Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

“Gu Muxi, have you ever drunk tea worth 288 yuan?”


“Have you ever eaten sea cucumber?”

“Uh, no either!”

“Have you ever eaten abalone?”

“Still no!”

“Congratulations, today you can try them all!”

“Uh, what are you trying to do, Yi Feng?”

“Ordering, what are you waiting for?”

Yi Feng glanced at the menu, not caring what the dishes were, just choosing the expensive ones.

Sea cucumber in red sauce, abalone stewed with pig’s trotters, Buddha jumps over the wall, and so on, he ordered everything.

Yi Feng was furiously marking the menu.

This high-end tea house located in the city center did have some aspects that matched its “high-end” status, such as the prices, which were indeed high-end.

After Yi Feng had mostly checked off the expensive items, he turned to Gu Muxi, “Gu Muxi, what have you chosen?”

“Rice noodle rolls, chicken feet, all my favorites!” Gu Muxi smiled.

“Hey, hey, don’t choose those. Add some sea cucumber and such,” Yi Feng stopped her hand.

“Ah? Didn’t you already choose them?” Gu Muxi asked, puzzled.

“Silly girl, we can take away what we can’t finish. That’s lunch sorted for today,” Yi Feng said seriously.

“Take away????”

Gu Muxi looked at him in astonishment.

“Yi Feng, you truly have reached the realm of being shamelessly one with nature. I am inferior to you!”

“But… well done, I like it, haha!”

Yi Feng smirked, “Thanks for the praise, little pig Gu. Don’t just stand there, order now, he might come back any minute.”

“Ok, no problem!” Gu Muxi made an ok gesture, starting a frenzied ordering mode.

After the two finished ordering, they handed the list to the waitress.

Yi Feng said, “Serve as listed, please.”

“Uh, sir, can the three of you finish so much?” The waitress asked, shocked by the dense list.

“Don’t worry, we’ll take away what we can’t finish, absolutely no waste,” Yi Feng smiled.

“Uh, okay, I’ll go place the order now. Please wait a moment,” the waitress turned and left.

Yi Feng poured a cup of plain water, laughing, “Gu Muxi, I guarantee, after this, he’ll never dare to invite you to a meal again.”

In the restroom, Ding Bo washed his face, took a deep breath, and whispered to his reflection, “Calm down, calm down, now is the time to show your strength!”

“It’s just three pots of 288 yuan tea!”

“I can still afford it!”

“I must not lose face in front of Gu Muxi!”

“Show your generous side, let her see, the difference between men!”

“Come on, Ding Bo!”

Ding Bo clenched his fist, cheering himself up.

But when he turned around, he found three men behind him staring with a weird look, the kind that you give to a fool.

“Uh, please go ahead,” Ding Bo wiped his face, smiling awkwardly.

The three men looked at each other in confusion after he left.

“Is this idiot sick?”

Ding Bo returned to his seat, finding Yi Feng and Gu Muxi drinking the 288 yuan Zhengshan Xiaozhong.

“Hehe, have you, have you ordered breakfast?”

“I find the char siu bao here really good, I recommend you try it!” Ding Bo forced a smile.

He recommended the char siu bao not because it was delicious but because it was cheap and filling, so they wouldn’t order too much.

“Char siu bao?”

“Waitress, add a serving of char siu bao to this table!” Yi Feng raised his hand and shouted.

“Okay, sir, please wait a moment while I add it to the order,” the waitress responded.

Yi Feng then turned back to Ding Bo, “Hey, Mr. Ding, you haven’t ordered yet. We’ve both ordered, just waiting on you.”

“I, I didn’t eat much this morning, waitress, just bring me Set Meal 1,” Ding Bo called out.

The waitress looked baffled.

They’ve already ordered so much, and still ordering?

Well, as long as they pay, order as much as they want.

“Okay.” The waitress immediately went to add the order.

Ding Bo took a sip of tea, feeling like he had just drunk ten yuan!

This tea doesn’t seem to have anything special. Why does it feel a bit painful to drink?

He looked up at the beautiful Gu Muxi, smiling, “Gu Muxi, how… how did you two meet?”

“What about your boyfriend attracts you?”

He wanted to dig out Gu Muxi’s preferences towards her partner, then find out some traits of Yi Feng, and if he could cater more to her preferences than Yi Feng, wouldn’t he win her heart?

Ding Bo felt excited about his cleverness, knowing oneself and the enemy ensures victory!

“Uh, we are…” Gu Muxi hesitated, not sure how to fabricate.

Yi Feng quickly took over, “This… it’s a long story!”

He suddenly grabbed one of Gu Muxi’s hands, looking at her with deep affection.

Gu Muxi was startled by his action.

Stinky Feng, what are you doing?

“That was a dark and windy night, we were sitting on a cruise ship heading to the other side of the ocean…” Yi Feng said passionately.

Gu Muxi: “???”

Ding Bo: “???”

The other side of the ocean? Cruise ship?

What the heck is this!

Ding Bo listened to Yi Feng’s nonsense with a baffled face.

“Then she jumped down, and I jumped down after her. Even if it meant death, we wanted to die together!” After finishing, Yi Feng, feeling a bit thirsty, took a sip of tea.

“Later, we were rescued by kind-hearted people, and then we got together. We made a vow to never part in this lifetime.”

“Right, dear?” Yi Feng looked at her affectionately.

Gu Muxi: “Uh… uh…”


She was a bit stunned and could only nod along.

Stinky Feng, you’re really good at making things up!

Ding Bo looked skeptical. After listening, he felt the story sounded familiar but couldn’t recall where he had heard it.

Anyway… it sounded far-fetched!

Are you kidding me? Only a fool would believe your story!

“This sir, your story is so touching! It almost made me cry!”

“Your love is so pure, so grand, so twisted!”

“I’m an author, and I’ve decided to record your story. It will definitely move thousands of readers!”

“Here’s my card!”

A fat man from the next table stood up excitedly, handing Yi Feng a business card.

Ding Bo: “???”

No way, someone believes such nonsense?

“Uh, let’s meet up next time!”

“Brother, where do you write your books?” Yi Feng asked casually.

“Tomato (Fanqie), that’s where the most discerning readers are, handsome men and beautiful women, a dream palace for authors!”

“Those readers are so generous, often rewarding me, encouraging me, and even sending me gifts. It’s just that the gifts are too monotonous, all blades, my house is almost filled with them!” the fat man lamented.

Yi Feng: “……”

“Alright, brother, I got it. I’ll come support you next time, but I have a date now,” Yi Feng smiled.

“Okay, remember to look for me, I’ll be waiting!” The fat man winked at Yi Feng and left.

Yi Feng shivered…


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