Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

"Ugh, why haven't I gotten pregnant yet...?"

Onee-sama said as she straddled me while completely naked. Her brown, shaved mound was currently in the midst of a passionate union. Every time she rocked her hips, the wet sound and sensation increased.

"There's no need to rush, you know. You'll have plenty of time for Desmond-sama to impregnate you. Desmond-sama will impregnate you, even if you have Ero Elf's blood."

*Squish, rub, squelch...*

A supreme sensation came from my right. My right arm was used as Charlotte-chan's pillow, and her ample breast perked up and pressed against my side, her bush rubbing against my legs.

"Yes, I'm sure Desmond-sama can impregnate any woman. Even with an​​​​​​​​​​​mitochondriaа​​​​​​​​​​​is the powerhouse​​​of the celll..."

I'm sure impregnating someone an​​​​​​​​​​​mitochondriaа​​​​​​​​​​​is the powerhouse​​​of the celllly is impossible, even for an Ero Elf. But then again, maybe they're talking about some magical creatures with very low SAN or something.

Katherine, their an​​​​​​​​​​​mitochondriaа​​​​​​​​​​​is the powerhouse​​​of the celll-loving stepsister, who was now starting to reach the climax of her desires, rested her head on my left arm. Her breasts, while not large, are so soft that make it so irresistible, and like Charlotte, she entwined her legs and rubbed her pubic hair against me.

She wore the White Brim of the maid diligently, her red hair was let down. Hmm, she really does look like Charlotte when she does that.

"Kya❤" "Ah.....♪" As I pulled them closer and circled my arm around them, they let out delighted voices.

And then, Teresa Onee-sama began to move her hips, attempting to extract the next batch of seed.

Then, I filled inside with my seed, cranking my magic power to fill her womb.

*Splurt, Splurt...*

"Ah, it's coming.... but I'm still not pregnant. Maybe it would work if it's my ass..."

Katherine? Your words are driving your first Onee-sama crazy, you know?

When I glanced at her.


She casually kissed me.

Well, I can't get mad at her now. Well, maybe I can, but I'll turn a blind eye to it for now.

But still,

Their sweaty skin, their scents, each with their own unique feel of arousal. Yet, they are so similar...

The Three Sisters bowl. It's incredibly delicious.

With pleasure, I thrust my hips vigorously.

"Kuah❤! Ho❤! Ohh❤! It's piercing through❤... Haaa... Ahh❤!"

As I thrust my hips and pulled her closer, Teresa collapsed onto me. There's no way she should have lost her balance over something like this, but she seemed to get the signal when I looked into her eyes. Mmmph! Her voluptuous breasts squished against me, her nipples perky.

"*Suck, suck, lick, lick...*"

"Desmond-sama, I want a kiss too..."

"If there's no room, allow me to kiss your bottom mouth."

Whispers of sweet breath enveloped me from both sides, their tongues intruded into my ears.

I halted Katherine's advances down below by embracing her shoulders. While getting kisses downstairs was tempting, right now, I just wanted to hold these three close. Besides, the place down there isn't called a mouth, yeah? I should probably stop referring to it as such.

I reached around Charlotte and Katherine's hips, comparing the sensations of both while exploring Onee-sama's depths.

Good grief, what..."What luxury you're having right now."


——It's just my imagination.

I didn't hear anything. It can't be.

"But as a man from another world who knows about eroticism, perhaps this is to be expected. All three of you have been awaken into a real woman....."

No! I definitely didn't hear anything!

Desmond tried to escape from reality with all his might.

But he was cornered.

"Mmm, looks like mother is interested too."

"Margaret-sama, I recommend doing it in the rear."

"You can't mother, at least let me get impregnated first."

The three sisters embraced me tighter.

They didn't let me get away with a 'No hear, no see' attitude. Seriously, when they hold me this tight, I can't move at all. Should I try to shake them off with 【Physical Enhancement】? But I can't do that to my precious girls, and besides, it's Teresa who's clinging to me. The first thing I had to do was to prevent her from breaking my arm.

Now, I don't know where to begin.

"Isn't it you that's so easily taking Onee-sama in first?"

I received a comeback as a response. And it's a classic retort, just as expected from my wife, Charlotte-chan.

I mentally gave her a thumbs-up. I wanted to hook that thumb into her mouth and have her lick it.

And then.

"Fuwa~a, you snug it in quite nicely."

I sense a gaze upon the union area. I don't want to comment on it, especially when it comes to the speaker.

I can't move.

Could it be that I've become an offering? Did I indulge so much that my mother-in-law came to deliver her judgment personally? No, no, I think there might be a chance for her to ... Well, join in.

"Oh, I see... a chance for my mother to join in... I see..."

...Ouch. I feel something sharp and hot biting into my right arm.

Don't look, absolutely must not look to the right!

"Hmm, Hmm."


Mother-in-law teased my balls.

"Desmond-sama? You seem quite pleased."

"Kuu, he's swelling inside me."

"Oh, really?"


"Fu~oh.... it's rubbing inside me... kuuaa... ❤"

"Margaret-sama, his balls are nice, but the butt..."

Hey, stop it, Katherine! Given mother-in-law's personality, she might actually do it, you know?

...Is there no one on my side here?

And then.


"Hmm, truly a splendid jewel. *Rub, roll*."

Ah, ah, no, that's good, it feels so... "Huh?"

My right arm flared up with a bright white flame (from a sensation).

――Oh, I see. So, today is my day of reckoning.

"Wow, it's flooding out of Teresa-chan so much. Is this Teresa-chan's, or is it Desmond-sama's?"

"Kwah, wait, Mother! Don't trace his... Uuuu ❤"

Hoho, shy onee-sama, Thank you for the treat. "Desmond grew again when mother touched him through my belly." "...Hoho."

I've been sold! Onee-sama sold me to her dear sister!!

"Hee, so this is what happens when it stays erects..."

Ah, no, don't stroke it... Ooooooh!


"Wow, his rod is twitching so much. Could it be that he's inseminating Teresa-chan right now? To think that Desmond-sama can ejaculate so many times and so much. I wonder how it feels to experience it."

"Ggh! It's really thick too..."

Why, onee-sama?! Do you hold a grudge against me or something?! This is too much!

"....." And, it's Charlotte-chan who is silently gripping my arm who's the most terrifying.

But the real moment of terror is yet to come.

"Desmond-sama's ejaculation is so magnificent. With this, it's understandable that you can impregnate one girl after another. But still, Teresa-chan still doesn't conceive."

At that moment, the air stopped.

"Well, with all this, it seems that the cause is not Desmond-sama's fault, but it's likely to be Teresa-chan. After all, it already surpasses the ample amount and quality needed to be poured in, even for ero elf.

The voice of mother-in-law voice sounds so innocent, but it felt completely out of place in this serene setting. And the air seemed to be quietly, chillingly tense. The heat in my right arm subsided, but what was this indescribable, icy pressure?

Charlotte was clinging to my right, she who couldn't conceive and was sent back home. To my left was Katherine, who had been earnestly supporting the heartbroken Charlotte. And the eldest sister who couldn't conceive was straddling me...

"Margaret-sama, that's enought. It's not Teresa..." "Desmond, if you say more, I won't forgive you." "..."

"Oh my, you understand it quite well, don't you?"

Her voice was as seductive as it was frightening. Indeed, she may be like this, but she's still the wife of the Earl. Well, that's not all there is to it...

She walked up to me, and her face came into view. Mother-in-law stared at me intently. I face her in a female body armor, my right is completely nude Charlotte. Left is Katherine with only a White Brim on her head. And nude Teresa on top.

"Ufufu." She laughed softly.

She is a beautiful woman with such youthful looks that one could almost think of her as Charlotte's younger sister. Her wavy platinum blonde hair, and large emerald eyes were inherited by her daughters. Her petal-like lips softly smiled, and her voluptuous figure, rivaling her daughters, stretched my shirt out to the limit.....

Why are you wearing my shirt.... and, moreover, why are you pulling the 'I'm wearing my boyfriend's shirt' vice so perfectly!... But it does look good on you... Ouch! Charlotte pinched me! I mean!... that erect pink tip is peeking through so naturally and erotically, don't you think? Besides that, she isn't wearing anything else, not even pants!

"You seemed approved of my looks, I'm glad."


Ouch, ouch, ouch. Charlotte-chan, I'll let you wear my pants next time, so please forgive me. ――She really stops pinching me.

.....Not good, I'm getting too sidetracked.

And so, they stared at each other, my mother with my shirt on, and her oldest daughter, who was still completely naked and with my cock in her pussy. To my right is Charlotte, and to my left is Katherine. They both clung to me with bated breath.

――Why am I at the center of all this?

Someone, please help!

I cry for help from the center of the bed!


"You're so naugthy, Teresa-chan."

My mother-in-law gave Teresa's cheek a little poke, *nub*

It looks so soft,


――Ah? Wait, weren't we supposed to get back to the main topic? Is this a comedy, a serious conversation, or something erotic? I'd like to at least know the tone.

It's all chaos!

"Teresa-chan, you understand what I'm saying, right?"

Mother-in-law gazed at Teresa with a serious look.

And then.

――Teresa, are you sweating? Oh, it's falling down.. *lick*


Hey! That was a reflex!! But if Charlotte's sweat dripped on me... "I'd totally lick it!"

"Yay" I exchanged a mental high-five with my wife.

So, back to the main topic... apparently.


"Don't look away. Teresa-chan always tries to laugh it off when things get inconvenient."

『.....』——Is that so? It's true that her laugh is different when she's embarrassed, but I haven't seen that side of her much. In fact, I haven't been with her for that long at all...

I glanced at the two people on either side of me.

They both had expressions that said they didn't know it too.

"Mother's eyes can't be fooled. I can see why Teresa-chan won't get pregnant."

Seriously? Can she really?

Glancing at both of them again,



They both nodded.


But if that's the case...

"Teresa, so you know why you're not getting pregnant? If you do, please tell me. I'll do anything..."

In an instant, it felt like all the women here had their eyes light up.

Umm.....Chicken sense?

――Can you do your job right for once?

"...Ahem, I'll do anything for you to get pregnant."

I corrected myself.

But now that I've been cornered with this, I'm about to get roped into something crazy. Well, not just me...

"Teresa-chan, Desmond-sama already saying this much. It's time for you to come clean."

"..... (*drip* *drip**drip**drip**drip*)"

It's really unusual. It's the first time I've seen Teresa break out into such a sweat. And I can't wait for it to fall. But there's something more important than that.

"Teresa, be honest with me. Did you actually not mean it when you said want to have my child and raise our kid?"

"No! That's not it, Desmond! I want to bear your child, give birth, and raise more little knights than my little sister's village!"

Hmm, isn't this getting more grandiose than before? Well, it's fine. It seems like Teresa's words are sincere. But how many children does it take? ――gulp

"So, why?"

I stared into Teresa's eyes while she was still straddling me, completely naked.

"Uh, well, that's..." It's still unusual. Her eyes are swimming like fish. Her eyeball movement is something else.

Teresa continued to sweat while her eyes wandered for a while, and eventually, she made up her mind.

"I mean, wouldn't that be too normal?"

"""――eh?""" My voice, Charlotte's, and Katherine's voices overlapped.


"I-I said! That'll be too normal!"

Her brown face turned bright red. Um, if this were now, I could inject seeds into her in liters.

"Me too please, I beg you!"

Wait a moment, Charlotte-chan. The conversation isn't finished.

"I want to carry Desmond's child for sure." Her flushing face is too cute. "But, but I'm a 'Platinum Breaker'!"

I'm glad.

"B-but, just having kids is..... Isn't that, like, just following the rules?"

""Huh?"" Both Charlotte and I were surprised.


Onee-sama fidgeted, looking as adorable as ever.

"I-I'm the 'breaker of rules'! So, I must act accordingly! I do love Desmond, and I want to bear so many of his children that can build a country! If I had conceived when I abducted my sister's husband back then, It would have been some kind of violation but now...."

――Yeah, it definitely was a taboo back then.

However, she needed quite a bit of filling as an ero elf. And now that she lives in my family, has become a loving wife in a normal way, and bears children normally, it seems that it's not appropriate for a 'breaker' like her (I mean, having enough kids to build a whole nation seems like a serious taboo too, right? It's way beyond what one person should have.)

Still, what an act befitting of a "breaker" title, we have some serious breakers here (laughs).

Ahhh! her pussy, her pussy is going to rip my peepee out!!

"I felt something insufferable."

She's a demon indeed, a 'breaker.' But her gaze still danced around...

"――So, that's it." my mother-in-law said apologetically. "As you can see, this girl is always like this, to think that she's still acting this way even at this age..."

"""Um.""" we all understood.

It is indeed the onee-sama's fault.

"Hey! What's with that look? Do you have any problem? I'm a 'Platinum Breaker,' you know! Fuhahaha!"

Oh no, she's in her forties and still acting like a chuni.

As expected of a Platinum Breaker". (cough, cough)

"However." mother-in-law said, looking at me and us.

I had a very bad feeling about this. Chicken Sense, haven't you been slacking off? But I can't really can't question a skill.

"Fortunately, Desmond-sama said he would do anything to get Teresa-chan pregnant."

Margaret-sama's large, beautiful emerald eyes lock at me!


At that moment, Chicken Sense gave the biggest alarm, like it suddenly realized it existed.

You've been sleeping all this time, haven't you?

But there was no time to think about that now!

Because a giant hand was approaching us while we were huddled together.

"――wha?" What's this?

None of us could react to it in time...

【Guess which hand sounded the clap?】 Clap​Your​Fortune

I, we, were completely enveloped in the phantom of mother-in-law's giant hand...


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