Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 233: The conclusion

Chapter 233: The conclusion

As I sat there in high on my platform, the tournament slowly came to a close. The scoreboard showed Yadour in the lead with five slots, having showcased the strength of their powerful mages. Lumia was a close second, having given a tough fight in every battle, and managing to secure four slots. Zasal and Rimor also displayed their might, each securing four slots in the tournament as well.

There were a lot of hard-fought battles, with every kingdom, empire, and dynasty giving their all. There were moments of triumph and moments of defeat, but in the end, only four kingdoms could secure a place in the next tournament. Tinada, unfortunately, had failed.

I watched on as the crowds and some contestants cheered and congratulated each other. As the excitement started to die down, I slowly stood up and glanced down before speaking;

"Children of the mortal realm, I am pleased with the display of power and skill you have shown in this tournament. Your control over the elements and your command over magic has been impressive. I have seen the courage and resilience that each of you possesses, and I hope you understand the responsibility that comes with your newfound powers. Remember though, that your magic is a gift that should be used wisely and with responsibility. You are no longer as ignorant as you have been in the past, and so you will bear the responsibility should things go wrong from now on." I paused for a second, letting my words settle in before I continued, "Now then, I hereby declare Yadour the champions of this tournament."

The Yadour emperor, couldn't help but give me a deep bow with a wide grin extending across his face. Yadour's crowd cheers resounded loudly throughout the arena as they celebrated their victory. I waited for the mood to settle for a bit before I continued.

"And so, I announce that the next tournament will be held in the same place, in five years' time. Until then, continue to train and hone your skills, for the next competition will be even fiercer."

Leaving those words behind, I spread my wings casting a shadow on the arena below before I took to the sky, disappearing into the clouds above. The sounds of the crowds cheering slowly grew distant.

The church had mentioned a banquet to celebrate the end of the first tournament, but honestly, I was already bored and felt stiff sitting there watching the games for so long. It was fun at the beginning, and there were a few interesting moments, but their level was truly too low.

As I soar through the air, my massive wings carrying me effortlessly over the celestial ranges. The mountains below me stretch out as far as the eye can see, some of their snow-capped peaks glittering in the sunlight.

As I fly, my thoughts turn to the eccentric redhead girl, Lana. I couldn't help but recall what the old head of the church said. "An Unknown, huh," I mumbled. Something about the whole situation felt strange to me. Not to mention the great fairy mother's vision.

"Perhaps It's time I visit Lumia."

I slowly tilt my wings and turn towards the direction of the empire, where Lana was last seen heading. As I fly over the vast mountain ranges, countless thoughts, and guesses swirl in my mind. What is the Unknown? Why did I have a bad feeling thinking about it? I did have a few guesses, although none of them were pretty, but I sure hoped it was not a Shade.

It doesn't take me long before I leave the vast celestial ranges behind. As I soar past them, the view turns breathtaking. The jagged peaks of the mountains tower over the landscape, piercing the clouds that drift lazily across the sky. Some of the snow-capped tops glitter in the sunlight, reflecting the warm glow of the sun. The valleys below are a patchwork of colors, with lush green forests giving way to rolling hills and wide-open plains. In the distance, I can see the glimmering waters of a river winding its way through the landscape, reflecting the vivid blue of the sky above.

With the celestial ranges behind me, I was now flying above the borders between the two kingdoms, Rimor and Tinada.

As I continued my flight, I could see the vast green fields below, the trees standing tall and proud, and the occasional stream flowing through the land. Along the way, I came across a few small villages, yet I never flew too close, and instead simply observed them from high above before continuing my journey.


The sun slowly went down, and the sky turned into a beautiful canvas of orange and pink hues. I pondered over flying through the night, but in the end, I decided against it. And so, I flew towards a nearby forest, searching for a suitable spot to rest.

I scanned the area for any abnormalities, the elements got back to me confirming that there were none before I landed on a clearing. I couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over me as soon as I did. The sound of the rustling leaves and the chirping of the crickets created a soothing melody. It was a perfect place to rest for the night. Not to mention the cute earth elements that flocked over me as I appeared.

With a smile on my face, I lowered myself onto the ground and settled in, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths of the fresh forest air.

" I wonder if she's safe, and if her search was fruitful," I mumbled to myself before I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.


"S-Stay back! I'm warning you damn it! Stay back, you bastard!" Lana anxiously cried out. Behind her, Shane the blonde knight was sprawled on the ground with a deep sword gash to his side. His face was twisted in agony as he moaned in pain.

Robin the young scholar lay face down on the snowy forest ground a few meters away from them. Standing next to his mangled corpse was a disheveled knight. His bloodshot eyes were filled with disbelief as he glanced at his drawn sword, his hand shaking in fear and anger.

"I-I..." He tried to say something, but didn't know what. Raising his head, he stared at Lana who flinched and took a step back.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." Saying that his voice cracked before he quickly turned around and left, disappearing into the sea of trees. Leaving behind a very nervous and confused Lana.

"What the fuck was that..."


"Shit, Shane! Hold on stay with me, it's not that bad!"

"W-What about Robin?" The knight asked through gritted teeth.

Lana fell silent, a solemn expression on her face as she shook her head.

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