around the kingdom for some time, Vivian and Nikalas sat under a tree as Nikalas laid his head on her shoulder. 

"Did you see my parents?"

Vivian asked while brushing his hair


Nikalas didn't have the strength to tell that her Kingdom Yven was conquered by the Zenith kingdom a long time ago and no one knew what happened to Vivian's parents or any of her relatives.

"What happened to them?"

Her voice broke in alarm

"Yven is no more mother, it's now a part of Zenith"

Nikalas felt her gentle grip around his shoulder tightening

"That's why told you this is the safest place for us mother"

"What of my parents? Are they living in Zenith now?"

"They left the kingdom, mother, I don't know what happened to them"

Nikalas already asked Joel to find some information about his grandparents but even Joel couldn't locate or find a shred of information about them.

"No mother, I've already searched for them, no one knows where they are"

Looking at her face, Nikalas knew that she had decided to search for them by herself and he wouldn't allow her to leave alone.

"Mother, you must not leave this place"


Nikalas sighed and decided to tell her how he faked their death and escaped Korrinth.

"Why'd you do that?"

Although Vivian had woken up from seventeen years of coma, she could tell someone's whether lying or not by their reaction, and Nikalas was not a good liar, so she was able to guess that he was lying or hiding something.


Just as she was about to ask him, they heard a little girl's voice from behind as they turned back to see Catalie.


"I'm glad you have woken up, welcome to Everlight"

The little girl enthusiastically floated around Vivian with a joyous grin.

"Who are you?"

Vivian frowned noticing the little girl was poking her and looking at her with widened eyes.

"Oh silly me, I'm Catalie Lise Leavitt, don't worry you can call me Catalie"

"Are you a ghost?"

Vivian tilted her head and asked as the little girl giggled

"No, I'm the guardian of this realm"

She said and looked at Nikalas

"You two should come and meet brother, he is waiting for you"

"Mother, come, let's go, it's time you meet the ones who saved you"

Vivian helped Nikalas sit in the wheelchair as Catalie gestured at them to follow her.

"And mother"


"Hmm how could I say"

Nikalas rubbed his chin

"His Majesty won't show his emotion well, thought you should know"

The two of them followed Catalie to meet Don while Vivian gawked around the place.

After a few minutes, they reached the block where the houses were built as she saw a crowd of people working and strolling.

The people didn't forget to greet them when they noticed them. She thought that these houses were occupied by nobles but when she saw the goblin house and the two goblins chilling out in the lawn like the owners, she was confused.

"Nikalas, are these goblins working here?"

Nikalas chuckled hearing his mother

"No mother, those houses belongs to the goblins, they are too the citizens of Everlight"


The goblins were considered to be the low lives in the continent and no king would treat them as their citizens let alone gigging them a house.

"Don't be surprised mother, not only the goblins, in a couple of weeks, everyone will have their own house, after the dwarves and the elves finished these houses, we will get ours"

"There they are"

Vivian looked at the direction the little girl was pointing and saw a group of dwarves, demihumans, and elves working. Among this group, Vivian saw a woman who had a layer of thin golden light around her.

"You're awake" Vivian heard the woman and felt like her gaze was searching her soul itself.

Nikalas looked around the place for Don but he couldn't find him as Reghys walked towards them.

"Give me your hand"

Vivian frowned and stood back

"Mother, it's okay"

Nikalas grabbed her hand and placed her hand on Reghy's hand.

Reghys closed her eyes as Vivian felt a tingling sensation inside her body.

"Hmm, the curse has been completely lifted but your body and soul need strength, I'd recommend you cultivate using the bound energy but it's up to Don and Knight to decide"

Reghys let her hand go as she noticed that there was something strange about this woman before her.

"Lady Reghys, where is his majesty? And what're you doing here?"

"He didn't tell you?"

Reghys thought that Don would tell him what happened to him and Knight but looking at Nikalas's reaction, she realized that he kept it as a secret, even from him.

"I can't say it but you should know this, they risked their lives and the lives of everyone here to take the elixir from the dungeon, don't forget that"

Just as Reghys said this, Vivian saw a young boy who looked like a couple of years older than Nikalas carrying a huge block of stone on his shoulder.

"His majesty"

Vivian was shocked to hear her son calling this youth as his majesty because she didn't expect the king to be this young and carry the stone like a worker rather than ordering his men around.

What even more surprised her was the scars on wounds on his body. His body was basically riddled with scars but it added a certain charm to his perfectly sculpted body frame. Noticing Vivian and Nikalas, he put the stone on the ground and motioned the workers to continue the work rather than gawking at them.

"Your majesty"

Reghys flicked her wrist and retrieved his shirt and gave it to him as Don put it on.

"I'm glad you're awake, I'm Don"

Don said as he reached his hand out to her.

"Vivianna Calderon"

Vivian didn't expect this gesture but she shook his hand and when she touched his hand, she realized that this was a hand of a warrior, not a greenhouse flower like the princess or noble youths.


Reghys stepped to him with a syringe and the device that she was using to monitor his body and battle energy.

"Can't we do it later?"


Nikalas recognized the syringe as the energy extractor that he helped Reghys and Benedict build.

"Lady Reghys, what are you going to do with it?"

But without answering Nikalas, Reghys stabbed the needle in Don's neck as Catalie let out a small squealing sound.

"Don't move"

Vivian saw Don gritting his teeth and then what happened next made her heart skip a beat.


Vivian shouted and jumped in front of Nikalas as her face turned pale.

Fortunately, Reghys was finished and when she retracted the needle out of his neck, the vial attached to the needle was filled with a black vapor.

The black vapor was the exact energy she felt and saw inside the dungeon, the same thing that took Calderon, the love of her life from her.

Overwhelming fear and dread clutched her heart as everything that happened before she closed her eyes rushed into her mind and flooded her mind with nightmares.

Looking at her reaction Don sighed and decided to tell her and hear what she had to say about her reaction.


Don said to Vivian and looked at Reghys

"Reghys explain everything to them, I'm too tired for this"

The extreme physical labor he was doing and the retraction of the dark energy took a toll on his body. Reghys nodded as Don sat on a stone nearby while Catalie flicked her hand and a water container landed on Don's hand.

Before Reghys started to tell everything that happened to him and Knight, she raised her hand as a layer of light appeared around Vivian and disappeared in a flash. When the light vanished, Vivian felt extremely calm and the dread of emotions she had just felt too vanished from her mind.

Don had no idea that Nikalas's father lost his life in the search for him and he felt bad for them because even they were unlucky to meet an evil ancient being like Aathreya.

On the other side, Nikalas couldn't help but shiver in fear hearing Reghys.

The guilt started to grasp his heart because as far as he was concerned if Knight or Don died inside the dungeon, it would have been his fault since they went there looking for the golden elixir for him.

She never thought they risked their lives for her just because she was Nikalas's mother. And Reghys also said everything about the prophecy about the great war that the Dragon King told and made sure that Vivian realized there's no safer place for her and Nikalas than Everlight.

Reghys knew if Vivian acted like an ungrateful bitch and planned to take away Nikalas with her, Knight would do something and make these two pay for everything that happened because of them considering Knight was pissed off about his cultivation being interrupted by the black energy.

However, Vivian didn't seem like an ungrateful person, and what Reghys had said only strengthened the loyalty to Everlight in Nikalas's heart.

"He's going to be fine right?"

Nikalas asked Reghys as Reghys could see the guilt and concern in his eyes.

"We will try our best to make sure he and Knight stays fine"

Vivian couldn't find any words to say to him 

"You should go and eat something, I'm sure that Amaryll is preparing another feast as we speak"

As he said, he stood up and left the construction site to go to the crop field where he had to plow a huge piece of land all by himself.

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