Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Various nobles dressed in splendid attire.

They gathered in a grand hall designed for the upper class. They chatted as if they were characters in a story, enjoying the food and drinks.

Dialogue flowed one after another.

For example "You can't be serious!" and "You can't be serious!"

Both could be praise, astonishment, or perhaps a tinge of regret.

"My! You look so wonderful."

"Long time no see."

"It's truly unexpected for us to cross paths in this place."

With a mix of joy and sorrow, the whole scene felt like a family drama with fathers and daughters reuniting.

Sure, there was some sadness, but confusion and amazement were the real stars of the show.

So there I was, receiving their family greetings.

"Thank you for the invitation, Margrave Aldora. Oh, wait, it's not official yet, is it? Haha, Besides, the title of Margrave carries a distinct implication. It's nearly certain, though, that you'll ascend to the rank of Earl. You even inherited the name of Terrace, as expected of a Sleeping Dragon, as they say. Haha."

"Mmm, so delicious. The food here is so good."

I wonder how he would react if he realized that the beautiful girl sitting across from him, who was bluntly shoveling food into her mouth, was a real dragon.

"Haha, thank you. However, to be honest, all I want is to live in peace."

"Who are you to say that?"

Was that a true feeling slipped from his lips?

"Mother, over there..."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Now, what should we do?"

"I have a good idea... *mumble, mumble*..."

And there's also my wife and mother-in-law, scary.


I think I'm the one who wants to say "You can't be serious!" the most.

Because the host in this social gathering is me, Desmond Damwead-wead-ead... (Echo). By the way, I haven't officially become Margrave of Aldora or had Terrace name yet. But if my mother-in-law is moving behind the scenes then....ah, the inescapable fate! Anyhow, this is a newly built social reception hall for Aldora.

――Seriously, how did this happen...?

I had no connection to the high society at all.

And to summon this many people at once... Uh, my stomach hurts so much...!

This story goes back a few days...

"Now, Desmond-sama, it's time for us to call the social gathering."

Margaret-sama, who was my wife's birth mother, said that on the day immediately after I impregnated her.

"You've done it, Desmond-sama ❤"

When she said that, I thought it was a bad joke. But when I were to place my hand on Margaret-sama's belly, there was indeed someone inside.

This is real-life horror right there!... huh? No, no, why is she pregnant? I mean, I understand that it's reasonable to get pregnant if you have sex... But at her age, and in one go at that? What are you? some kind of mystical erotic creature? Do you have to fill her womb with semen non-stop to give birth? Why is that!?

"It is because Desmond-sama going sploosh-sploosh so much semen inside my womb❤ I never expected to conceive a new life now..."

Gently caressing her belly, Margaret-sama said.

Beside her,

Together with Charlotte-chan, who was gently caressing her own belly, there were Teresa onee-sama, Katherine, Monica, a fifteen-year-old beauty whose belly had just started to swell, Sophie, the woman who bore my first child, and even female knights of the Aldora Knight Order, wearing maid uniforms or provocative knight outfits, all openly caressed their own bellies. Everyone, they are all pregnant with my children~♪

Way to go, Desmond! Your family is growing♪

――But seriously!

Well, everyone had happy expressions, so it was worth it, but there was Liz-chan, looking kind of dead inside, stroking her belly with a mix of despair, contempt, anger, and sadness. It's a hard-to-describe jumble of emotions that made her wear that face one can't even put into words.

I'm really sorry!

――Literally, I had banged way too many.

I want to impregnate Liz-chan properly too, but we need to train a new official who can take her job.

"If that's the case, you should have just said so. I would have asked someone I trust for help."


If the person is worthy of Lady Margaret's approval, then she must be suitable for Liz as well. She's a witch after all. When it comes to political matters, she undoubtedly meets all the recruitment criteria I didn't know about, as I'm just a mere signer.

And then,

"Most importantly, there are things we must do now to protect our happy life," Lady Margaret, though gentle, showed a slightly serious expression while smiling.

"I understand," Liz-chan responded seriously, her right eye's monocle shining. Her focused glaring eye is like a determined professional working towards their goal. I find it reliable, but at the same time, it makes me uneasy.

...Um, what are you guys..... planning?

I noticed that they were pushing something forward, but I thought it was for my sake and left it alone, and this is how it turned out.

"The guest hall that will serve as the venue is already in progress. May we proceed?"

Saying so, they spread out plans, contractors, and flawless documents, including finances. There's no way I can point out any flaws.

Hello, the top person in charge in this area is here. I didn't know about the plan, but...

I guess I have no choice but to go along with it!

"Desmond-sama, I am well aware of your social ineptitude. However, from now on, you will be inheriting the title of Earl." ―― Yeah, it's all your fault.

"By impregnating many daughters of numerous noble and merchant families, we had created connections with many families." ――Yeah, that's my fault.

"In order to secure our future life, formal meetings are crucial," ―― Yep, got it.

But, it's been a while since I've been in the high society, and now I have to greet the families of the female knights of the Aldora Knight Order...saying that I impregnated them.

Should I run away?

"No, you cannot," my beloved wife says.

That's right... don't run away, don't run away.

"Also, there is an intention to deter them by showing the "power" of this domain, which is viewed with suspicion by those around us. So, inviting them to our home territory is probably the best choice."

――Isn't your home territory not Aldora?

But, I don't think this domain has any of that"power" to show off...

"《Gray Hound》, 《Platinum Breaker》, 《Dragon》, 《Blue Demon》, 《Red Demon》, the leader of 《Aldora Knight Order》《Heretic of Damwead》himself――No, now it's the 《Impregnation Lord》. And most recently,《Witch of Terrace》 has joined... And This is just our military strength.

This domain is entirely self-sufficient, producing high-quality crops throughout the year, with a high literacy rate among its residents.

There are also numerous developed magical tools and all of the upcoming 《D-Children》..."

Even with Charlotte's lovely voice, those words are frightening. But,

"Won't this lead to us getting purged?"

"We do this to avoid it."

"――Yes, that's right."

――Oh no, this mother-daughter duo is scary.

Like in an open chat room, Margaret-sama, who has subtly entered "heart communication", spoke.

"To protect our happiness――no, for the women who love you and for the future of the children in our bellies, please make your decision, Desmond-sama."

Margaret-sama gazed at me with emerald eyes, like precious gems passed down to her daughters ――While caressing her own womb.

Charlotte-chan and the others included.

――Am I, by any chance, being blackmailed here?

...Well, let's stop these frivolous thoughts.――Right. I need to make a decision here.

"Understood. For the sake of my beloved ones and our children, I'll do my part."

With that, everyone around let out a sigh.

Huh? Why?

"Desmond-sama, you look so handsome just now, just like a real lord."

Well, I've always been a lord, you know?

Just as I thought that Charlotte began unbuttoning my shirt. ――No, wait, stop, Charlotte! Stay!

"I can't wait. peeling back a layer or baring it all makes no difference."

That's not what Peeling back a layer means!

And when I looked around,

The atmosphere grew tense...

Teresa stepped forward, and Margaret-sama, along with the other girls...

What's going on? This is scary.

And then,


So, what really happened? I, we, started preparing for <Aldora> debut in the world of noble.

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