Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 129

When you put them in glass bottles, you can sell them at a good price.

Of course, there is no need to explain these to Zhao Liang.

After all Glass is still colored glass, which can be burned by the glaze factory in Northwest China.

This time the mountain people go to the northwest, there are still many things to do. If we can get the glass making method out and test it a few more times, the glass will surely come out.

It's much more convenient to extrapolate from the results than to move forward in the dark without knowing the results.

Of course These things still have to be made by special people.

Although she was called an almighty king of war in her previous life, it was only a nickname, and the number of people who could do it didn't mean that she would all be able to do it.

You can't make glass.

We have to find some teachers to study.

Record the burning of glass in the heart of the small book, Ning banquet began to continue in front of the things.

"Here you are, the hard money these days." From the drawer to carry a hanging of money thrown into Zhao Liang's hand, Ning Yan drove Zhao Liang out.

Zhao Liang was just about to refuse, but he was pushed out of the door by Ning Yan.

People in this era are relatively simple. It seems that it is natural for people to work and get money. In this era, it is too much.

If you want to collect money, you will be stabbed in the spine.

Morality and legal system restrict people together

"wait, don't push, I have something else."

"Tell me about it?" Ning Yan put down his hands and looked at Zhao Liang with his arms in his arms.

"The rabbit I raise is not small. Do you want rabbit meat in the shop in your county town?"

"Yes." Ning Yan answered exactly.

When the rabbit in Zhao Liang's family can peel and eat meat, Qian's pepper is just ripe.

If you get a shop to make a special dish, you will definitely make money.

I don't know if Tongxian will become the hometown of spicy.

It's interesting to think about it.

After Zhao Liang left. Ning banquet closed the door, turned around to see Ning Yu flash bar with big eyes staring at her.

"What are you looking at?"

"Mother, you are so good."

"Yes, I'm so good." Ning Yan stretched out his hand and Ning Youyu resisted on his shoulder.

"Can you understand what Mr. Xue said recently?"

"I don't understand..." Ning Youyu shook his head and said that these small faces were tangled together, wrinkling their nose and squeezing their eyes, just like the little old man.

"I don't understand. It makes sense."

"Not really." Ning Youyu laughed.

I'd rather not insist on the banquet when I'm five years old. It's still small, after all.

They can be cultivated slowly. Moreover, their own cubs are not the kind of bear children who need to be taught a good lesson.

"Yes, I did..."

Wu youniang's voice came from the kitchen. Ning Yan put Ning Yuyu on the ground and went to the kitchen.

Inside, Wu stood in front of the cake, touching the flour on her little face, just like a cat.

Ning Yan saw the cake, stupefied for a moment, took a spoon to scrape a layer of cream, put it in the mouth, sweet.

"Great." Ning Yan looks at Wu youniang and finally understands what it's like to find treasure.

Turn back and wave to Ning Youyu.

"Look, what is this?"

"Cake?" Ning Youyu's eyes are bright.

This thing he has only heard his mother said, but Meng Buding appeared in front of his eyes, there is a feeling of unreal.

"Would you like to try it, young master?"

"Yes, yes." Ning Youyu nodded and gazed at the cake on the table. Under the influence of happy days, the precocity of the past gradually faded away and became more and more like a young child.

I'm satisfied with the banquet.

The smile on Wu youniang's face is deeper. As a cook in the family, the things she makes are liked by the master. She feels really good.

Take a knife to cut a piece of cake, put it on the plate: "young master, have a taste."

"Thank you, sister Wu."

"You are so cute." When Wu youniang looks at Ning Yan, she has some doubts. How can such a powerful woman give birth to such a lovely child?

Ning Yan is upset by Wu youniang.

With a plate cut a piece of cake, quickly left the kitchen.

Zhou Yi heard Wu youniang's startled voice and came late.

Looking at the cake on the kitchen table, he asked, "what is this thing?"

Line of sight moves from Ning Youyu's body, discovers is able to eat, said: "Wu wench, you also make a piece for me."

“……” Wu youniang didn't like the name of girl Wu, but she couldn't refute it. She cut a large piece of cake and put it in a big bowl: "eat it, eat it. I won't die."

Zhou Yi took the chopsticks and put one in his mouth. "It's delicious." It's sweet, but it's nice to be sweet.Zhou Yicai doesn't think it's a problem for men to eat sweet food.

Although Wu youniang is annoyed and flustered, she does not forget her own work, and cleans up the kitchen quickly.

And cooked a large bowl of chicken noodles. Just after cooking, Chen came in from outside.

Looking at Chen Fu outside, Wu youniang stood in front of the steaming stove and fished up the noodles in the pot: "Chen nursing home, the eldest lady asked me to save a bowl of noodles for you."

"Just a moment." Chen Fu went to the water jar, took a ladle of water and poured it from the top of his head.

He reached out and rubbed on his body for a few times and then went to the house.

Put on a suit of clothes and head for the kitchen room with wet hair.

The candle is still burning in the kitchen. I'd rather eat the cake quietly. Is it a shallow chewing sound.

Chen Fu looked at the big bowl of noodles on the table, and his heart was warm.

It's a wild day to have hot noodles ready as soon as you go home.

Looking back at Wu youniang, who is standing in a large enamel basin, she secretly says that it is a pity that such a good wife candidate is just unable to raise her identity.

Ning Niang will not let people go.

After eating a bowl of noodles, I saw the cake on the table.

Ning Youyu in the opposite side nibbled at it. It seemed delicious. Chen Fu was not reserved. He twisted a piece off the cake, which made a hand of cream.

Put the twisted piece on the plate and reached out to lick the cream.

It's very fragrant and smooth. I've never eaten this kind of food before.

After eating a piece of it, there was a sense of fullness in my stomach: "how do you make it? It's delicious."

"It's made of flour, eggs and milk."

Wu youniang said, lowering her head and continuing to mix noodles. At this moment, the noodles are well mixed. Tomorrow, when the noodles are made, they can still steam steamed bread.

After she came to Tongxian County, Wu youniang found that people here especially like to eat pasta. Steamed bread, noodles and cakes are all tasting rice.

Others seem to be in the minority.

The two guards of Chen Zhou served steamed bread.

As the night deepened, Xu came out of the room and moved to the kitchen. The food that the people ate before going to bed was too sweet.

She wanted to eat too. Unfortunately, none of the people in the yard looked at her. She was the mother of Ning Yan. She was the old lady of this yard. She didn't send the delicious food to her room and hid it. She didn't take her seriously.

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