Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 260: Change (End of the 4th Book)

Chapter 260: Change (End of the 4th Book)

I glanced at the knight's body laying lifelessly on the ground, his face fixed on the blue sky, as if still clinging to the last shreds of his memories. I felt a mix of emotions, confusion, regret, and relief, that all of this was finally over, before I shook his head, my eyes clouded as Inshook my head.

I then carefully controlled my dragon breath to summon a small flame, one that was both gentle and fierce. It flickered and danced in the air before it finally landed on the knight's body, igniting a fire that slowly consumed him until nothing remained but ashes that scattered with the wind.

I continued to watch as the ashes disappeared into the horizon, the remnants of a life that was perhaps once full of hope and dreams. Alas, one that was cut short by my actions. I closed my eyes with a frown as I steadied my emotions after the fight. It seemed like I was still too tense.

I knew that there was no point in dwelling on the past, after all, there was no changing it. And so, no matter what happens from here on out, the only thing I could do, is to learn from my mistakes and actions, and try to improve in the future. Another sigh escaped my mouth, my breath forming a small cloud in the cool evening air.

As I stood there, lost in thought, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, making way for the setting sun, as it casted a warm golden glow over the land. I felt the warmth on my scales and knew that it was time to move on. Besides, I still had my disciples to check on. I spread my wings and took to the sky, leaving behind the battlefield and the destruction caused by its aftermath.

Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as the first time when the king had to intervene, there were no rifts in reality that needed to be mended, nor was there any danger to the world itself. There was, however, an abundant amount of lightning elements along with a few others still lingering in the area. They too would slowly drift back to their natural habitats, reverting this area back to its original state. The poison dragon had already been forced back inside my core, and although it was reluctant to do so, it still complied.

The destruction will remain for a long time to come, but even that will eventually be healed by the plane itself. It looked like the problem was only when I used a pillar of existence instead of one of the normal.

Then there was the whole ordeal with lightning elements and how effective they were in pushing off the shades. Why was that so? I wondered. My mind subconsciously drifted back to my conversation with the king.

"Did he predict that something like this was going to happen?" I mumbled to myself as I left the ruined land behind.

'If so, then that is quite frightening,' I inwardly shivered. Just how strong was he? I wondered.

It didn't take long before I closed in on the location where I sensed my disciples. They had retreated quite a distance away, far away from the center of the battlefield, so they were unharmed by the aftermath, which was good.

"The threat has been dealt with, it's time to go back," I said to my still-dumbfounded disciples.

"Congratulations on your successful hunt, master," Jon was the first to speak as he lowered his head in respect, awe, and fear...

Glancing at all of them, they all seemed to share the same feelings, awe, respect, and a very prominent smell of fear... Which was to be expected after what they had just witnessed. The only abnormal one, however, was Lana, who was grinning like an idiot. Her eyes were literally shining as she seemed like she was ready to pounce on me for some reason.

Ignoring that, the others quickly followed Jon's lead and offered their congratulations to me.

'At least this matter has already been taken care of,'


News of the shade's appearance and his eventual demise spread quickly throughout the mortal kingdoms and empires, sparking rumors and speculation among the masses. Aether's followers grew in number as he was hailed as a guardian deity, a savior who had vanquished the darkness that threatened their world. But not everyone was content to simply give thanks and move on.

Lumia, the 'strongest' of the empires, Yadour, a close contender for power, and Zasal dynasty, another major player, saw an opportunity to strengthen their positions. They put aside their differences and formed an unprecedented alliance, announcing that the academy, once a renowned institution of magical learning, was now an enemy of the mortal plane and must be eradicated.

The other kingdoms, Rimor and Tinada, did not hesitate much. Although they were wary of such a sudden and drastic shift in power dynamics, the academy had closed its gates in fear of Aether's retaliation, not to mention that the royals already began banning the use of old magic and mana stones. And seeing the immense power behind the newly-formed coalition, they joined in the quest to purge the supposed heretic mages.

The academy, caught unawares and unprepared for such a coordinated attack, crumbled under the onslaught. Defenses were breached, and traitorous students and professors alike aided in its downfall. In the end, the once-great institution lay in ruins, a shadow of its former self.

The ramifications of this event were felt throughout the continent. The balance of power had shifted, and the mortal kingdoms and empires were forever changed. Some rejoiced at the downfall of the academy, while others mourned the loss of a revered institution. But one thing was certain: the world would never be the same again. For it was the start of a new era.

After the end of the successful campaign, another piece of shocking information followed soon after. The news of the civil war inside Yadour spread like wildfire, causing fear and uncertainty to grip the hearts of its citizens. The once proud empire was now divided, as the demons and elves united to fight against their oppressors. The two demons that represented Yadour in the tournament were at the forefront of the uprising, leading the charge against their former masters.

As the conflict escalated, Lumia watched from the sidelines with a hint of schadenfreude. The strongest empire saw an opportunity to further cement its power and influence in the region, but fate had other plans. The unrest amongst Lumia's own citizens began to boil over, causing chaos and destruction in the streets. The once-united empire was now crumbling from within.

Meanwhile, Rimor saw the turmoil as a chance to expand its territory. They took over the breil region completely, however, they turned greedy after the unchallenged conquest and decided to launch an attack on the weakened Yadour, but what they didn't anticipate was the fierce resistance put up by the demons, elves, and even a few human rebels. The Rimorian army suffered heavy casualties, and their expansionist dreams were shattered.

The continent was now in a state of flux, with old alliances crumbling and new ones forming. The mortal kingdoms and empires were no longer secure in their power, and the future was uncertain. But amidst the chaos, one dragon remained a constant. His church gained more followers as people looked for guidance in these troubled times.

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