Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 9 - Chapter 477 - Reglam’s Fiance, relationship discussion and Caution! Bad for single’s heart!?

The morning of the first day of summer festival, I spent it with Lana and her entourage strolling around the shops, taking a look at the yagura at the centre etc.

Well, for the most, I followed the whim of Lana, checking out any attraction she pointed out. I also enjoyed myself to the fullest.

As for her entourage, they kept their usual setup like any other day, walking a step behind their master while keeping their eye on her. It would have been better if they also had some fun, so I tried to nudge them a bit.

"How about you guys try them as well? This hit the target game is quite fun."

"Please don't mind us, it's still morning and we are content to look after Lana-sama and Zephyr-dono."

"We have our own plans to enjoy the afternoon as well so you don't need to bother with us, Zephyr-dono."

"Yes, nothing can be better than Zephyr-dono and Lana-sama playing together-desu!"

Ah, I guess? I had an appointment with Lana to spend the morning of the summer festival with her, and would switch with another person in the afternoon.

Somehow, there was an argument over who would go join me on the tour of the summer festival.

Whoa, had I finally stepped into the popular normie phase!? Had the springtime of my youth finally knocked at my door? I was honestly wondering about that, but everyone's enthusiasm was so fiery—actually too fiery that it surpassed the comforting temperature of spring and directly transformed into the scorching sunshine of mid-June month—that the bud of my delusions shrivelled and died out before itt had a chance to blossom.

Ultimately, everyone decided on a rotation system.

Haa, I still shiver imagining that scene. But at least, I got to know how everyone was looking forward to the summer festival with me, which pleased me.

The first member was, as it was visible, Lana. Her three attendants were staunch 'wherever Lana is, there they will be' motto flower and hence were tagging along. I guess if they do have plans to enjoy later, then who am I to force them now, eh?

Lana and I also tried games like ring toss or darts and had fun with the presents we scored. It was my first time trying playing darts but it actually went more smoothly than I expected. I didn't feel so, but maybe it was a correction from my job? Employees etc, though, looked excited and all, so maybe there's no need for a headbutt with unknown for now.

It was the universal law; time flies faster when you're having, and true enough, it was afternoon in the blink of an eye.

"What, is it already the time? But we haven't even been around half... no, not even 1/4th of the venue."

"Or you can say the academy is just as stupendously huge. It's no wonder even practise ground and gymnasium has been transformed."

The venue of the summer festival wasn't just limited to the school courtyard, even other facility areas like training ground etc were taken in use. Yet, we haven't even been around the whole courtyard.

Shizu quietly creeped up to Lana.

"Lana-sama, it's time to switch. I am aware this is lamentable, but......"

"Ugh~, alright. But at least it was fun. Yeah, I am content."

"I also had fun sight-seeing and playing games, Lana. It's a pity time is short on our side."

"You don't have to console me. Also, make sure to not eat too much."

"Ah, thanks. I am also looking forward to what they have to offer. See ya."

It was 12 PM.

My time with Lana lasts only till here, and reluctantly, I part with Lana and move to another appointed location.

The next member was already waiting at the location when I headed for the exit of the school entrance.

"Hey, Zephyr-kun is here~."

"Oh, my bad. Did I make you wait?," I asked, and in reply, the short-statured handsome fella of our guild---Mert, shook his head.

"No, we have just arrived as well. Still, there's no sign of Reglam."

My afternoon time was bind with Mert & Misato and Reglam. It was decided I will be with the boys of <Eden>. Misato was following because she wanted to enjoy the festival with Mert.

Celestine wasn't here since he was, for god knows why, helping out in managing the summer festival. How did it even turn to him helping out here?

Mert was wearing quite a simple, blue yukata. Misato was wearing an orange floral patterned yukata. It was cute, showing her loveliness.

"But I'm surprised. I had always pegged Reglam to be someone who would rather arrive before time in appointment."

"It seems like there's another person with him. It was a last-minute entrant apparently, he even asked in chat to ask if he could bring them."

"Someone with him? Of course, I don't mind but who might it be, huh?"

Hmm, considering the timing, maybe he was here to introduce a prospective candidate? No, wait. It's a summer festival, so I think he would have chosen another timing if he was going to do that.

Besides, he had just returned back yesterday from his long home visit. Man, he was really an upright guy, he even apologised for missing out on sea events. Though it didn't seem like he was regretful to not see girls in their swimsuits. A very much Reglam-ish move.

I had been running my mind around some mundane thing when two shadows approached us.

"I'm sorry to hold you guys up here."

"Oh please, there's no need to apologise. Though, who might that person be?"

The newcomer was indeed Reglam. He was dressed in male kimono. A black, casual kimono which was looking crazily good on blonde ikemen.

Oh, right. It wasn't time to talk about it. Our gazes shifted to the girl Reglam brought with himself. ......Could it be?

"Let me introduce you. She's my fiance, Orihime."

"It's my pleasure to meet the members of <Eden>. I am very much obliged for your care about my husband."

"H-Hey. What're you saying? I'm not your husband yet."

"Ufufu, but what harm does it do? Our marriage is all but confirmed to happen once we graduate. So, it might be hastening things up, but please allow me this."

Bingo, I guess? I had suspected as much, since he had once talked about her. Heh, she seems like a mischievous type.

Actually, it was quite refreshing to see the flustered appearance of typically calm Reglam.

Orihime-san was slightly shorter than Reglam, though she was a holder of beauty herself. She was wearing a peach themed yukata, fitting her perfectly, her hair tied in bun style, held together by a hairpin. Her ears were also adorned with small earrings. She was completely radiating the charm of an older woman.

I could see the symbol of <Baron>, a choker with a mic attached for a girl, on her so perhaps she was the lady of a baron family. She also seemed to be good friends with Reglam. It was quite rare since Reglam had always been the apple of girl's eyes since childhood, attributed to his looks, he barely directed, if not at all, his gaze at girls. At least, he seemed to be properly paying attention to Orihime-san here.

No, wait. Maybe it's just me, but I think Orihime-san was making sure Reglam noticed her? She looked quite proficient in moving the dull Reglam. Heh, they were just as compatible then.

"I would've liked a bit more details here but my stomach is rumbling. How about we discuss it while having something to eat?" (Mert)

"Yes, let's hear it then!" (Misato)

"......Please be lenient." (Orihime)

Mert suggested, so we moved to the gymnasium.

Misato's eyes were already gleaming with sparkling curiosity. Her bunny ears plopping up and down was evident enough. Damn, would it be a problem if I try touching them?

Misato took her position next to Orihime-san swiftly as we started walking.

"I'm Misato, Orihime-san. Nice to meet you."

"It's my pleasure to meet you too."

"We can discuss other things later but do you mind if I ask how far the talk of your marriage has gone!?"

"Feel free to ask."

"But I object. Orihime, too, stop. We're in public, remember?"

"But I refuse, it's just an important matter. I have heard the guild <Eden>, that Reglam-sama is a part of, is a place composed of girls majorly. This matter can't be taken so lightly, and I must appeal that Reglam-sama already has a fiance."

"Tahahaha, so you heard Reglam-kun. It's important stuff."

"Reglam, give up. There's no winning in this argument."

"But, ugh......fine, it's just not my day huh......"

Misato seemed like she was having fun in all this, however Orihime-san's eyes were dead serious.

I presume she must have faced just not a bit of trouble due to his appearance, eh. ---Ah, Orihime-san quietly twirled her arm around Reglam's. She then turned her eyes towards the girls that were glancing at our way, and noticing her, they seemed to have shifted their gaze.

Orihime-san turned to Reglam with a grin, saying 'What I said?.' Reglam raised his white flag of surrender.

H-Holy damn, this person is the real deal, wasn't she...?

Afterward, Orihime-san stopped revealing the situation further at Reglam's plea to not do it in front of him. Though, due to that, our discussion steered into a different direction.

"The receiver of Misato-san's goodwill is......Mert-sama I take?"

"Pfft! Cough-Cough!"

Mert suddenly threw a fit of cough at the casual remark of Orihime-san.

"Tahaha~. Mert-sama and I don't have that relationship. Though, of course, it's not impossible either~."

Misato's face was slightly red as she said, however it seemed like she was also enjoying Mert's reaction. And it was when Mert's demonic hand impeded toward her hoping ears.

"Do you even have an idea what you're saying!?"


Here it comes, Mert's signature move---sneaky ultra-fast rabbit-ear hold! How long has it been since I saw that?

His movement was quite sharp this time, at least by 50%, which gave the poor bunny no chance to escape. A perfect siege.

Wait, wasn't I missing something here? There was a pair of Misato and Mert, and Reglam and Orihime-san in this group and I was here......alone?

I was feeling a sense of alienation...when one of our guild members suddenly appeared before us, as if guided by fate itself.

"Oh my, Zephyr-san! What a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Hey, Rina. It's really fancy meeting you here!"

The member was Rina, the right-hand of <Eden>.

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