Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 188: Ant Captain

Chapter 188

Ch . 188 Ant Captain

I run straight, avoiding as many falling rocks as possible . But because it’s such a narrow passage, I can’t really move much to the left or to the right . It gives me no choice but to slow down in order to avoid it . Everything I couldn’t avoid I smacked with my tail .

I thought of using [[Roll]], but then the light coming from [[Light]] would be gone . It would be suicidal to blind myself while this narrow passage is collapsing . Also, if the red ants decide to block my way using [[Clay]] then my movement will be even more restricted .

As I pass by a red ant, I trample down on it with my forefoot, piercing its back with my claw .


[448 experience points obtained . ] [Title skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 448 bonus points obtained . ] [Lv of [[Evil Plague Dragon]] increased from 65 to 66 . ]]

Since the red ants are focusing on escaping from the collapsing passage, it was easy to land an attack on its defenseless back .

Although, if the passage is blocked by the collapse, I could tell that a battle against all those red ants will begin . Even though it’s somewhat impossible, I have to reduce the number of red ants .

“Kuchaa!” “Kujiia!”

Wielding and waving around my claw, I smash against the ground underneath me killing any red ants that happen to be there . From Lv 66 to Lv 67, to Lv 68, to Lv 69, it keeps going up . Although I’m in serious danger of being buried alive, the ant extermination is bringing me much needed experience .

My evolution is also quickly approaching, and my stats have also gone up with it . I thought that it would turn out to be a difficult fight with Adofu knocked out, but this is actually turning out pretty well . As a plus, when the collapse began, more than half of the ants fled in the opposite direction of where I was going . Also, since there are red ants being buried by the lumps of stone and soil, the number of red ants I have to deal with has been drastically reduced .

There’s a big red ant standing in front of the bend in the passage . It’s looking straight at me, without even a glance at its running companions .

If I pass that corner I should be out of the collapsing zone . From then onwards my fight with the red ants begins again, so I can’t afford to be distracted .

A red ant stops before the big red ant .

“Kucha… . ”

The red ant who stopped calls out . If you don’t run away you will be buried where you stand . The big red ant still doesn’t move . The red ant who spoke seemed to give up trying to persuade the big one, swaying its head a little, stopping its feet, and turns to face me .

“… . Kucha”

This time, the big red ant spoke out . Just like with the big one, the other ant does not respond to the cry . I feel like the big ant smiled .

Umm… I’m not the kind to do such terrible things though .


[Need, Translation?]

No, its fine .

But if you’re blocking the way like that, it will take me some time to get through . But on their end, it was probably good that only the big red ant and another stopped . If there were more of them, they would have been buried alive . If it’s just two, then there’s room for me to break through .


Race: Big Red Ogre Ant

State: Normal

Lv: 34/55

HP: 264/277

MP: 84/102



Race: Red Ogre Ant

State: Poisoned

Lv: 19/55

HP: 131/205

MP: 32/71


… . From their status, it’s a rookie red ant and the red ant captain? No, I need to shake off these unnecessary thoughts . If my feelings waver, I might be killed .

They are aiming for a simultaneous attack in this collapsing passage . In that regard, they have the bigger advantage .

“Kucha!” “Kuchaa!”

The rookie red ant and ant captain fire off [[Clay Gun]] . My sight will be blocked if I guard with my wings . But if I rotate my tail to the front then my posture would collapse and I will slow down .

So will I have to receive the attacks head-on? Dammit, so in other words I will be pierced . Aside from the rookie ant, the captain’s [[Clay Gun]] is going to sting .

It’s impossible to receive that so nonchalantly .


[Wings to defend!]

You being serious? Once my sight is blocked they will jump and attack during that gap . The ant captain has considerable speed, will you be able to handle it in your current state?

No, I will believe in the ball rabbit here . The ball rabbit is reading my thoughts . Even after they were read, I was still told to guard with my wings .

I cover my front with my wings to block off the clay gun attacks . Oof! It was a strong hit, I took quite a bit of damage from that, I thought that it was going to penetrate . This will hurt a little when I’m flying . But it will be cured anyway after I evolve, so it doesn’t mean much .


[Large one jumped! Moving at the sides of wings, aiming for right shoulder! The other is going for left foot!]

Oh! Thank you very much . It seems that [[Telepathy]] is being used to read their attacks . With this, you won’t even need to doubt whether there will be a feint or not .

I know the position of the rookie ant by sound . Well, more like its purposely moving so that it can make noise . Probably to make the ant captain’s movements difficult to hear so that I will let my guard down .

In short, it’s a decoy . Being the rookie ant, you may get the worst of the attack .

I kick off the ground with my left foot and jump . The rookie ant’s pincers just graze me . Did you overdo it?

I lower my head and lean forward to avoid hitting the ceiling . I then turn my wings back and wind up my right shoulder .


The ant captain launches its attack and hits nothing but air . I thrust out the arm I pulled in and pierce the head of the ant captain with my claw . I throw it against the wall and tackle it with all my speed and weight . When I pull out my claws, the ant captain dropped to the ground, landing on its back .

[544 experience points obtained . ] [Title skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 544 bonus points obtained . ] [Lv of [[Evil plague Dragon]] increased from 69 to 70 . ]

… . Now, just five more?


The rookie ant cries out, chasing after my back . I send a [[Kamaitachi]] at the ceiling over the rookie red ant . A lump of red sand came down, shielding me from the rookie red ant .

I thought I heard a snap on the other side . And finally, the collapsing aisle stopped .

[273 experience points obtained . ] [Title Skill [[Walking Egg: Lv–]] activated, 273 bonus points obtained . ]

… . Somehow, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth, but at least I got out of that predicament for the time being . With a complicated feeling I turn to face to front .

“Kucha!” “Kucha!”

“Kucha!” “Kucha!” “Kucha!”

The amount of red ants that were able to safely escape the collapsing passage number about twenty? With this amount, I should be able to gather enough experience points for evolution . The goal is finally in view .

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