Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System

Chapter 246 Jen Part 1

“I… I do not know why but you remind me of someone I cherished from my past.” Jen replied softly.

Hearing these words, I couldn’t take it anymore. Although I might end up sounding crazy, I still have to know what has been eating me this entire time. There were just too many similarities between this Jen and the Jen of my past life.

I took a deep breath as I suddenly shouted: “Jennifer Parker, your panties are showing, and they have a cute teddy bear on them!”

“Faith, you damn perv…..” Jen’s eyes grew big while my eyes began to water up with tears. I used to tease Jen all the time about her cute underwear. It was one of the things I knew most would be different from this world. Something that she would react to instantly, just as she always has. The wide eyes she had slowly began to tear up as she tossed her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “You! You! I had a feeling, but….”

Jen sobbed into my chest as I hugged her back as tightly as I could. We both had been reborn.  And funnily enough, we were brought back together due to books. The one thing I loved in my past and the one thing that Jen seemed to treasure now.

I have no idea how long we cried for, but when we finally parted, Jen’s lips curled up into a blooming smile. “To think we could meet again.”

“Mmm… I would never have thought you would turn into me.” I said with a slight chuckle. But Jen’s face showed a sad expression.

“After you died, I fell into depression. My life from then was not something I could really deal with. I even thought about dying just to make amends for your death. I kept thinking it should have been me. I should have been the one to die. But…. It was then that I saw one of your books lying on my desk. I  picked it up and wondered to myself why you loved these stupid things so much, and that was when I fell into a trance. I basically became you. Or maybe I was just trying to replace you. I still went to school. I did what I needed to do to graduate, but my day was nothing but just that. School and then reading at home. Shut off from the world.

“Faith, you were like a shining light in my world whether you believe it or not. I mean, I was an outgoing person, but you were always doing what you loved most without a care. You never even cared about what other people thought about you. You talked about what interested you and ignored those who thought you were a weirdo. I looked up to you and thought maybe if I tried to work a bit harder, I could one day reach my goals.

“But that day changed everything. You risked your entire being to save me. I promised myself if I ever got to see you again, I would do everything I could to make sure you could reach your dreams. But now, after twenty two years, the best friend I thought I would never see again is now sitting in front of me. Although much cuter than before.”

“Hey!” I fake punched Jen on the shoulder as we both laughed. She had tears in her eyes, and so did I, but I knew one thing, Jen, my best friend, was here in front of me. “So? How did you end up in the library of all places?”

“I am under watch. My magic is different from others. I have what is called curse magic. It is the only thing I can cast. The king did not wish to kill me, so he stuck me in the academy to watch over me. As long as I played the good girl and stayed here watching over the library, they would not see me as a threat. You see…. Curse magic can not be blocked. It is a form of dark magic, but only very few people can actually cast it. Plus, being here reminds me of you. Books have become my only solace. I owe them for keeping me from taking my own life on that day. They kept me moving forward as they reminded me of the times you whined about going to school due to it taking away your reading time, yet you still did your best in school. It made me feel like if I could only grasp a portion of that kind of thinking, I could at least stay somewhat sane.

“But sadly, my life still ended short. I do not know what I died from, but I only remember falling asleep one night when I was twenty five. And then I woke up in this world, and in this body when it was only two years old. Although I was in an orphanage at the time.” Jen explained.

I had no words. I mean, Jen’s life was a complete mess. I have no idea how I should even respond or say to any of this. I could only hug her and rub her back gently. But all I got back in return was a chuckle.

“It’s fine. I did not tell you all that to make you feel bad. I just wanted to let you know that It was you who kept me alive even after your death.” Jen said softly, while hugging me back. I had my questions, but I knew this was not the place to talk. That was when I came to a decision.

“I will speak with the Dean and King! You will come live with me from now on!” I stated firmly as I stood up and grabbed Jen’s hand.

“What!? Huh? There is no way they will….” Jen had a look of helplessness in her eyes, but I only smiled back at her as I said: “I am much more dangerous to this kingdom than you are.”

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