Rebirth of the Heavenly Empress

Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Dugu Xiyuan was really thinking about Su Huiqing. Most of his friends found out about Su Hui's family.

He's really not worth it now.

Su Huiqing had already opened the door. When she got to the door, she suddenly stopped. She leaned slightly and looked at Dugu Xiyuan. Her eyes were a little heavy, "Dugu is in charge of affairs. What I want is not Dugu family."

Dugu Xiyuan was stunned and didn't react.

Su Hui chuckled softly and turned her mobile phone with her fingertips. Her voice was very calm. "Instead, let's stand at the top of the overseas market."

"No Not the Dugu family? " Dugu Xiyuan felt that his heart beat faster.

However, Su Huiqing did not speak any more and turned away again, leaving only a light figure for Dugu Xiyuan.

For a long time, Dugu didn't come back to himself. He just sat down on the chair with his fingers shaking.

In fact, he should laugh, as at the beginning, laughing at Su Huiqing's ignorance of the sky and the earth. She has existed overseas for so many years, has its own legal system, and each family has a deep foundation. She is not a girl like her who says subversion can be subverted.

Now, however, he couldn't laugh.

The light words of Su Huiqing just echoed in her head. Su Huiqing was really that kind of person. Even if she was leaning against the door frame and casually talking about grand plans, she would not make people feel that she was joking.

On the contrary, people have to be convinced.

"I believe in her evil," Dugu Xiyuan glanced at Qu Yan and others who were busy in the room, and tried to pull out a smile. "Do you think I am Shi Lezhi?"

Qu Yan raised her head from her mobile phone, smelled her speech, did not answer, and played with a piece of wood.

Dugu Xiyuan's eyes were fixed on that piece of wood. When he was going to leave, he suddenly stopped, "what's that in your hand?"

"You say that?" Qu Yan threw the things in her hands, "the doctor's order, the dumping things."

At this time, Dugu Xiyuan's dark eyes suddenly became bright.

He looked at a few people in the room, did not say anything, just left solemnly.

After he left, Qu Yan couldn't help touching her nose. "Gu Li, I've scared the queen of Su."

Gu Li lifted his eyes to see Dugu Xiyuan's back and said, "if you don't scare him, he will never be able to do anything serious."

"Yes." Qu Yan murmured.


outside the door, Dugu Xiyuan stood in a newly built city building and looked at the desolate land in the distance.

"Dugu steward, besides you, we also need a deacon."

After the guard asked twice, Dugu Xiyuan responded, "Mr. Gu and Mr. Apollo, aren't they?"

As for Mr. Apollos, as long as Mr. Apollo has heard this, he has not asked me to do a good job for the students He said he was afraid you would try to strangle him

After hearing this, Dugu Xiyuan shook his head for a long time. "Yes, they all like Miss Su. Let them be deacons and embarrass them. OK, go down and I'll find a way."

After the guard went down, Dugu Xiyuan took out his mobile phone in his pocket, opened a name in his address book and sent a video to him.

One second later, the video was picked up. It was the face of a middle-aged man. When he received the video, he said, "Dugu Xiyuan, when did you have the Internet? Send me a video? "

Dugu Xiyuan was silent for a moment, "it's important for me to find you."

"You won't go back to Dugu's house, will you? I said for a long time, what can you do with that wasteland? " The man over there laughed. "Come on, you've never been to me for so many years."

"Come here to be a deacon, will you do it?" Dugu Xiyuan looked at him and said in a deep voice.

After hearing Dugu Xiyuan say it three times, the middle-aged man is sure that Dugu Xiyuan is talking about the wasteland in the north. He almost didn't spit out, "Wanfa city? Dugu Xiyuan, are you crazy? You are still a city on your own? And your big lady, overseas cities are so easy to build. She's stupid. You're stupid. Believe a little girl? "

The middle-aged man took a sip of tea and looked at Dugu Xiyuan again. "OK, old friend, I won't talk about you. Miss Su will not know how deep the overseas water is. If she knows, she won't be so arrogant."

How deep is the overseas water?

Take a look at the big families.

Overseas resources are basically divided up by these families, where will another force rise, or a girl.

Dugu Xiyuan didn't answer. He just looked at the front and whispered, "I saw the doctor's order."

After a word, the middle-aged man in the video gives a finger and raises his head in disbelief.Both sides were silent for a long time. Finally, the middle-aged man put down his tea cup and whispered, "I'll be right here."

Dugu Xiyuan knew it would be the result, and he was not surprised.


at the same time, several invigilator pharmacists at general yuan's home were watching the examinees' competition with Mr. Zhuge.

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