Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 334 Coup Part 2

Chapter 334 Coup Part 2

The guard watched with a stupefied expression as Sophie phased through the door. "You, who are you!?"

The sounds of yells and shouts were heard as Sophie did her thing outside. On the inside of the carriage, I was drawing a teleport to the airship because I was worried about Thurul. When I was done, I looked at the guard in front of me and asked in dragon speak: "Did you know about this?"

The guard's eyes went dull as she shook her head. "No, I am only loyal to His Majesty, the king. I was ordered to protect the Prime Minister…."

Nodding my head, I released the spell and said: "You can either stay here or come with us. It is your choice." Without waiting for her to answer, I yelled out: "Sophie, we are leaving."

"Here!" Sophie yelled out as she phased through the door.

I had Adel and Sophie go first before looking at the guard, who, in her confusion, got up and went through the teleport as well. I followed after knowing quite well that the carriage would explode due to the addition I added on to the runic equation. When I came through, I was met with a line of soldiers pointing swords at me. And one of them holding a cloak and blue Thurul. "You dared to harm my people?" My voice grew cold as I tilted my head to the side and looked at the soldiers in front of me with a crazed smile.

"Look, Princess Cyrilia, you can only curse your own luck to come to our kingdom at this time. As of this moment, all witnesses must be disposed of." A knight in black armor said. He seemed to be a commander or something because his armor was all spiky.

"Hehe…. Hahahaha! Do you really think you can get away with harming my people? I am sorry, but you will all die now. So kill yourselves." My words fell, and every knight there, even the ones holding Thurul, all froze for a second before reaching for their swords and slicing their own necks. Only the knight in black armor stood there motionless. All thirty of his men who had boarded my airship had died in an instant.

"You!? You're a drag…." The Knight could not finish his words as Sophie's sword cut him in half, leaving his armor untouched.

"Lass, I owe you my life. Those bastards seemed to have been waiting for you to leave. Luckily you kept a barrier around all the rooms, or they would have destroyed everything. They got angry and destroyed the common areas." Thurul adjusted his clothes and walked over to the body of the black armored knight, and kicked it. "Damn bastard! If you weren't dead already, I would have beaten you like you beat me."

Seeing how he was still active, I let out a sigh of relief. Grace was already over there healing him. "Ummm…. May I ask you all a favor?" The guard who came with us suddenly knelt down in front of me. "Can you please help my king? If the knight's order has revolted, then my king will not be able to survive without someone strong helping him."

"Sure." I mean, why not? This gave me a good reason to request the land without any way for him to reject. I do him a favor, and he does one for me.

"I know it is not your problem but…. Wait…. You said yes!?" The guard looked up at me in shock, which made me smile. The sliver of ancient will that had surfaced was pushed back down thanks to her expression.

"Mmm… I originally came to ask your king for a favor, so this helps. But flying there will be a problem so we will need to go on foot. Let Adel and I get changed, and we will head to your castle while taking care of any troops on the way." I answered.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The guard bowed her head multiple times. I chuckled and said: "It's fine. Sit tight for the time being."

"Thurul, the whole ship is now protected by a barrier, sorry I should have done that to begin with. Grace will stay here with you. Adel, Sophie, and I will take care of things." I wanted Sophie and Adel to come with me to get more experience with war. They both did well in the last one, but it was time for them to see what it was like with fewer numbers and having to fight on the front line. Since I was going to be there to watch over them, I did not need to worry about their safety.

"Thanks for coming so quickly, Lass. I really thought I was a goner." Thurul bowed his head to me, which made me shake mine.

"Thurul, you are one of my long time good friends. We are business partners who live or die together. So there is no reason for you to thank me. I owe you a lot, and saving your life a few million times is not enough." I replied as I gave him a hug. He really has been a huge help and has believed in me since the first day we met.

"Hehe, Thurul, if not for you, Faith wouldn't be as rich as she is. So just charge her a few extra gold for putting you through a scary experience." Adel said jokingly.

"I will take that gold coin from you to repay the bank," I said while poking her side. We all laughed, leaving a very confused guard.

"Why can you all joke like this?" The guard asked. They were in the middle of a coup. There would be bloodshed everywhere.

"Hmmm? Why not be like this? War is war. We've seen it enough to get used to it. Come, let's get changed. Fighting in dresses is not the best." Not that I couldn't, but still, it would be annoying. I did not wish to fight in a dress that could easily get caught on things. Adel and I quickly got changed, and in ten minutes, we were ready.

"Let's go! We got a king to save!"

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