Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 7 - Chapter 365 - Welcoming the Silver Oaks...... with a Beam?

"<Target Lock>! <Delta Canon>!"

Following Mert, Rina took the helm and activated her skill.

<Target Lock> was a skill that boosts the accuracy of the skill that followed after it and applies a debuff to the hit enemy.

It was the kind of 'sure hit' skill which would strike the opponent no matter the action, like an evasion skill, they took. Furthermore, the struck opponent would have their evasion rate lowered and debuff applied on them.

Incorporating the effect into the <Delta Canon>, acquired from 3rd order skill tree, the shot spiraled out, breaking apart into three separate magic shells that each struck a different Silver Oak.




"Whoopsie, <Appeal>!"

With the skill from 3rd order tree and it being a guaranteed hit, Silver Oak all seemed to have taken significant damage. I quickly followed to retain their aggro toward me.

"Next attack incoming! <Long-Range Convergence Canon>! ......Wha, ah, it has a long charge time!? How long will it take I wond—— 'Boom' kyaaa!"

Rina's next choice of attack was a high-powered skill; <Long-Range Convergence Skill>.

It was an exceptionally powerful charged attack, so obviously bound to take time before shooting. Though it also comes with relatively strong recoil as it threw Rina off balance.

But damned these Silver Oaks, they were a nuisance so I couldn't see her. There goes my one-in-a-million chance to see stumbled Rina!

"Are you all right, Rina-san!?"

"Ohohoho, I apologize for revealing such an embarrassing sight. B, But I am going to make sure this doesn't happen next!"

I wasn't able to turn back due to Silver Oak's interference, but Misato came in time to lend Rina a helping hand.

As for Rina herself, she seemed to be embarrassed by her conduct that she tried to brush it off with a deliberate high-pitch laugh.

On the other sand, behind Rina's mishaps, the three Silver Oak who were hit by <Long-Range Convergence Canon> attack vanished into a sea of particles. Albeit, no one was there to appreciate this scene except me.

The 'Bugyaa---' earlier was their death cry before they met their demise.

Afterward, one more Silver Oak went down taking damage from Misato's damage reflection barrier, <Needle Barrier>, and two more were returned to special effect by Rina's <Quadruple Scatter Magic Canon>. With this, all the Silver Oak I was in charge of were wiped out.

The condition for the next group of Oaks to appear was the defeat of all twelve Oaks, so I waited for Pamela's side to finish with them. This was also a good time to watch their performance without being bothered by other things.


Pamela's <Acrobatics> skill buffed her evasion rate, and along with her <Dark Arts>, as long as she managed to put 'blind' status on her opponent, nearly every attack was possible to evade. Well, it was the same tactic she had used against the boss of that Extra-Dungeon <Boss Puby>.

A far cry from her first act, current Pamela had become skilled enough to lead Silver Oak by their noses.

"Come on, Mert-san, feel free to try out any magic-desu!"

"Thanks. <Quick Magic>! <Resist Down>! <Erase>! <Lightning Stun>! <Freeze Throw>! <Flare Burst>! <Shining Flash>! <Darkness Drain>! <Holy Breaker>!"

Ah, with the help of <Quick Magic>, Mert increased his rotation rate and unleashed a barrage of magic.

The colorful arc they drew as they flew one after another created quite a ephermal yet beautiful spectacle.

<Resist Down> and <Erase> both were debuff; former lower the opponent's resistance against abnormal status while later lower their resistance against elemental attack.

Following that, he released a barrage of spells, each with some form of status abnormality or debuff attached to corresponding element.

A few of the Silver Oak turned into effect particles under the onslaught while leftovers were riddled with all sorts of status ailments like <Paralysis>, <Slow> or <Blind> as they groaned in their characteristic 'Bugyaa' 'Bugyaa' tone.

"I am just about to be over with my next big attack. Pamela, stand back. <Magic Boost>!"


"Unique Skill <Apocalypse>!"

<Magic Boost> was a buff spell which slowed down the activation of one's own spell in exchange of increased damage. A perfect spell to go along with unique skill.

<Wiseman> unique skill, <Apocalypse>, was a simple yet devastating spell.

Mert activated it after a few beats. The next moment, Mert’s wand fired a thick red beam which struck the immobilized group of Oak who were squealing 'Bugyaa' left and right.


With a deafening roar, the remaining three Silver Oak were swallowed into the intense red light.

The firepower of the spell was so immense that made even the 'Bugya' cries inaudible.

A few moments later, the light subsided, with none left behind. All the Oaks were wiped out, without giving them a chance to squeal.

What an overkill.

Fortunately, this place was quite suitable to be served as the testing ground.

"......Ah, the power is so great that I don't know how much damage it dealt."

Though, Mert, the originator behind the explosion, himself looked disappointed as he murmured in a calm town.

Oh well, given the unique skill firepower, it would be a waste to use on anyone except the boss.

"I say it is more suited to be used against bosses."

"It does seem so. Doesn't this tower have any stronger monsters?"

"Unfortunately, Silver Oaks are the strongest opponent you can find in the <Rank 4> room. You guys haven't cleared the Beg-high dungeon, so <Rank 5> room is out of option."

"I see. Having too much firepower can be a troubling thing as well, huh."

So he says, but his calm face was speaking an entirely different story.

"Mert-sama seemed to be pleased with his unique skill," Misato whispered.

To be honest, I couldn't see any shred of emotion from Mert's face, but it seemed like Misato here has mastered the ‘Mert's face reading art’.

I guess that's to be expected from their long-standing friendship, eh?

"Focus, everyone. Next wave is upon us. Please be ready."

In sync with Rina's call, the door in the distance swung open, and yet another procession of Oaks advanced.

Uh-oh, it would be blasphemy if I don't greet newcomers with a warm welcome.

"Hello, hello, hello, Mr. Silver Oaks! Welcome, and please enjoy to your heart's content. <Appeal>!"


No sooner had I welcomed the arrival of the Oaks group with <Appeal>, Rina's <Beam> came flying in their direction.

It struck a part of the group, causing the room to be filled with 'Bugyaa' squeals.

And like this, Rina and others practiced their <Skill> and <Magic> for a while.

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