Rebirth of the Heavenly Empress

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

The next day.

"Miracle doctor?" Rao is Su Huiqing again clever, also want to do not understand this time the people of the miracle doctor door to look for her, she zipped the backpack, pulled out the pen inside, "don't care about them."

Qu Yan and others didn't have many doctors. They just looked at Su Huiqing and said with a smile, "Qing Qing, you should see the teacher when you come back. He's almost pissed off by you."

Su Hui listened to her words, and then rubbed her temple with her fingers. "I've been so busy recently that I forgot my teacher."

"Did not look back from the eyes of Li," what happened

Gu Li has always been keen. Su Huiqing also found that although he used interrogative sentences, he had a positive tone.

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