Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 345 Free Meal!

We waited thirty minutes before a large amount of food was brought to the room. The whole bill was paid for by the dwarf kingdom or, should I say, the well dressed dwarf, since he was the one who booked the room. So I made sure to buy all the most expensive dishes.

“This is not bad…. The meat melts in my mouth.” I said as I shoved another mouthful of meat into my mouth. It was really melting away inside my mouth with how well it was prepared and cooked.

“It really is. This mashed proato is also very good. The seasoning makes my mouth water for more!” Adel chimed in, her cheeks were just as puffed out as mine.

“How is the meal?” A waiter came in after knocking. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at us.

“Can we get another round of the same plates?” I asked. The waiter’s smile broadened even more as he nodded his head and quickly ran off.

The only one not really enjoying his meal was Thurul. “Thurul, what’s wrong? Don’t like the food?”

“Lass, it’s not that but the fact that I brought you into a conflict that has nothing to do with you. I have to apologize and also thank you at the same time.” Thurul replied.

“Ah… don’t worry about it. It’s not like you meant to drag me into anything, and well, I kinda stuck myself into it when I noticed that flea trying to use words to stab you. As your friend, I can not stand by and allow such a thing to happen. So turn your frown upside down and enjoy the free meal the flea offered us. You can even order the best ale they have here.” I said with a big grin as I rang the bell. The waiter once more came in with a big smile on his face and asked: “What can I get for you.”

“We want the best ale you have. Bring us whatever you have.” I answered. I wanted to taste a bit of this myself to see what dwarven ale tasted like.

“Right away!” The waiter happily ran out the door, and not more than ten minutes later, two huge jugs of ale were placed on the table with multiple mugs. Seeing the ale, I saw Thurul’s nose twitch, and before he probably even knew it himself, he was already drinking. I poured myself a small cup. Sophie and Adel did so as well. Diablo, Grace, and Iena did not, they seemed to be on guard duty. I did tell them they could, but they refused.

Although my first sip of ale did not go very far, I stuck my tongue out and wrinkled my nose. I really did not like it. But Adel and Sophie seemed to like it a lot as they downed their mugs. “Hehe….. Faithy is here….” Adel suddenly latched on to me and kissed my cheek.

“Ahh, no fair! I want to kissy Faithy too!!” Sophie yelled out as she slipped under Adel’s arms and joined in. I, who was suddenly latched on to by the two girls, felt helpless.

“Hahahaha! You are more manly than any man!” Thurul suddenly let out a loud laugh, his cheeks red. I think he had drunk one of the jugs himself. “I do not think the Cyrilia family will ever have a problem needing an heir.”

I pursed my lips and looked at the two girls, who were now half hugging me and each other at the same time, passed out in my lap. I was quite surprised at the low tolerance.  “They only drank a cup!”

“Lasss, this ale is made for dwarves who are born drinking ale instead of milk. Only a small bit is enough to knock them out. I am more surprised you didn’t get drunk off a single sip.” Thurul replied. He was obviously drunk, yet he could still think rationally.

“Well, I didn’t drink that much, just a mouth full. So I do not think that is enough to get me drunk.” I replied.

“No, No, you do not understand. Lass, this ale is enough to get a grown human male who has drunk ale for years drunk on a single sip. Never mind a small girl who is only a few years into adulthood.” Thurul explained.

“I see….” I guess this is a benefit of being a dragon? Either way, I do not like drinking, so I won’t be drinking anymore.

“I guess we will be stuck here until these two wake up. I could dispel their drunkenness, but I think a small headache will be a good lesson for them to not drink anymore.” I could cure them of any hangover, but everyone needs to learn the hard way sometimes.

We waited for almost an hour with no signs of the two girls waking up, so in the end, I carried Adel and Iena carrying Sophie on our backs as we decided to leave. The waiter was very happy when I told him to take a thousand gold tip. After all, he worked hard for us. The wall dressed dwarf should feel good about helping a hard working man out with his large amount of wealth.

We found an inn where we took three rooms. Thurul and Diablo shared one room while Iena, Adel, Sophie, and I shared another, and Grace got her own room. The boys got a double which had two beds, while we girls shared a large bed that was just big enough for all of us. It wouldn’t be the first time we would have slept in tight quarters. Well, at least not for me, who is normally sandwiched between fluff and puff.

Luckily night time was already settling in on the outside, so it was a perfect time for everyone to take a break and rest so we could do more exploring the next day. Iena sat on the edge of the bed in a long nightgown as I brushed her hair for her. “Iena, are you okay with all of this?”

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