Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 264 More Important Matters

“Hehe…. Hahahahaha! Fine! I was born!? Then fine! I will show you what it means to attack the things I cherish!” This new life has taught me many things. And the most important part of those things is the fact that I learned to protect what I cared about most, no matter the cost.

With a sword in my hand, the village elder’s head flew through the air. I had already warned him once, yet he was still trying to take advantage of my father’s absence to try to take over my village. They were starving? Why should it be of any concern to Cyrilia Village? They were the ones who shunned my family and me. They despised me for no reason. Now they were getting what they deserved.

I turned to look at the rest of the people who were frozen in place. Their face’s were all sunken to the point that they looked almost like skeletons. They may have been desperate, but there was still plenty of land for them to farm. Why did they not try to grow wheat?

“You! You killed the village elder! You demon!” One man yelled, but I could care less for what he called me. I mean, he was technically half right.

“I ask. If you are all so hungry, why did you not farm the land that has yet to be cultivated!? You had almost two years. Two whole years and what do you have to show for it!?” I yelled, causing some of them to look down at the ground.

“Heh, easy for you to say. Your family took all the good farmland! We tried to cultivate the land, but it would not grow anything!” A man yelled out, but I knew he was lying. Because I had already swept the side of the village that had plenty of land to farm on it with detection magic, if they cultivated it, it would have at least fed these villagers without issues. I turned to look at the village elder, who still looked quite healthy except for the fact that he was now dead. His cheeks were not as sunken in as the rest. This meant that the stores of grain that the main village had were used for himself and himself only. He was starving his villagers to death because they were too lazy to even cultivate the land on their side of the cliff.

“You really tried to cultivate the land!? Why lie!? None of the land that should have been cultivated has been touched! You people seem to think that some god will rain down their protection on you and give you free handouts. What the hell have you been doing these past two years!? Why did you not ask the village elder for his food stock? Besides the fact he is missing a head now, he looks quite healthy! You all want to act all well and good but not a single one of you wants to take responsibility for yourselves.

“You have all lived off the kindness of my family and the other hard working villagers of Cyrilia Village in the past, but now you have to take matters into your own hands, you can’t even handle feeding yourselves! What good are you!?”  I just did not understand these people’s train of thought. Did they think they were rich noblemen who could just sit back and let others do the work for them? Did they think, oh my neighbor will cultivate the fields on their own? No. I can tell just by looking at them that not a single one even thought to put in a bit of extra work.

“What do you know!? You have no idea how hard it has been for us! We can’t even feed our young. My son and daughter both died!” Another man yelled out. But this angered me even more.

“Then why the hell did you not go out and try to supply them with food!? Why did you not go out and till the field!? Why did you not go out and try to hunt some monsters, eat the damn bark off the tree if you had to? Why did you sit around and act like you had to do nothing!? Are you all stupid!?” I yelled back. This time they were all quiet. I sneered at their silence. “You all had a chance to better your own lives, but you decided to be lazy. You have no one to blame but yourselves! And now you will all lose your worthless lives. You should never have attacked a place that I protect!”  I raised my hand and was about to burn them all alive when I yell came from behind me. “Faith!”

I turned to see my brother and a large group of villagers from Cyrilia Village guarding him as he pushed through the other villagers. It seems the other village had lost all will to fight. “Brother!” My brother has become much more handsome since I have been gone.

“Don’t dirty your hands with these people. We will take care of them. More importantly, I need you to go speak with Mother. She is currently locked up in the house with Rachel guarding the door. She wants to head to that dungeon place and try to find Father.” My brother explained.

“Hmmm… no need to worry about killing anyone…. Diablo!” I called out.

“Yes, Master?” Diablo appeared next to me.

“One of my brother’s people will tell you who the enemy is. You can dispose of them as you see fit. Just do not harm anyone from Cyrilia village.” I ordered, which Diablo licked his lips and nodded in response. I then turned to my brother. “As I said, have one of your people assist Diablo. The people of Cyrilia village do not need to fight a battle that can easily be won. Brother, we will go see mother together.”

“You have grown up quite a bit since I last saw you….” My brother said with a warm smile.

“We can catch up later. For now, calming Mother and finding Father are my biggest concerns. I promise, dead or alive. I will bring Father back.” I hated to say it, but I know how hard the dungeons are. There may be a chance that he has already fallen. I hated this thought but I had to realize this now. But I will not give up hope just like that. So whether all I find is his bones or I find him alive and well I will bring him back.

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