Realm of the Night God

Chapter 41: Young Girl Killer, Friend of Women

Chapter 41: Young Girl Killer, Friend of Women

Guanhai, this guy, hasn't been in touch with Yang Haoran for a while. During this time, he was busy dealing with Jiang Zhenzhen's affairs first, then his own. He was so busy that he had no time to contact Guanhai, and Guanhai didn't contact him during this time either.

Looking at the caller ID, Yang Haoran felt somewhat puzzled.

It wasn't strange for Guanhai to call him late at night because he would do that usually. What puzzled him was why Guanhai hadn't contacted him during this time?

Since they met, they had never gone this long without contacting each other. Yang Haoran hadn't contacted Guanhai because he was tied up with important matters. Could it be that Guanhai also had important matters to deal with?

With doubts in his mind, Yang Haoran answered the phone.

"Hey, what have you been up to lately..."

As soon as the call connected, Yang Haoran began to scold Guanhai, as they always did. Whenever one of them seized the opportunity, they wouldn't show mercy. If one was at fault, they would usually let the other vent.

This time, Yang Haoran naturally felt he had sufficient reason. So, regardless of whether Guanhai had a valid excuse, he started scolding first. After all, neither of them would take it to heart.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the other party. From the voice, it sounded urgent, which made him shut his mouth.

"Yang Ge, hurry to the hospital. Guanhai Ge suddenly fainted, and we're on our way to the hospital!"

The voice on the phone wasn't Guanhai himself but a woman's voice, sweet-sounding yet full of urgency.

Though he hadn't seen her in person, Yang Haoran was familiar with this sweet voice. She was the manager of Guanhai's bar. Because of Yang Haoran's close relationship with Guanhai, they often drank together at the bar, so he naturally got to know this manager.

"Xiao Mo, is that you? What's wrong with Guanhai?" Yang Haoran asked quickly.

At this moment, he had no inclination to scold Guanhai anymore. Besides, even if he scolded, Guanhai wouldn't hear. Xiao Mo had made it clear over the phone that Guanhai had fainted.

"It's hard to explain over the phone, Yang Ge. Do you have time now? Can you come to the hospital?" The anxious voice came through again.

"I'm coming right away. Which hospital?" Yang Haoran asked immediately.

Xiao Mo quickly informed Yang Haoran of the hospital they were headed to. Without hesitation, Yang Haoran hung up, grabbed his yellow messenger bag, and was about to rush out of the grocery store. But before leaving, he hesitated for a moment and put the soul gathering bead into his bag.

Outside the grocery store, Yang Haoran waited for a taxi on the street. Though anxious, he had no other choice. That was the plight of not having a private car.

After a while, he finally managed to hail a taxi. After telling the driver which hospital to go to, the taxi sped towards the destination under the moonlight.

Heading to the hospital late at night, anyone could tell it was urgent. The driver understood this without Yang Haoran urging him, so he drove a bit faster while ensuring safety.

The ambulance had already arrived at the hospital. Yang Haoran dialed Guanhai's number, and Xiao Mo answered. After learning their specific location, he hurried over.

Upon seeing Xiao Mo, Yang Haoran also saw the unconscious Guanhai. Guanhai's complexion was poor, and doctors were examining him. Yang Haoran wanted to ask Xiao Mo what had happened, but due to various procedures, he had to temporarily set aside his doubts.

Xiao Mo took care of Guanhai while Yang Haoran handled the paperwork. Fortunately, he brought his wallet this time; otherwise, the outcome would have been uncertain.

One couldn't deny the business of hospitals, even past midnight. Though not overcrowded, there were still patients and their families scurrying around.

After an hour of running around, Yang Haoran finally completed all the procedures, and by then, Guanhai had been taken to the ward.

Luckily, it was late at night. If it were daytime, Yang Haoran would've been dreaming if he thought he could finish all these procedures in an hour.

Returning to Guanhai's ward, Yang Haoran was startled by the scene inside.

The ward was packed with people, all women, and all beautiful women. The other two patients in the room widened their eyes at the sight, and one young man even stared in disbelief.

Standing at the door of the ward, Yang Haoran was equally surprised by the scene before him. He hadn't entered yet, but the mix of so many perfumes assaulted his senses, giving an odd feeling.

Yang Haoran wondered if he had entered the wrong ward. However, when he spotted a few familiar faces among these women, either Guanhai's ex-girlfriends or so-called female friends, he was sure he hadn't entered the wrong room.

These familiar faces suddenly appearing here at this time, heading straight for the unconscious Guanhai, left no doubt in Yang Haoran's mind.

"Excuse me, excuse me," Yang Haoran squeezed into the ward, gently pushing aside the beauties in front of him as he spoke.

Some people tried to forcefully squeeze in, which immediately displeased the beauties behind. They were already pushed to the back and were feeling annoyed. Now, someone else wanted to push through them again. Naturally, they were not happy about it. Some even got angry and shouted to vent their frustration.

"Damn men, what are you squeezing for? Don't take advantage of us!"

"Hey! Don't push me! Who is it? So annoying!"

"Who the hell is pushing again! Don't blame me for being rude!"

These women, some arrogant, some timid, and some hot-tempered, though they had different personalities, they all directed their anger towards Yang Haoran, who wanted to squeeze in.

Yang Haoran completely ignored the scolding from these women. Under their fiery gazes, he quickly pushed his way in.

"Yang Ge, you're here."

"Yang Ge, what's wrong with Guanhai Ge?"

Seeing Yang Haoran squeezing in, some of the women at the center showed disdain. They knew Yang Haoran, but seemed to look down on him. However, two of the beauties greeted Yang Haoran politely, calling him "Yang Ge".

Yang Haoran couldn't be bothered with those who looked down on him. As for those who called him "Yang Ge", he gave them a serious nod, indicating he didn't know the situation yet.

Xiao Mo was squeezed into a corner of the bed by these women. Facing so many of them alone, she couldn't cope. Seeing Yang Haoran, she looked at him with a pleading expression.

Seeing this, Yang Haoran nodded gently at Xiao Mo, then glanced at the beauties present. There were at least a dozen of them.

It was past one or two in the morning. The fact that these women appeared here at this time made him sigh. Guanhai's charm with women was indeed remarkable.

"Ladies, it's past two in the morning. It would be better for you to rest first. Your gathering here might disturb other patients," Yang Haoran said with a smile to the anxious beauties in front of him.

"Who are you to tell us to leave!"

"Yeah! Who are you to tell us to leave! Besides, who would we disturb by staying here!"

"Humph! It's his honor to be disturbed by me. Not everyone is lucky enough. If it weren't for Guanhai's accident, who would want to come here!"

The women chattered, some of them getting quite emotional. It seemed they were extremely unhappy with Yang Haoran's statement.

"Brother, don't mind me. These ladies aren't noisy at all. Their voices actually help me sleep," a young man on the next bed hurriedly said to Yang Haoran, afraid that Yang Haoran would drive these beauties away. Yang Haoran noticed that when this person looked at the beauties, his eyes lit up as if he'd seen something precious, and he seemed eager to pounce on them and devour them.

"Yeah, young man, you don't need to worry. These ladies not only have soothing voices but also smell great. I think the fragrance might help with my condition," another elderly man lying on another bed said. His complexion was pale, and he spoke weakly, indicating he was seriously ill. Though he didn't know what disease he had, it was evident he was in critical condition. But as he gazed at the beauties in the ward, his excitement was evident, and he rambled on, his eyes burning like two little suns.

Seeing the reactions of these two patients, Yang Haoran's smile froze on his face. The women in the room became even more excited, chattering incessantly.

"They don't mind at all. Who are you to be the boss here? Get out of the way quickly. I want to see what's wrong with Guanhai Ge!"

"Let me do it! Guanhai Ge will surely wake up when he hears my voice because my voice is full of the power of love."

"You, go to hell! How far away you can roll, you little slut! Stop harming my Guanhai Ge. If this vixen plays too much, she'll turn into a beast herself. I don't want Guanhai Ge to smell of cheap perfume everywhere he goes!"

"You old hag! Who are you cursing!"

The situation was getting out of control. Seeing this, Yang Haoran sighed inwardly. He couldn't understand what was going on in these women's minds. Whether it was from watching too much TV dramas or something else, it just didn't seem normal to him. Or maybe they were a bit crazy.

"If you wish for him to die, you can continue arguing here."

Yang Haoran's smile remained on his face, but the tone of his voice sent a chilling sensation through everyone present. This inexplicable chill seemed to come from the depths of their souls.

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