Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 261 Realization

<strong>–AN) Second daily chapter will be late. Had to run to the vet this morning.–</strong>

Adel’s eyes began to fill with tears. Just seeing her like this made me feel bad for her. “When did you have this dream?”

“A while ago…. I do not remember when but since then, I have been afraid that the first true friend I have ever had will disappear from my life.” Adel answered.

“I see….” I pondered for a moment before taking a deep breath and asking. “Adel, are you in love with me?”

Not only did Adel’s eyes grow wide in surprise at my question, but even Annie’s eyes also shot open. I know I was being very forward about this, but I had to ask this question as it seemed Adel would still be in limbo forever with her possessiveness of me growing stronger and stronger. The last thing I want is a yandere moment where she is killing me in my sleep due to her jealousy. The idea was quite scary, after all. Although I think the knife would break before it could stab into me.

But from the way Adel was opening and closing her mouth and how her cheeks were turning bright red, I think she finally realized her issue. “I…. I’m sorry!” Adel suddenly yelled out as she turned and ran away.

I stared at her retreating back with a helpless smile. “Boss, are you not going to chase after her?”

“No. This is something she needs to think over herself. I mean. At this time, I can not really return her feelings. But, I will never think any less of her. Adel is a friend I cherish from the bottom of my heart. Even if she does come to the conclusion that she is in love with me, I will accept it just as that but not treat her any differently. Adel is Adel. And always will be. Maybe in the future, when I come to terms with my own issues, I can come to love someone, but at this time, I can not. Sadly.”  I replied. Love was something I could not handle at this time. I liked Adel and thought she was very cute and loveable, but I could not see her, or anyone else for that matter, in the way of love.  Now that I think about it, I think I have always been this way. But well, what can I do? Changing one’s self is not as easy as one would think.

“So you will keep going as you are?” Annie asked.

“I guess? I am not sure how I should handle it. All I know is Adel is one of my best friends. And that will never change. I do not think I have been leading her on, have I?” I asked. I do not think I have shown that kind of interest at all.

“Not that I have seen. Although you do allow her to hang all over you, but you also reprimand her when she is acting too out of line, as you did now. But… You should comfort her about the issue of her dream. She looked quite scared and sad at the same time when she spoke about it.” Annie answered.

“I guess you are right. I will talk to her soon. For now, I think it is best to let her figure her own thoughts out.” I said with a sigh. It was then a knock came at the door. I turned to see Jen standing there.

“Faith, what happened to Adel? Her entire face is bright red, and a look of shock was on her face as she ran down the hall.” Jen asked as she walked into the room.

“It’s nothing. Let her be for now.” I replied as I took my seat behind the desk. “Time to dig in!”

I rolled up my sleeves, pulled one of the documents off the pile, and began reading it. I also need to get my mind off things. I could also hear Annie and Jen talking. “What is up with her?”

“Let’s just say Boss needs to keep herself occupied for the time being,” Annie replied.

“Oh… By the way, why Boss?” Jen asked.

“Ah, Boss has now changed my job description. While I will still be managing the house, my main duties are with the company.” Annie replied. I could see Jen nodding her head.

“You do, do a lot for the company. I wish I could help out in some way, but I am not too good at asserting myself, so people would just walk all over me. That and I still have my library duties.”  The two girls chatted away for a while before Jen said goodbye and ran off. Annie stayed in the room and prepared tea for me as normal. I wanted to say she didn’t have to, but I bit my tongue.

She placed the tea cup on my desk and sat down on the edge of it, sipping a cup of her own. “You shouldn’t let it get to you too much.”

I raised my head and looked at Annie. I let out a sigh and nodded my head. “I will talk to her later tonight. I just want to give her time to think things through.”


The door suddenly slammed open, causing Annie and me to jump. Adel came marching into the room and around my desk. She then reached out and grabbed my face, and before I knew it, Adel’s lips were on mine. It was only for a second, a very split second, before she pulled back and stood in front of me with wide eyes….  “I guess it is love….” Was what slipped from her mouth as she stared at me with rosy cheeks.

It was now my turn to be frozen in place. My mind was blank. I knew what had happened, but my brain was just not registering it. I just had my first ever kiss with someone else stolen! “Adel you….”

“Hehe! I finally understand! I feel so much better! So the feeling that was pulling at my heart this entire time was because I loved you.”

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