Reincarnated With SSS Deathless Skill in Female Dominated World!

Chapter 122 Darkness Of The First Hunter Union (2)

Chapter 122 Darkness Of The First Hunter Union (2)

Chapter 122: Darkness Of The First Hunter Union (2)

Hunter's feelings were different.

In a nutshell, he hadn't reverted to his old self. He appreciated the boss' beauty and strength, that was all. She had also noticed it by faintly smiling at him. For Hunter, the boss' looks and strength were what made her gorgeous, so it was really surprising she could read him so well.

And from the gaze Hunter had thrown Charlotte's way, Celestia sensed that Hunter was more into her best friend rather than herself. It wasn't really that surprising, was it? They were in constant contact, and it was far from just friendly banter. Someone who had shown attention and care to him was much more important and beautiful to Hunter.

It meant that Charlotte outshone Celestia, at least in Hunter's eyes.

Besides, Aimee and Seraphina were, at most, a few steps behind Celestia. And that was because Celestia was much older than them, so her beautiful form was shrouded in so much assertiveness that it beefed up her already outstanding looks.

She was the epitome of an assertive woman who knew exactly what she wanted, someone who had already achieved a lot in her life and was more than confident in her plans.

Aimee and Seraphina lacked that. Once they fulfill their goals, they would be more beautiful than the boss in front of them.

Charlotte waved at Hunter, "Long time no see, Hunter."

"Yes, Miss Charlotte! I missed you!" Hunter smiled, receiving odd glares from Aimee and Seraphina.

Celestia snorted, "Don't you two frequently exchange photos? I also seem to recall a photo of a beautiful crimson-haired woman being messed up in a bed appearing on your private channel."

"Ah," Seraphina blushed.

Charlotte's cheeks turned slightly red, too. "You don't have to be so blunt, the boss."

Other than these two, Layla was also in the room. She was always taciturn and seemed like the silent blade of the boss, but even she seemed to be interested in this talk. She appeared to enjoy the mood that was so unlike all other official talks that regularly happen in this place.

Layla's eyes weren't on Hunter, however. She was swiping her attention from Seraphina to Aimee, seemingly probing into their bodies.

Celestia continued the talk, "Hunter, do you wish to join my guild?"

"I do," Hunter nodded. "I want to get better missions and fulfill them while staying close to my true self. I want to be a hunter that everyone needs." So that he could meet with many strong women, not necessarily to be with them, though.

It seemed like the talk would be just formation. It wasn't like Hunter and his teammates had to go through some test to join the guild, as Celestia kept an eye on Hunter's mission count. After asking his teammates' opinions, Celestia learned that Aimee and Seraphina were ready to follow him to death.

It sounded… different than they thought in Celestia's ears.

"Death…" Celestia mused.

As though he was called out, Hunter said, "How many exalted spirits are in this world, the boss? And why would you give me two of them? Is it because you have a suspicion about the identity of my SSS skill?"

A room became shrouded in silence, and all smiles vanished in an instant.

Hunter didn't beat around the bush, nor did he plan to follow the boss's plan without knowing what it was. He felt like he had already been doing that since he had Brandi and Nakisha within him. He must have followed at least some of it, and those two spirits weren't anyone weak or unknown.

They were actually part of some grand existence of the spirit world.

In addition to that, Hunter was confident in his bloodline.

Which meant that he didn't want to be a mere part of her plan.

"The beginnings are the hardest. I don't know if I would be able to spread my wings without you three. That's why I want to repay all of you for your help… I recall that you were the ones to stove off Nakisha to my village's borders. What was it? What's your plan? What do you know about me?" Hunter asked, clearly telling the three older women of Darkness Guild that he wasn't the same man, that he had matured.

Celestia smiled, "I could subdue Nakisha at any time, just like you had assumed before parting ways with us some time ago. I let her be free because I knew no one would snatch her from me… and because I was in a fix."

"In a fix?" Hunter asked.

"Yes. Back then, I couldn't really proceed with my ambition. Subduing Nakisha wouldn't change it, so I let her roam in hopes I would gain more than just the exalted spirit. She guided me to you," Celestia leaned her head forward onto her palm, her black eyes piercing through Hunter, "I gave her to you for the same reason. As long as demons didn't have her, I was content with her being in you. You surprised me, however. I mean, your inherent skill did. When you sealed her by snatching Charlotte's sealing skill, you changed her seal into yours. That seal had given me some idea about your powers, allowing me to be much bolder with my ambition."

"What exactly do you know about me?" Hunter pressed her on.

Celestia shook her head, "There are three names no one can utter. Also, this is just my assumption, so I am not convinced of your identity, nor do I want to mislead you. If you lay bare your problems with your inheritance, I might be able to help you. But your identity is out of the bounds."

Hunter took that information and stood silent for a little. He himself couldn't learn that name, too, so he believed her now that she explained it. His identity was quite mysterious, but he was growing much stronger and was even once atop the highest eminence!

He decided to switch the topic.

"Your ambition?" Hunter asked.

Celestia smiled, "You aren't my guild member nor someone loyal to me. Why?"

"I…" Hunter trailed off. Was he in a position to know about her ambition? He wasn't loyal to her, nor was he so close that he could speak about anything with her.

But he was once again reminded that he was a part of her plan.

That his powers had given her idea.

"You would drag me into your ambition, I believe," Hunter said, "So that's why I want to know it."

He was no longer that weak to not know anything. Conversantly, Celestia was so strong that she could plot more than one way to pull him into her schemes. That was the point of Hunter's words, which convinced the woman.

She smiled, "I want to cut the connection between the spirit world and this world."

It was Aimee's turn to raise her voice, "Huh?! It'd be like doing a favor to the demons, wouldn't it?!"

She was right. If Celestia had somehow cut the connection between those two worlds, she'd trap the spirits in this female-dominated world, then give demons a way to erase them for all and once from this place. Also, there had to be a reason why prominent demons like Asmodeus were stomping in this world, so this plan seemed to do more than just a favor for them.

By that, she meant the doubles. In this world, just like Nakisha, Keres, and more had said, spirits had their doubles. No one could really hurt those spirits back in their spirit worlds through those doubles except for notorious high existences. If Celestia cut the connection, however, she would deal more than just a blow to them.

Those spirits would lose their doubles!

And demons, who had their doubles as well, would still have a connection to this world and once again threaten the world balance of it. The lives of humans would be at stake!

Celestia nodded, "You could say so."

"You are insane," Aimee muttered.

Celestia just grinned, "We have been killing lots of demons, though, thinning their numbers. Do you know Alastor? He's my last prey. I got him. And by that, I mean that I got more than his double. I killed him in both worlds with those hands."

She raised her little hands and clenched them.

Aimee narrowed her eyes, "You mean you are weakening demons before they get an advantage because of your ambition?"

"Correct," Celestia nodded, "Don't think of humans as victims, Aimee. When the world loses its connection with the spirit world, and all spirits become trapped here, it won't be just demons taking advantage of it. Humans will hunt down the spirits, too."

She seemed to really wish to see it.

"The bloodlines will mix, for spirits will either be forced to live here or get enslaved. Only that will allow humans to become strong enough to oppose demons flooding this world from their demon world. A new era will begin," Celestia said.

The question that lingered in Hunter, Aimee, and Seraphina's minds was simple.


Why does she want to achieve that?

"Why?" Hunter asked aloud.

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