Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 154: If Today is the Last

Chapter 154

Ch . 154 If Today is the Last


While I’m loudly yawning, the ball rabbit appears out of the sand .

“pefu… . ”

After sleepily rubbing its eyes with its ears the ball rabbit then covers its mouth for a yawn .

Those ears are really dexterous . By chance is that not an ear but an arm? It could even wield a sword if it wanted to .

The time for sleeping is over .

I still have to walk over to the port city .

Although Nina has been saying that the port city was pretty close, I have yet to see it in the distance… .

Since I don’t want to run out of time, I want to at least confirm the distance to it . I wonder if I should just fly over and see if I could spot it .

By the way, Nina is currently inside the ball rabbit’s mouth .

We came to a conclusion that this was the safest way to sleep .

It would be a real tragedy were I to accidentally swallow while sleeping . Also, I’m unclean . It doesn’t bother me one bit, yeah . No, really .

Thanks to the ball rabbits skill [[Internal Storage]], the saliva doesn’t get in the way, even if you place Nina inside . There way be a little drool, but it’s not much .

Apparently there is another dimension inside the ball rabbit’s stomach that acts more like a warehouse . The ball rabbit said itself that there doesn’t seem to be anything in there . By the way, Nina had said that it was “warm and relaxing . ” The ball rabbit is seriously capable . You are better suited for humans than in deserts full of monsters, I’m jealous .


Nina appears from the ball rabbit’s mouth .

The ball rabbit grabs Nina with its ears and gently places her on the desert floor .

Nina bathes in the light for a bit and slowly wakes up . Being half asleep as she gets up the ball rabbit supports her with its ears .

“Oh, thanks ball-chan”

Nina caresses the ball rabbits head . These two became really good friends . But its different when it comes to another person .


Nina, where is the port city? How long do we have until we get there?


There isn’t a reply . Why, whats wrong?

“pefu… . ”

The ball rabbit closes its eyes after spitting out a big sigh . Since she didn’t answer was it still trying to translate for me? It always translates my thoughts, so maybe I have grown accustomed to the ball rabbit doing it all the time .

Hey, ball rabbit, translate it for me . Are you still sleepy?


「stomach ache, still sleepy」

It had eaten more than usual yesterday…it may be good to reduce its intake from now on . If is continues to eat as much as it wants like it is now, I feel that it would become completely useless in the wild on its own .

“pefu! pefu!”

「wake up! wake up! translation starting!」


It doesn’t want its meal reduced .


「city, how far to get there」

“… . If we leave early, I think we should be able to see it by today . Going by memory, that large skull over there means we are quite close . ”

Looking at the place Nina is pointing too, there is something like a dinosaur skull buried there . Perhaps it is that of a dragons . I can’t imagine dinosaurs walking along this desert .

Its size is about equal to mine .

I don’t want to think that monsters of the same kind as that skull are wandering around in this desert . Its pretty old and it has almost assimilated with the sand, so I’m just going to think that there aren’t any like this wandering around .

About all I could do against the huge centipede and the ants is run, so I ask that no more strange monsters come out .

Well then…by today is it?

Instead of walking, I could reach the port city right away if I were to use [[Roll]] at full power . Should things go sour, that’s the least I could do for Nina . Also, [[Spirit Relief]] has become Lv7, so it should be easier to obtain white magic later .

I plan on practicing [[Rest]] in the near future . There is also the ball rabbit who could already use it . Should I have all of us, including Nina, practice? If recovery magic could be used, Nina’s situation in the city may change . I don’t know if I could master it in a day, but I’ve managed to succeed even a little, when I was smaller .

It may be that weak magic is easier to remember, since it isn’t really recognized as a skill . Although, it is useful in life as it can cure small wounds .


I should do something about it right away .

Ball rabbit, teach recovery magic, to me and Nina .


「Nina as well?」


Yeah, I think it would be convenient to remember recovery magic before Nina gets to the port town . It may make her treatment there a little better, and I also wish to learn it .

The ball rabbit reads my thoughts and turns to Nina .


「Before end, good to learn white magic」


Hmm, why does it feel like it didn’t come across as well as I had hoped…

I thought it was a good idea . I guess it’s not that easy to memorize such a thing .

If it was that easy to learn [[Rest]], then everyone would have acquired it . I don’t have that much knowledge on the subject, so there might even be a difference it the way we learn .

Its apparent now, I’m limited in knowledge . I only mainly have knowledge pertaining to a different world, but I don’t have much knowledge of this world . I may supplement it with [[Status Check]]…but ordinary people of this world won’t have something like [[Status Check]] . I did not see it in Milia or anyone else for that matter . With this development, I feel that the ability to learn skills is a lot better between me and the residents of this world .

Perhaps, I said something strange?

“Ni, Nina, but… . umm…”

Her voice is blurred and it gets smaller . I can even see that she may start to cry . What? Does she maybe have a bad memory of recovery magic?


The ball rabbit mumbles as it matches its face to Nina’s .

Didn’t you use [[Telepathy]] to tell her? Or did it just not get through? Listening to the ball rabbits voice, Nina tightens her lips as if she just made a firm decision .

“I-I, I look forward to working with you!”

Nina quickly lowered her head to me .

What, I don’t really know what you’re expecting of me .

There may have been some kind of misunderstanding considering the flow of the conversation just now, I only wish for the both of us to learn [[Rest]] from the ball rabbit .

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