Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 6 - Chapter 314 - Secret Ninja Technique - Clone Art! The Way of Female Ninja!

"Fufufu, Now that I have unlocked the 3rd order skill tree, please carefully look at my true abilities as a true female ninja-desu! ‹Dark Art›!"


With those words, Pamela leaped at the pig-type ‹Boss Puby› and used the ‹Dark Art›, a debuff skill that lowers the accuracy hit and ‹Blind› aliment, as her first move.

There couldn't have been any better choice than this. I inadvertently muttered my admiration seeing how much the clumsy Pamela from before has grown up.

Enemies who get afflicted with ‹Blind› abnormal conditions have their accuracy rate suddenly plummeted. And even if the skill fails to afflict an abnormal condition, it still passes the debuff. Though having both debuffs is a sweet combo.

It's an important skill for an evasive shield -- or to say a tank who relies on dodges etc.

If one uses a provocation skill in their opening move, they may end up being targeted, making it difficult to chain skills like 'Dark Art' that follows. So the recommended course for the female ninja job holder is to choose debuff and status inflicting skills such as ‹Dark Art› as their first move, which naturally generates monster hate and attracts their target.

Though, while I'm sure I have yet to teach her this aspect, she has apparently arrived there using her own judgement. A true female ninja she did say, indeed.

Anyway, ‹Blind› aliment apparently failed to apply this time. What a pity.

‹Boss Puby› turned to Pamela.


"Pig-san is scary-desu! So hard to hit, eh!? Err, anyway, ‹Give me your life›! ‹Acrobatic›!"


"Fufufu,where are you attacking-desu!"

Pamela thrusts the back of her blade at the boss, attracting its hatred with the ‹Give Me Your Life› and then quickly moves away and uses ‹Acrobatics›.

By the time ‹Boss Puby› executed its attack, Pamela had already opened distance between them.

The 'Give Me Your Life' is a single-target provocation attack skill. It's a third-order skill that can earn a lot of hate. The other skill that earns hate, ‹Notice Me›, is an area-of-effect skill and using it will also attract the target of both the Boss Cocco and Boss Mogyu. It's better not to use it.

Furthermore, she was completely ready for the follow-up action by using the ‹Acrobatics› to further improve her own evasion rate.

‹Boss Puby› tried to pull fist-moves ‹Hoof's one-two› or ‹Pin Hoof's Chop› against Pamela, though she breezily dodged them.

She sure has improved herself so much.

‹Boss Puby› is a quick attacker so it and evasion shielder doesn't mess well against each other in battle. However Pamela was able to be a proper opponent against him, she continued to didge each attack and has not been hit yet. I can sense her improvement.

Well, now is to see what move she's gonna pull?

"Fufufu, the time has finally come to use it! Unique skill ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Clone Art›!"

Four more Pamela appeared at the field through unique skill as soon as she said that.

Woah! Th, They are the real clones! Live Clone Art!

There are now five Pamelas!

"Chop it from all four cardinal direction-desu! Let's go-desu!"

" " " "Let's go-desu!" " " "

"OInkkk!? Oiiiiiink!!"

One Pamela (?) charges straight ahead while the two other selves from the sideline and one from behind; they all chained continuous slash attacks. A continuous attack from all directions.

The attacking power of the single clone is 60% of the original body even at Skill Level 1, so the continuous attack from all directions will surely cause considerable damage.

The boss was momentarily knocked back, however it quickly stabilised itself to follow up with the area attack ‹A Pig's Rampage› to wipe out the clones at once. But---

"You think I will let you do that-desu!‹Dark Art›! ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Illusion›!"

Pamela re-used ‹Dark Art› that reduced the hit accuracy and followed up with ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Illusion›, another skill that generates illusion to confuse and make the enemy's attack ‹Miss›, in order to protect her clones.

A smokescreen like something covered the face of ‹Boss Puby› and then the clones flickered like the objects in shimmering hot air.


" " " "‹Miss›! !" " " "

The boss's attacks flew wildly around, but all of them missed.

All four clones were still alive. Damn.

Looking at the ‹Boss Puby›'s HP bar, ‹Blind› aliment's icon was affixed to it.

"Hurray-desu! Slash, Slash, let there be slashing fest-desu!"

" " " "Let there be a slashing fest!!" " " "

"Oi, i, iiiinkkkk!!"

Holy crap. She is completely reenacting the supremacy of ‹Female Ninja›'s tactic. Her attacks are rapidly draining the HP of ‹Boss Puby› without any support.

This is the power of the ‹Female Ninja›. With the third stage of the skill tree now unlocked, even a boss of Beg-high level can be dealt solo!

Man, I had felt the same in the game ‹Dungeon Activity› too, ‹Female Ninja› is really strong once they begin their quick onslaught.

Their unique skill, ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Clone Arts›.

It is a powerful skill in which clones that continue to attack endlessly exist for two minutes if they do not receive enemy attacks. And if the skill level is maxed out, they also obtain 1.2 times the attack of the original body. It does horrifically huge damage if the opponent fails to defend against this continuous hail-like rapid onslaught.

The main tank strategy for the ‹Female Ninja› typically starts with ‹Dark Art›as first move, then the taunt skill as second move followed by ‹Acrobatics› as third move. The ‹Secret Ninja Technique - Clone Art› often used around the sixth or seventh move. Though, they may also activate it as early as the second move with teammates support.

This is due to the fact that ‹Female Ninja› taunt skills are limited to ‹Give Me Your Life› or ‹Notice Me›, which make them fall behind other attackers in terms of hate gathering.

Therefore, the ‹Female Ninja› needs to activate the "Secret Ninja Technique: Clone Art› early on and inflict damage in order to accumulate hate.

Pamela seems to understand this as well. As protecting clones isn't only important for offence, but also to earn hate which is the main point.

That being said, it's quite lucky that all her clones are left intact, Pamela looked to be quite confident this time. ------But that thought was short lived.

"Oh no! the no.1 me has been defeated-desu!?"

I shifted my gaze back to the front hearing Pamela's cry to see the clone, who had been in charge of attacking from the front, had unfortunately been hit by ‹Hoof Straight› and disappeared into the effects. A hit was a hit, irrespective of if the boss was afflicted with ‹Blind› aliment or had its hit accuracy down.

The armour of the clone is paper-thin so a direct hit from skill means straight knock out.

"Then I just have to take the helm in the front-desu! ‹Give Me Your Life›!"


Pamela took charge of the front end.

She continues to calmly avoid the attacks using skills such as ‹Ninja Art: Decoy‹ or ‹Ninja Art: Substitute› as the clones continue to attack from the side and rear.

At this moment, she appeared exceedingly reliable, as if she could manage anything.

As of now, she has yet to be hit. And I have yet to play my role as healer.

Oh well, I hope she continues to keep ‹Boss Puby› busy just like this.

I then shifted off my attention from the Pamela to Rika who was dealing with two bosses,

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