Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 209: Once Again Home

Chapter 209: Once Again Home

"Brother is back!!!!"

Catalie's joyful scream echoed through the kingdom as Ken, the dwarves, the elves, and everyone in the castle came running to the throne hall.

"Yi Shu just told me that she's with brother and Arrora and they are now going to the safe house"

"Is he here?"

Everyone suddenly heard Nikalas's voice as they turned back to see him rushing to the throne hall in his wheelchair with a mix of excited and worried faces.

"Don't worry Nikalas, you waited this long, just wait a few more minutes"

Ken said as Nikalas slowly nodded but he couldn't stay still in his wheelchair.

"Just keep them occupied for a few more minutes, I'll go and set up the table"

Amaryll said to Arwen and ran towards the dining room.

"Let's go and welcome them"

Catalie and Nikalas tweaked the Teleportation Array to teleport Don to the area outside the castle. They wanted to surprise Don, Knight, and Arrora with the festive mood of the entire kingdom when the moment they appeared in Everlight.

Everyone in Everlight was busy in the last two days decorating the kingdom for Don's return. Amaryll ordered the men to hunt and buy various types of meat in and out of Everlight as Stodemar left the construction works in Emir and Agoria to decorate the kingdom with metal works and signs.

Ken created many fireworks that would shine and paint the sky with its colors even in the daylight. Benedict was reluctant to waste his time creating fireworks but after seeing the festive mood of everyone, he sighed and started to work with Ken. Even though Don still had to break out the orcs who were working in the mines, Hagu and his group of orcs had gotten to know that Don and Knight would keep their word, so they contributed to the celebration by helping the dwarves with the metal works and various other works that required strong hands.

After spending much time with the people in Everlight, the orcs were settling down and getting quite accustomed to the peaceful and joyous life in Everlight. Besides, Joel would often inform them about what's happening in the mines and occasionally get Hagu and his group's messages to them and vice versa.

At the same moment in the safe house

"Welcome to our world"

Don let Knight, the tigress, and the cubs out of his space ring.

"Wrong greeting, Don, Catalie, activate the teleporter"

Before the tigress could bat an eye, she suddenly sensed the air thickening around her, and then a white flash made her close her eyes.


The tigress jumped back when she heard the thunderous shout when she opened her eyes.

"Hail his majesty, Hail the General, Hail Lady Arrora"

The tigress and the cubs were staring at the people and the surrounding before them.

The tigress felt like she had stepped into some kind of fairyland that she heard in the stories. Before coming here, she thought the kingdom would have a lot of man-made structures without any space between them, humans rushing through the wet dirty streets and polluted air. However, the scenery before her was a completely different one than what she expected. Each building looked elegant and unique with beautiful small gardens and water fountains, the pavement she was standing on made of pearl white stones and each side of the pavement had flowery plants radiating a sweet fragrance. At the distance, she could see the young green crop fields and the huge lake by the side of the cropland.

What surprised her most was the people themselves, everyone seemed to be in a festive mood with a wide grin on their faces as many of them had the names Don, Knight, Arrora painted on their faces. She only saw the dwarves, elves, goblins, and the demi-humans in the cave paintings but this was the first time she's seeing them in real life.

As when she and the cubs looked at the distance, they couldn't stop their eyes and mouth open wide. Even at the distance, the castle looked very enormous and the rainbow before the castle added more elegance and beauty to the castle. She couldn't even count the windows in the castle as stylish windows were scattered generously across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with asymmetric crenelations for archers and artillery.

The massive, round towers reached twice the height of some tallest trees that she had seen in this elegant castle and were connected by reinforced, heavy walls made of shiny silver stone.

"Welcome back, me king"

Don saw Stodemar, Dhursir, and the dwarves walking towards him with a wide grin on their faces. Unexpectedly the dwarves gave a friendly hug to him though they only reached Don's hip.

"Oh? Thank you"

Don patted the dwarves on their backs as they quickly gave hugs to Knight

"Alright, alright"

Knight smiled as he stood there and received their hugs.

"You too, half-elf"

Stodemar didn't hug Arrora but said this with a smile.

"What's happening here?"

Don had to shout because the crowd was cheering and chanting their names.

"It be a welcome party, me king"

Stodemar wanted to ask about the grey tiger and the cubs beside Knight but before he could do that Don had asked him a question.

"Brother, welcome back"

The tigress was startled to see a projection of a little girl suddenly appearing before them.

"Hey, Cat"

Don waved his hand as the little girl bounced in joy

"Who are they?"

Catalie noticed the newcomers as she asked while her eyes were sparkling looking at the cute little cubs.

"Shall we go inside?"

Knight shouted at Catalie while Don was shaking hands with the crowd surrounding them. The crowd roared more when they got the chance to shake Don's hand and talk with him, even if it was only a couple of words.

"Lady Arrora, Lady Arrora"

Unlike Don, Arrora waved her hands and happily greeted them with a wide grin. No matter the race, every male who looked at her smile got their heartbeat skip but none of them dared to look at her in the wrong way while the women were jealous of her close relationship with Don.

"Wow, look at that"

Suddenly when Don started to walk towards the castle, he heard a sound like thunder clapping and looked up to see the beautiful fireworks in the sky.

The fireworks burst into the air and formed the shapes of Don, Knight, and Arrora and in a few seconds, the golden sparks transformed into the words

'Welcome Back to Everlight' and then the fireworks continued to decorate the sky with various battle poses of Don, Arrora, and Knight.

Just when they thought the fireworks were finished, they heard another loud bang as the word 'Everlight' almost covered the sky above them.

The people went crazy when they saw this firework and shouted the word Everlight with all their might that reverberated the kingdom. 






"Goblins Rock"

The tigress had never seen such a beautiful firework that even shines in the daylight.

Along the way to the castle, Don saw the building decorated with the paintings saying 'welcome back', 'King Don', 'Lady Arrora', as well as there were many banners that had their life-like faces painted on.

"Your majesty"

When he got close to the castle, he was welcomed by Arwen, Ken, and the whole gang except Amaryll.

Nikalas and Riya were looking at him nervously as he looked Arwen

"Where's Reghys?"

"Did you miss me?"

Just when he asked about Reghys, he heard her voice from above and looked up to see Reghys wearing shiny elegant red robes descending.


Knight tilted his head because Reghys looked very different than before as she had neither the wings behind her nor any of the previous draconic features on her face.

She looked extremely beautiful even more beautiful than Amaryll, Audrey, or any of the young misses who were called goddesses in the divine continent.

"You reached the heavenly realm"

Even Don could sense the power and aura that's radiating from her as she proudly grinned.

"Yes, but we should talk about it after you send them away"

Reghys looked at the crowd before the castle.

Don turned his gaze away from Reghys to the crowd

"I'm happy that you prepared this beautiful welcome for us, now go and keep celebrating and enjoying this day, we'll have more to celebrate in the future"

Don and Knight waved at the crowd as Arrora waved at them with a grin.

"Long live your majesty, long live General Knight, long live Lady Arrora"

The crowd roared and cheered happily as Don nodded and entered the castle.

"Don, Knight, Arrora!"

Just as they entered the castle, Don saw Amaryll running towards them and greeted them with a bear hug.

"What took you so long?"

Amaryll said and released Don from her hold and then moved onto Knight

"Come here, you furry bastard"

"I never thought you'll miss us so much"

Knight chuckled when Amaryll released him.

"Oh god"

But when she went to hug Arrora, she saw the tigress and the cubs who were looking at the castle and the people with wonder.


She screamed as her eyes sparkled looking at the cubs and before the cubs could growl or do anything, they were being squeezed against Amaryll's ample bosom.


The cubs tried to growl but Amaryll showered them with kisses and while holding the cubs, she turned her gaze towards the tigress

"Oh, stay away lady"

By looking at Amaryll's greedy eyes, the tigress knew that she's going to shower her with kisses too

"It talks, she talks"

Amaryll's eyes sparkled even more when she heard the tigress as everyone was shocked to see another talking beast like Knight.

"Nikalas, Reghys, let's go see Vivianna, I got the elixir"

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