Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 132

Chen Fu saw Ning banquet, the flag in his hand waved and the people standing changed their posture.

Chen Fu went to Ning banquet and said, "lady, please review."

Ning Yan nodded, Chen Fu began to wave the flag in his hand.

People in a line attack according to the waving of the flag. They step back, their posture is neat, and they are unified. Compared with those who did not even line up before, the progress is particularly obvious.

Chen Fu put down the flag in his hand, and eighteen people ran together in the yard.

"It looks good, but the specific level still needs to be tested. Everyone went to the flower hall to change their clothes."


Eighteen people should a, orderly walk to the flower hall.

This time, there was no problem that the clothes didn't fit the body. Everyone was upright and in shape. The clothes on the body were just right.

"Rest in the afternoon, move in the evening, disband." Ning Yan finished and went to Mrs. Jia's room.

With vines in her hand, a small bowl is slowly shaped in her hand.

Versatile ah, looking at the cane bowl, Ning Yan reached out and touched it.

"This bowl is very delicate."

"Big lady?" Hearing Ning Yan's words, Mrs. Jia immediately stood up.

"How do you feel?"

"There's a lot of fun in the yard. Young people are just energetic. It's easy to think of those things when they were young."

"Is it convenient to say that?" Ning Yan is very curious about Mrs. Jia. It's easy to guess Wu youniang's birth experience, but it's not easy for Mrs. Jia to guess.

He is good at cooking. He can make bamboo baskets and teach children. No matter what he does, he seems to know a little bit.

"Those..." Mrs. Jia was in a trance.

"When I was young, I was in famine. At that time, I did whatever I could to fill my stomach. I got together with a group of victims and learned something. Later, I was saved by the wife of Tongbian mansion and took root in Jiangnan..."


Food shortage is rarely seen except in Africa.

Even in remote mountainous areas, no matter how backward, it is still possible to fill the stomach.

The world lacks a Yuan Longping.

However, Ning Yan shakes her head. She has not studied agriculture and has a very simple understanding of biological science. She can not find hybrid rice and has no direction. In this era of material shortage, she can feel the lack of ability of a person.

"Come out with me." Ning banquet has the heart to test Mrs. Jia.

Just when she wanted to buy two little girls, she asked Mrs. Jia to have a try.

For the trading population, Ning Yan has been able to face calmly.

Mrs. Jia followed Ning banquet and stopped at the person's tooth: "the big lady wants to buy a servant girl or a servant."

"Two smart little girls, and a shop for a while."

"Open a shop? Ready to wear shop or embroidery shop It seems that there are not many women working in shops except these.


Eat? There are quite a lot of male waiters in the food shop. As for the female staff, there are not none, but they are all old women. When the little girl goes to the food shop, Mrs. Jia says that she has not heard much about it.

"Lady, if young girls are working in the shop, there will be many things to do."

"No harm." What the hell is the waiter in the bakery.

So she decided not to make up her mind.

They knocked on the door and walked in together.

Flower woman son see Ning banquet, smile hehe asked: "Ning Niang Zi came, I say this morning magpie why chirp and call, it is a distinguished guest, Ning Niang Zi come here."

Flower woman son led Ning banquet to the reception hall, and a cup of tea was brought up by the small maid in linen.

Flower woman push to Ning banquet.

"Ning Niang Zi wants a girl or a woman this time, so does the old servant."

"A young, quick, discerning and sensible little girl."

“……” Flower woman's eyes are dizzy. If you want to be young, you have to be quick and sensible and have eye power. Where can there be such a perfect servant girl.

Even if there were, they were taken away early.

"Or, I'll bring this group of girls, and you can choose them."

"Yes." Ning Yan nods.

Hua Po Zi told the little girl in linen to wait here and go out by herself.

After a cup of tea time, huabozi came back, followed by a string of little girls, a detailed count of 30 or 40 people.

Ning Yan made a look at Mrs. Jia.

Mrs. Jia took a few steps forward and went around the little girls.

They didn't ask anyone to step forward or step back. They casually asked some questions. The questions were simple, but they could include the reasons for the birth place and even the sales of these people.

I asked what I was good at and what I liked.Ning Yan listened and was more satisfied with Mrs. Jia, who had the potential to be hr.

The problems can be explained in simple terms. Colleagues who have a simple life experience can also test their adaptability.

Finally, Mrs. Jia left five or six little girls.

"Lady, these are more suitable."

"Come here." Ning Yan waved to the little girl that Mrs. Jia picked out.

With a smile on their faces, the two girls went to Ningyan and Qian. They took a look at huabozi. Huapozi nodded and went on.

The remaining two little girls saw the people in front of them and followed them consciously.

Ning Yan had an idea in mind.

The first two have calculation in mind and are easy to make trouble, but they can't help but also have unexpected gains. The middle two have rules and know how to advance and retreat. The last two have vision. They are the least impressive in the group, but have the strongest survival ability.

Look at the appearance, skinny like a monkey.

I want to be sold these days. There are a few who can eat and wear well.

It is not the big and small Li's big pancake face and sausage mouth. It will be better after a period of time.

To open a shop, the waiters should not be too ugly.

"I'll take all of them."

"Well, I'll tell you why magpie has been crying for a long time today. It's really a noble man..."

Listen to Hua Po Zi's compliment again.

I don't know if I should laugh.

Renyazi's mouth can be compared with a matchmaker.

Lady Hua went to several servant girls and said, "when you wake up, you will be Ning Niangzi's servant girls. Life, death, wealth and wealth are all between Ning Niangzi's thoughts. Take good care of them. Don't cheat. Otherwise, Ning Niang Zi will kill you and sell you. You don't even have a place to talk about. You deserve to be killed. Your servant's life is not worth money. Don't think about justice and so on You may be able to restore your good status one day, understand? "


"You are lucky that you were not sold to brothels. Although Ning Niangzi is from the countryside, she does not worry about eating and drinking, and will not kill people casually. There is no accident in serving you well. You will have no worries about food and clothing in your life."

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