Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 4: : The same surname has no fate!

Chapter 4: : The same surname has no fate!

Xia Xiaolan's own father, Xia Dajun, is a clumsy man who can use his hands and never move his mouth.

Grabbing ditches and fighting for fields, Xia Dajun is strong, and he is a good gun that the old Xia family points to where to shoot.

Xia Xiaolan thought, Xia Dajun was almost too big-headed, and he was a big hammer if he only cared about the big family and the small family. The three brothers of the Xia family, Xia Dajun came second, and were the only brothers who did not give birth to a son. Xia Dajun felt that he could not raise his head without a son, and often cursed Liu Fen. He would even do something after drinking.

It is Xia Xiaolan's own daughter, who is also a loser in his eyes.

Dont blame Xia Dajuns ambition for Xia Xiaolans "exotic goods". The aesthetics of the times are limited. Xia Xiaolan looks good, but the fox looks only appeal to the younger generation, but the elders of the posterity dont like Xia Xiaolans appearance. At first glance, they are restless, and the whole family who is disturbed by marrying in the door is restless.

On the contrary, Xia Xiaolan's cousin, Xia Ziyu, has an egg-shaped face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks dignified. Who wouldn't say that she looks like a good girl?

Xia Xiaolan is a straw bag. Xia Ziyu was not particularly smart when she was a child. After finishing junior high school, she suddenly became acquainted. His grades are getting better and better. This year, he was admitted to a university in the capitalthe Lao Xia family raised a golden phoenix, which Xia Dajun disliked. My biological daughter, but loves my niece very much.

Xia Jiaqingzhuang ran to repair the river embankment in order to earn living expenses for Xia Ziyu... Xia Ziyu took more than 500 yuan collected by the Xia family to the capital. The Xia family was afraid that she would spend a lot in the capital, and the whole family was like an old scalper. Work hard to support Xia Ziyu, a college student.

Xia Xiaolan was miserable. She hit a pillar and didn't even go to the hospital, leaving the barefoot doctor at the health station to wrap her wounds casually.

This is really a different fate with the same surname.

Thinking of the original owner, President Xia wanted to sigh.

Her cousin who is both excellent in character and academics is very difficult to deal with. The country folks have no knowledge and do not understand, but Mr. Xia knows that in this era, there is no tuition fee for college. Instead, the country will give every college student a monthly living allowance. There is no problem in solving personal life... In 1983, taking 500 yuan to go to school is definitely Bai Fumei's treatment.

Xia Ziyu enjoys Bai Fumei's treatment, but Xia Xiaolan has no objection.

But just now I saw a group of Xia family members. No one is as thin as Liu Fen. They can't squeeze two or two oily water in the pot. It is Xia Ziyu's mother who is also wearing patched clothes, but her face is very ruddy and her hands are not like Liu Fang's. Skinny and full of small cracks.

The one who was squeezed the most was Xia Xiaolan's family.

Xia Dajun was willing to be a scalper, but Xia Xiaolan was not convinced for Liu Fen.

"My dad is back, let's see how he chooses, whether he wants a niece or a daughter."

I dont know if Xia Dajun heard the news about Xia Xiaolans collision. Xia Xiaolan decided to give the original owners father a chance.

Liu Fen heard something wrong, fearing that Xia Xiaolan and her dad would face each other: "Of course your dad loves you, your cousin is..."

Xia Xiaolan smiled, and Liu Fen lost his confidence as she spoke.

I love my nephew more than my daughter, often in rural areas. But Liu Fen has never seen him who cares for his niece more than his daughter. Xia Dajun really didn't like Xiaolan, because giving birth to Xia Xiaolan made Liu Fen hurt her body and couldn't continue her childbirth. Xia Dajun blamed her daughter.

The mother and daughter fell silent.

Xia Xiaolan looked at the ruined house and said, "I'll pick up some firewood and come back."

She wanted to observe Dahe Village by the way and see where she could get some money. If there is no money in her pocket, she would have no confidence. No matter how good the plan was, she couldn't implement it.

Dahe Village is very poor.

Of course, in 1983 there were not two endless villages in the country.

Poverty is a deep root left over from the geographical environment and history, and it is also a limitation of the times. It is good to eat from the soil to fill your stomach.

As the sun sets, there are several women washing clothes by the river.

As the name suggests, Dahe Village has a big river flowing through the village. When it comes to resources, the fish in the river are arguably unowned and can be sold for money when they are picked up. The villagers are not afraid to go to the city to sell fish... Fish are born by nature. Naturally, this section of the river belongs to the village. It is the collective property of the villagers. Occasionally catching a few fish to relieve the greed is OK, but selling it is not enough.

Xia Xiaolan has no psychological pressure on catching fish secretly and selling it. The only possession of her and Liu Fen is the 20 kilograms of sweet potatoes. What kind of moral and cleanliness are they going to starve to death?

It's a pity that she doesn't have the tools or the skill to catch fish with her bare hands.

There are thick white flower reeds on both sides of the river. If in May, Xia Xiaolan might still be able to squeeze some reed leaves and sell them to the city people to make rice dumplings. Money wont work.

Weave mats, weave back baskets to sell?

In the memory of the original owner, people in Dahe Village know a lot of this craft, and every household will make straw mats and baskets during the slack. In the countryside, these things are certainly not at a high price, and in the cities these things are also lacking in competitiveness. These days, everyone is not interested in folk crafts. The people in the cities are eager for meat, eggs, milk and other agricultural and livestock products.

Xia Xiaolan stared at the river in a daze. Could it be that she had been among the executives of large companies and could still starve to death in 1983? If she wants to leave the Xia family, she must have the ability to support herself and Liu Fen. Before the 20 kilograms of sweet potatoes are eaten, she needs to get a start-up fund.

The country is dying, she has to go to the city to find opportunities.

The circulation of goods can bring benefits, and rural people have no oil and water. Apart from industrial products such as matches, soap, and fertilizers, rural people in 1983 were completely self-sufficient... Several women by the river pointed to Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan was thinking about making a living, while picking up the dry branches by the river, there was no time to take care of those long-tongued women. She didn't want to waste her energy arguing with others, so she took a few more steps to the reed beach next to the cowshed. These stinky villagers who cut reed poles were unwilling to come.

Xia Xiaolan walked a few steps deeper, and two wild ducks flew out from the reeds.

They flapped their wings and quacked again, as if they were leading Xia Xiaolan to chase them. Xia Xiaolan's eyes lit up. How could she have been fooled by two wild ducks? This is a shock!

Sure enough, she carefully searched in the reeds and found a very hidden duck nest.

In the nest made of soft grass, blue-shell duck eggs are squeezed into a pile. President Xia, who had signed a contract of hundreds of millions of dollars, smirked at a nest of wild duck eggs, and picked up one by one to the light, all of which were fresh eggs that were not half-hatched.

There are 12 in total!

That's right, she can live by relying on the reeds on the river beach in 1983. Resisting the urge to continue sweeping the reeds, she carried 12 wild duck eggs and returned to the old ruined house with a pile of dry wood.

"Mom, shall we bake sweet potatoes?"

Only when you are full can you have the strength to work.

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