Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 137

She has to figure out how to build the shed. Ning Yan said that it can penetrate light, transparent paper Qian had no idea.

For the time being, she could not think of any paper that would not be damaged by the wind or collapsed by snow. After washing and lying on the bed, Qian still thought about this problem.

With something hidden in his mind, Qian couldn't sleep, but he turned over and stood up. He walked into the yard and turned around in the yard.

I was bitten by mosquitoes at the end of autumn.

All over the body are red dots.

Qian can only put these things in his heart, take time to go to the county to have a look, it is impossible to find the transparent paper.



After that, the village mainly developed cotton and pepper. The village's life was getting better and better. People praised them wherever they went. Ning Yan's dreams were awakened with laughter.

When I woke up, it was cold. This is the first time to sleep until the sun rises high.

In addition to the explosion of firewood from the kitchen, the yard was quiet.

Looking back at Xu's furtive behavior, he opened his mouth and asked, "what are you doing?"

"What did you get last night?"

"Want to eat?"

"Who wants to eat it? It's choking. Don't make those weird ones in the future."

"You didn't eat the food your mother gave you?"

"Yes." Xu said and went to the courtyard, so choking things, she would not eat, long ago fed the big black dog in the yard.

If it is poisonous, the big black dog in the yard will be poisoned to death first, and will not be afraid when going out later. If there is no poison, it will be.

Xu has made up her mind to have a good relationship with curly hair. Otherwise, someone has to watch the dog every time she goes out.

For Xu's careful thinking, Ning Yan is not able to guess, after all, IQ is not at a level.

Ning Yan will not want to reduce IQ, watching Xu go back to the yard, Ning Yan to go outside.

First I went to Qian's yard.

Looking at the hot pepper growing well in the basin is like looking at the treasure.

The appearance of Ning banquet made Qian's laugh and cry.

Qian went to Ning Yan and told Ning Yan about his thought of thinking about the whole night: "I plan to paste oil paper on the outside of the shed, set up a shelf on the shed, cover the shelf with thatched mats, tear the mat off on sunny days and cover the mat on snowy days, so that the sun can shine on sunny days, and there will be no snow collapse on snowy days."

“……” Although there are more programs.

But there is no way.

After all, the steel pipe equipment is not easy to get, so we can only use bamboo to build the greenhouse. Although bamboo is tough, if the snow is too heavy, we can only build another shelf on the shed.

Ning Yan thinks about it carefully. There seems to be no better idea except this method.

"OK, if you ask someone to build it, I can't get enough money. You don't have to pay for the funds you need in this respect."

"You can rest assured that you will be asked for money."

Naturally, Qian will not be polite. Her family property is not enough to build a greenhouse.

Ning Yan picked a few red peppers from the flowerpot and carried it to the village head's house.

"Girl Ning is here again today?"

"Is Zhao Liang here?" Seeing the village head, Ning Yan asked.

"Yes, yes." The village head did not ask what Ning banquet came for, and called out to a room: "good ah, Ning wench looks for you, hurry out."

When Zhao Liang came out, he was wearing a big underpants, which was carried into the house by the village head.

"Get dressed."

"Sister Ning is not an outsider." Zhao Liang said, seeing the village head's fist, covering his head to drill into the house.

When I came out again, I was dressed.

"What's the matter with sister Ning?"

"If you bring five or six rabbits to the barbecue shop, remember to send them to the shop managed by awan."

"Five or six?"

"First try to see if the little cook over there can make it delicious." Ning Yan explained.

"Well, wait a minute. I'm going to catch rabbits." Zhao Liang said, carrying a cage to go out.

Ning Yan was not in a hurry. He found a stone in the yard and sat down. After a while, Zhao Liang came back with his cage on his back.

Driving the cattle cart of the village head's home to the county.

Zhao Liang parked the bullock cart beside the shop, and the rabbit cage was left in the barbecue shop. He went out to play alone.

In Zhao Liang's words, it's not easy to come to the county, but to get together with friends.

Zhao Liang's friends prefer to have a banquet without any interest.

Stay in the shop, take out the pepper in the sleeve and chop it into powder with a small stone roller.

In wooden bottles.

"Ah ya, come and bake two bunches of buns."

"Ah ah..." Ah ya, laughing, he wanted to light the fire of the oven. Listening to Ning Yan's words, he baked the diced rabbit. When he sprinkled seasoning on the diced rabbit, he was stopped by Ning Yan."Use this." Ning Yan handed the freshly ground chili powder to a ya, who took it and sprinkled it on the meat on the grill.

Brush a layer of sauce on the roasted oily meat and sprinkle it with chili powder. The fragrance will come out in an instant.

"Fu Gui and Wang have a taste."

Ning Yan divided the barbecue in his hand.

A Wang sang, his eyes suddenly lit up: "shopkeeper, what did you put in, so delicious?"

"Want to know?"

"Mm-hmm." Awan nods.

Don't you want to know? If you can, the kebabs in the shops will be sprinkled with this seasoning in the future. In that case, the business will certainly get better and better.

I'm not sure we can open another shop.

There are many barbecue shops in the county, but for Awang, those Zhongji barbecue shops are not the same as Ningji barbecue shops.

"I don't tell you. Did you tell your sister what I told you the day before yesterday?"

"I said, yesterday afternoon the shop was not busy, so I went to Bai's house." Ah Wang said, his face was still a little ugly.

Yes, he went. Before he spoke, his sister told him to steal spices from the shop. He would not do that kind of thing.

It's just that my sister changed.

In the White House said the secret recipe of having a child, then quickly came out. Those maids and servants in the house looked at him strangely. They might have regarded him as some poor relative.

I don't know if my sister will believe him: "if I say it, I don't know if my sister will believe it."

"That's it. You don't have to worry about the rest." In this era, women's desire for children is a hundred thousand times stronger than that of later generations.

Ning Yan said, taking out a few kebabs of meat from the grill, let a Wang share it with the rich and the rich. Then he took a look at ah Ya and asked, "ah ya, do you sell yourself?"

“……” Ah Ya's eyes widened and he quickly waved his hand. It was impossible for him to sell himself. Even if life would be better after selling himself, he would not sell himself.

After waving his hands, ah Ya hung his head.

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