Reborn To Love

Chapter 125 Clean Feet

Chapter 125 Clean Feet

Gu Yechen knocked once before pushing the door open and they walked into the room together.

Once the door opened, He Xinyan heard a woman's voice inside.


And then a deep man voice said, "Okay, okay."

When they heard the door open, the talking stopped and He Xinyan heard the squeaking of chairs against the ground, probably indicating that Gu Yechen's parents had stood up.

They stepped into the room and He Xinyan looked up at the people across from them. Her eyes first landed on Gu Yechen's dad, Gu Hanyu.

Her first reaction was surprise at how much Gu Yechen and his dad looked alike. Gu Hanyu was wearing a black shirt on top, and grey pants on the bottom.

Although he was almost 50 already, he still looked extremely handsome and charming. His age only added a hint of maturity to his overall look.

He Xinyan then looked towards the woman standing next to her, and she gasped when she saw who it was.

Wasn't that. . . the beautiful woman earlier?! The one who almost got her purse stolen?!

The woman smiled warmly at her when she noticed He Xinyan's surprised expression.

"Mom, dad. This is my girlfriend, He Xinyan." Gu Yechen wrapped his arm around He Xinyan's waist and said.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Gu!" He Xinyan bowed slightly to show her respect.

The woman's smile grew even larger and she walked around the table to where He Xinyan was standing, "Don't be so formal. You can just call me Auntie Xu."

He Xinyan relaxed a little from Xu Mengya's sweet and friendly smile.

Xu Mengya's eyes moved down to look at He Xinyan's feet, and He Xinyan instinctively took a step back to try and hide her dirty and bare feet.

A few steps away, Gu Hanyu also looked down and noticed He Xinyan's bare feet. He raised one eyebrow slightly and looked away.

He Xinyan pressed her lips together and glanced at Gu Yechen.

"Let's go sit down," Gu Yechen said.

He Xinyan was about to nod when Xu Mengya suddenly grabbed onto her other arm.

"Wait, wait!" Xu Mengya quickly ran over to her seat and bent down. From under the table, she pulled out a shoe box.

He Xinyan opened her mouth slightly as Xu Mengya walked back to her.

She opened the shoe box and it revealed a pair of new shoes in the same color as He Xinyan's old one. The heel was a little longer than the old one, and there was a flower at the head of the shoe made of pink quartz and diamonds.

The brand of the shoe was written on the inside of the shoe, and He Xinyan recognized it to be a very famous and costly luxury brand.

However, it was the Gu family. . . It was probably like buying a bag of apples for them.

Xu Mengya took it out and placed it onto the ground in front of He Xinyan.

"I saw that your shoes got a little dirty from all the running so I got you a new pair."

He Xinyan scratched the back of her head and smiled, "Thank you, Auntie Xu!"

Xu Mengya grinned, "I have to thank you for helping me get my purse back for me!"

"No problem!"

Gu Yechen furrowed his eyebrows together slightly but didn't say anything.

He Xinyan bent down to put the shoes on but she stopped when she saw how dirty her feet were.

Xu Mengya also noticed and she glared at her son, "Are you stupid?! What are you still doing standing there?! Go get her a towel to wipe her feet!"

Gu Yechen was about to do so, but his mom said it aloud first.

He Xinyan's eyes widened as she looked up, and a small laugh escaped her mouth. She didn't expect Gu Yechen to have such a low position in the Gu family.

Who dared to call the almighty President Gu stupid? No one. . . except for his parents and He Xinyan.

Xu Mengya stuck her tongue out playfully and wrapped her hands around He Xinyan's arm, "If that stupid kid ever bullies you or treats you badly, just tell me. I can scold him and punch him for you."

He Xinyan blinked a few times, not knowing how to reply to that. Punch him. . .

Gu Yechen came back with a wet towel and pulled out a chair for He Xinyan to sit down. Although He Xinyan was uncomfortable sitting while everyone else was still standing, Gu Yechen pushed her down onto the seat.

He then bent down and lifted her feet to wipe them for her.

He Xinyan frowned slightly, "Yechen, I can do it."

Gu Yechen ignored her and continued to help her wipe her feet.

He Xinyan glanced at Xu Mengya, who was standing across from her, afraid that Gu Yechen's mom would be mad that her son was cleaning someone else's feet!

However, Xu Mengya had a smile on her face and she was nodding her head.

Xu Mengya glanced at his husband, who was standing at the other side of the table and couldn't help but think of when they were young. Gu Hanyu used to be this sweet and considerate too! Well, he still was. . .

After wiping both her feet, Gu Yechen helped He Xinyan put on the new pair of shoes before standing back up.

He Xinyan also stood up and cleared her throat awkwardly.

Xu Mengya smiled, "Don't worry, Xinyan. If that stupid kid doesn't treat you well, just don't marry him. I will support you and find another good guy for you!"

He Xinyan glanced at Gu Yechen and scratched the back of her head with a smile.

Gu Yechen pulled a chair out for He Xinyan and glanced at his mom, "Madam Xu, it seems like you don't want a daughter-in-law."

Xu Mengya's eyes widened, "Shut up! I'm just saying the truth! You better treat Xinyan well! She's a good girl."

He Xinyan tilted her head slightly. How did Auntie Xu know she was a good girl? They had just met. . .

"Xinyan, my eye for people is very good. And my natural instinct tells me that you are a great girl. Very few people now would help strangers as you did. Especially in dangerous situations like getting robbed!"

He Xinyan shook her head, "Auntie Xu, you don't have to thank me so much. I was nearby so it is only natural for me to help."

Xu Mengya laughed and looked at her husband, "See! I told you she is a great girl! Ah, that stupid boy is so lucky to find a woman like Xinyan."

Gu Yechen's face darkened slightly. He was getting more and more certain that he was adopted!

He Xinyan was still in a little bit of shock. Wasn't the natural storyline supposed to be that the mother-in-law is super mean and doesn't like her. She tries to get her son to leave her and schemes against her.

However. . . this was a little different.

Gu Yechen's mother was very nice and sweet. . .

Xu Mengya clapped her hands together, "Ah, you must be hungry from all that running! Let's eat, let's eat!"

They all sat down at the table and a worker carried in several plates of food. Four people ordered over ten dishes!

"Xinyan, you can feel at ease with us. Eat what you want!" Xu Mengya picked up the chicken leg in the dish in front of her and placed it onto He Xinyan's plate.

"Thank you, Auntie Xu."

They all began eating and Xu Mengya kept asking He Xinyan questions like what food she liked, what she even liked about "that stupid guy," and a bunch of other random questions.

At one point, Gu Yechen looked at his mom and sighed, "Madam Xu, can you let my wife eat?"

Xu Mengya scrunched her face up, "Don't be so shameless! Xinyan isn't even your wife yet! Right, Xinyan!"

He Xinyan looked between Gu Yechen and Auntie Xu and didn't know how to respond. If she said yes, then Gu Yechen's vinegar tub would break apart right away. However, she couldn't offend Gu Yechen's mom on their first meeting!

In the end, she smiled and leaned over to Xu Mengya, "Yes, Auntie Xu!"

Gu Yechen's expression darkened as he reached his hand to He Xinyan and pinched her waist gently.

He Xinyan stuck her tongue out at him playfully and continued to eat.

Xu Mengya laughed heartily and clapped her hands together, "Yes, yes! This is definitely my daughter-in-law! There is finally someone that can control this stupid guy for me now!"

He Xinyan smiled happily too as she ate. This meeting was going much smoother than she had thought.

To her surprise, Gu Yechen's mom was also very friendly and sweet. He Xinyan really liked her!

Xu Mengya stretched her hand out and shook her husband's arm, "Honey, what do you think?"

He Xinyan stopped chewing and also looked up. Gu Yechen's dad hasn't said anything yet since she came and she had no idea what he thought of her.

Gu Hanyu looked at his wife and smiled, his eyes filled with love for Xu Mengya.

"I agree with you."

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