Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 344: Just as Hopes were raised, they were dashed.

Chapter 344

As soon as Yi Bing stepped into the room, she noticed a window, and her heart suddenly started racing. Suppressing her excitement, she stopped Huang De Han, who was about to enter the room with her, and said, "You go out, I need to use the restroom."

Huang De Han stood at the door and said, "Alright, go ahead. I'll wait here."

"Are you crazy? How can I go when you're standing here? I can't do it with you here," Yi Bing pleaded, trying to push Huang De Han away. "Please, just go outside. I really can't go with you here."

Huang De Han glanced at the window and smirked, "Stop pretending. I know exactly what you're thinking. If you need to go, then go quickly. If not, then forget it!"

Her thoughts were exposed, and Yi Bing felt annoyed, but with Huang De Han blocking the doorway, she truly couldn't go.

But she had to use the restroom.

Yi Bing huffed, "Fine, turn around and don't look at me!"

Huang De Han obediently turned around, facing away from Yi Bing. "Hurry up."

Yi Bing glanced at the window again and said, "Don't you dare turn around."

That window was fitted with wooden bars, so even if she wanted to escape, she couldn't.

The flicker of hope that had just risen was shattered!

Not hearing any movement, Huang De Han impatiently urged, "Hurry up!"

Finally, Yi Bing lifted her skirt and squatted down. "Whoosh—," she had indeed held it in for too long.

The stinging pain from below made her shiver involuntarily.

Ouch, it hurt!

"Are you done?" Huang De Han asked.

Yi Bing stood up, smoothed her skirt, and replied, "Yes!"

Back in the original room, Yi Bing didn't want to keep using the floor as a restroom. She made a suggestion, "Huang De Han, can you buy me a chamber pot? I can't keep using the floor every time. And what if I need to do a big one? Can't you rent a better place?"

Huang De Han glanced at Yi Bing and said, "I'll bring it next time. Anything else you need? I'll bring them together."

Yi Bing took a look at the room with only a wooden plank bed and said, "Bring a blanket too. It's so cold now. Do you want me to freeze to death? And some toiletries, tissues, snacks, water... Oh, and bring me some clothes too."

She thought that with so many requests, Huang De Han would refuse, but she didn't expect him to agree right away. "Alright, anything else?"

Yi Bing grumbled, "That's it!"

"Okay, get back on the bed and lie down," Huang De Han said.

"Why?" Yi Bing asked cautiously, worried that Huang De Han would turn aggressive and try something. Her whole body was in pain, and she had no idea how many people she had been with last night. She had woken up in pain and passed out again. Her lower body still burned with pain.

Huang De Han picked up the rope on the bed and said, "I'm going out."

Yi Bing instinctively stepped back, her voice trembling, "If you want to go out, then go. Even if you lock the door, I can't escape."

"I don't trust you," Huang De Han said. "Hurry up and come here."

"No!" Yi Bing said fearfully.

Huang De Han's face darkened. "Do you want me to get rough with you?"

Afraid of angering Huang De Han, Yi Bing walked to the edge of the bed with a mournful face and sat down.

Huang De Han approached with a rope in hand and proceeded to tie her hands and feet together.

Seeing Huang De Han pick up a roll of transparent tape, Yi Bing quickly pleaded, "Can you please not cover my mouth? I promise I won't scream, really."

Huang De Han coldly replied, "No," and proceeded to seal her mouth shut.

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