Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 329 One Kingdom Falls While Another Becomes An Empire Part 2

“Look, Princess Cyrilia, was it? I do not make the rules. If you want to enter, you need to leave behind all demi humans.” The guard was basically saying that all demi humans had to leave including myself.

“Oh? So this is how you do things in this kingdom? You tell the envoy of another kingdom they can not enter? I see. Well, too bad you will be getting punished for not following the rules.” I sneered as I turned back around and got into my carriage. I wanted to see if they would really stop us from entering or not.

“Master, are we really going to force our way in?” Grace asked. I guess she was concerned about causing some kind of international incident, but I came here to start one, so it was fine.!

“Grace, I came here to take over the kingdom. Why are you worried about international incidents?” I asked with a chuckle. Grace blushed. I guess she forgot.

“Sir Breckett, ignore him and just continue forward. I want to see who dares to stop me.” I finally got to act like a tyrant! It was kind of fun.

“You! You dare force your way in!?” The guard captain yelled out. The guards from the gate all rushed out and encircled us. I smiled and waved my hand creating a barrier around us that began to spin and narrow out to a point so that it could push people aside easier.

“Let’s go! To the castle!” I yelled out.

“Yes, Princess!” Sir Breckett’s voice had a tinge of excitement in it. I guess he found this just as fun as I did.

“Master, you’re smiling weirdly,”  Grace commented, causing me to purse my lips. How was I smiling weirdly? This was like a movie back on Earth where a tyrant princess does as she pleases! Of course, I am not sure if such a movie ever existed, but this was fun. As for doing things low key well… That went out the window after the guard told demi humans to wait outside, so this was my only choice. Well, maybe not, but still, can you blame me for wanting to have some fun? I do have a lot on my mind and doing things like this allows me to forget about it.

As expected, as we began moving, not a single guard could stop us. They fired magic at us, and it did nothing. They sent someone to hit the barrier with their sword, and that person went flying in some direction. I made sure that no citizen would not be harmed, so when I saw that they were getting too close to the barrier, I warped the barrier around them so that they could not be sent flying.

Like this, we made it all the way to the castle gates, where I casually got out of the carriage with Grace’s help while a large group of guards surrounded us. The knights I had brought with me all encircled Grace and I as I removed the barrier around us so that it would only surround the carriage and our horses, as I did not wish for them to be harmed in any manner. After all, an envoy could not bring their carriage into the castle grounds as it would not be proper. And I was doing things very properly. Proper was my middle name!

“Princess Cyrilia! Please do not make us use force! Return from where whence you came!” Captain Wilson, who had chased us all this way, was sweating and completely out of breath as he stood there pointing his sword at my knights and me while his chest heaved up and down. I had to hand it to him. He had a lot of dedication, but then again, it would be his head for letting me through.

Now, if anyone heard of what I just did, they would probably ask me: “Why did you not just use your dragon speak to allow them to let you in.” And my answer to this would be: “Where is the fun in that?”

“Huh? Why would I go back? Is this not your own fault for trying to refuse a royal envoy of another kingdom? I have an important matter to talk to you king about. If you keep this up, you may very well end up losing your head.” I said with a bright smile as I continued forward, not stopping for anything. Everyone who was standing in my way had no idea what to do. Because if they attacked and something happened to me, they might very well cause an international incident. So with my nose in the air and my tail swaying back and forth, I walked confidently through the castle gates without them even trying to stop me. Even Captain Willson had no choice but to let me go.

It was ten minutes to the castle’s main entrance, where I was greeted by two knights who both reluctantly bowed their heads to me. “We will lead you to where you can speak to His Majesty.”

I chuckled, seeing the looks of hostility in their eyes. I knew that not only were the knights not happy, but I am sure the King was not happy one bit. But this is what he gets for showing no respect for another kingdom envoy.

The castle was well decorated. The halls that we walked down were not red carpeted but actually blue in color, so were most of the banners that lined the walls. The statues of previous kings and monsters decorated the sides as we passed by and were brought to a small receiving room which made me laugh even more. I guess an envoy who was a demi human was not allowed to be received in the main throne room.

“You may only take two guards with you. The rest must wait outside.” One of the knights said. I nodded since this was normal. Those that entered also had to wait at the door, including Grace.

When I entered, there was only the king sitting on his small throne and a few aides at his side, as well as ten guards who stood by the walls. I guess he was quite wary that he was about to be assassinated. I walked to stand before the king of Golentod and did my normal courtesy as I said: “Your Majesty, I am Princess Cyrilia, and I am here on behalf of the Kingdom of Gravos.”

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