Reborn As An Evolving Monster

Chapter 254 Pure Thoughts Only!

'I bet I could keep up with Zephyr's movements more easily with this Eye. It hurts less than it first did, so that's good. Still, I'll be able to use them better with time she said... Mm. That's interesting, and exactly what it feels like. I might have the High Elven Pupil, but I use all of it. It's something like that. Getting stronger would help use it better right? Probably. Stronger... Status, huh? Getting more Status would help use it. Status, Authority, Titles... They're all Linked. I know that much, but it's not nearly enough. Plus-'



'Ugh...' Mark sighed. 'Okay. If the thing I felt from that Commander and Raven is Status, then... Wait, I felt it from Zephyr too. Right. When the Monster Hunter Title started... Yeah. Status comes from Titles. Titles give Status. Now that I think about it, it's so obvious. The two in turn give Authority? Authority over... What? I guess that depends on the Title. Yeah. The Growing Yeti could control the snow better once the Abominable Snowman Title showed itself. The Title gave it Authority over the snow...? A Monster Hunter Title gives a degree of Authority over Monsters. Yeah, it makes sense now. If Yarnha has a Spirit Of The Forest type of Title, then that would explain her Authority over the Forest...'

Mark raised his gaze towards the bright sky above.

'Authority... Devourer... Evolving Monster...'

[Your Title "Devourer" is looking at you.]

[Your Title "Evolving Monster" is looking at you.]

The white-scaled Monster's heart started beating faster as it pressed its lips together lightly.


'I have Authority over-'



'Tsk. I can't focus with-'

"Krista! Come here! Come here! The water is so clean. It's sooo refreshing under the sun! Come here!"

  Mark sighed again.

He was seated with his back against a large rock next to the pond.

Behind him was the large rock, and beyond it, the pond in which Elisa was swimming.

"Ahhh this feels so good. Can finally clean my hair and skin... Oh. Gotta check for Beasts at the bottom." She whispered to herself before diving.

The white-scaled Monster stared at the field of tall grass in front of it before turning its gaze to the side.

'Authority... That's what I need to use this High Elven Pupil. It's basically fighting against me. That's no wonder. Even an Elven Necklace didn't want me using it so an Eye...'

Mark scratched his neck.

'It's like I need to force it to listen to me. Subdue it in a way. Mm.' He nodded. 'Status... I Leveled Up a couple of times after defeating that Commander. Orcish Fiend, the Status called him. Orcish Fiend...'

Elisa resurfaced, looked around for a bit, and started swimming towards the pond's edge.

'I'm definitely bringing her in!'

She lay her hands on the ground,  easily and gracefully pushed herself out of the water and,

"COME HERE!" Elisa suddenly shouted as she grabbed the Moonlit Feline, startling it. "You wanna take a plunge? You want to, don't you? You want to, huh?"

The words seemed like threats to the horrified Krista.

The Moonlit Feline fought back, but Elisa didn't let go. She started walking back towards the pond of clear water.

'It's just like how I learned Earth Manipulation. Something like that. This Eye... The ability to use it well will change everything. But... Right now...' 

Mark's eyebrow twitched repeatedly.

The sound of her steps and of the drops of water hitting the ground as she walked was pretty distracting.

'Why am I even hiding like this? Is there a need? Of course, there's a need, she's naked. Completely naked.' Mark thought.

He tapped his forehead with a finger.

'But that doesn't matter... It doesn't. I'm a Monster after all. And she's... She's... Well, she's as close to Human as you get without actually being Human. Yeah. Therefore, there would be no harm in seeing her naked. Tsk... It's not even that I want to. I just hate having to look away or sit like this for such a dumb reason. She didn't even tell me to. I just turned around for no reason. That's it. I'm-'


"So? How is it? How is it?" Elisa asked as she jumped into the clear water, the Moonlit Feline between her arms. "Hey stop fighting. It's nice, why are you so scared? No! Krista, no! Don't freeze the water!"

  Mark chuckled as he imagined a wet Moonlit Feline doing its best to run away from Elisa's embrace.


"Ugh. Fine, have it your way. Tsk..." 

Mark massaged his forehead for a bit.

'Okay. Why would she mind? I'm a Monster so... What the fuck am I doing thinking about stuff like this?' The white-scaled Monster suddenly lay its hands against the ground. 'I'm going to stand up, walk around the rock, and sit facing the pond. Yeah. Facing where they are. Yeah. That just makes sense. Okay.'

The Monster stood up.

Took a step to the side and,

'Oh, who am I kidding?  I'm A mOnSteR... Of course, I want to see her naked. But that's exactly the reason why... Ugh. Why do I even want to see her naked? Because I used to be Human? What's that about? I'm no Human. That's right. That's the reason why it's not a big deal. The same way it's not a big deal for Krista to see her. Yeah. I shouldn't feel this way. Naked lady, same as a tree. I'm a Monster now. Nakedness doesn't mean anything to me. I've been naked all this time after all. Though... There is a slight difference.' Mark shook his head. 'I'm casting away those remains of humanity again. Yeah. This childish and human shame...' Mark clenched his fist. 'I don't need it.'

The Monster stepped forward.

It walked around the rock, lay its back against it, and took a seat with its arms crossed.

The Monster opened its left eye and shamelessly stared ahead.I think you should take a look at

'Wasn't so hard.' 

His gaze connected with hers and,

"Wha... Wha... What are you doing?"

"Sitting." Mark answered loudly and brazenly.

Her shaking arms slowly rose to cover her bare chest.

"Why are you sitting there?" She asked, her voice shaking.


"The two of you are here. So I'm sitting here."

"No... But...?"

"I don't want to stare at the grass."

Elisa's eyebrow started twitching.

"Go back there."


"I don't want you here."

"Well, I'm not moving."

"Are you some kind of pervert?"

"No. Just a Monster."

"Will you at least look away?"


Elisa's arms pressed harder against her chest.

"You're sucking the fun out of this, you know?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are!" Elisa shouted as she quickly extended her arms.

Realizing that she had done so, she brought them back just as quickly.

A dripping Moonlit Feline walked towards the white-scaled Monster before shaking its body.



Drops of water fell on the Monster's face, and it did its best not to react.

"I'm a Monster. Act as if I wasn't here. Same as Krista."

"Same as...?" Elisa whispered to herself. Her eyes narrowed as she turned around. She extended an arm towards him and,


A gentle breeze passed by Mark as part of the water making up the pond rose as if a huge wave about to crash.

'Yeah. That's how it should be. You hide if you want to. I don't have to look away. Yeah. Yeah.' Mark thought to himself, feeling somewhat triumphant but also silly. 'Using the Wind to mimic Water Magic, that's pretty cool.'

Only once the thick barrier of water rose, did Elisa let her arms fall to her side.

She slowly lowered her body until half of her face was underwater and exhaled from the mouth.

Bubble- Bubble-

'What's that about? Does he not understand? Yes... Perhaps he doesn't get it. He is a Monster after all... No, wait. He did sit on the opposite end of that rock at the beginning. And he did turn around when I wanted to put the Armor on after leaving the Dungeon... Then... Is he... Just some kind of... No. He couldn't be, right? Then what is it?' Elisa shook her head. 'This is stupid. Him staring at the grass is stupid. Yeah. If anything, he's right. Just like Krista... Yeah. But then why do I not want him to look...?'

Elisa let herself float as she stared at the bright sky.

'Being embarrassed by nakedness isn't very Elf-like. Forest-dwellers, that Commander called us. Yeah. Forest-dwellers don't feel embarrassed by nakedness. It's natural. Right, right.' She thought as she nodded and filled her mouth with water. 'But then... Why do I not want him... I did get changed in front of Levi that one time...'

Elisa let a stream of water exit her mouth as she thought.

  'If anything, he's being more... Pure than me. By not feeling embarrassed. Just like Krista... But she's different. He's a Monster. And Monsters are known to prey upon...' Elisa's eyes widened. 'To prey upon Elves.'

She dove under and blushed lightly.

'Maybe he doesn't know that. How widespread it is for Monsters and... Ew. Stopping thinking about that.' Elisa thought to herself as she tapped her cheeks lightly and repeatedly. 'Pure thoughts. Pure thoughts only! Be like Krista.'

The Moonlit Feline shook off its body more water before it started licking and cleaning itself.

'Oh, who am I kidding?' Mark thought to himself as he stared at the pond. 'I don't want to see her naked. Yeah right... How can I not...' His right pupil shone under the wrapped piece of cloth. 'When she's this beautiful?'

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