Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 342: Phoenix's Cries of Pleasure (1)

Chapter 342: Phoenix's Cries of Pleasure (1)

Ja Sun wanted one thing sorted out since he stepped on the boat. This was a priority. More than Yuehua and Erlong, or any other recent 'interests.'

As if two 'rivals' meeting on the turf they wanted for themselves, BOTH glared equally sharply. One was a god in mortal skin and the other was a mortal with equally godly ambitions.

""Damn it, she likes hitting me harder!""

Ja Sun and Feng Liu shot each other a scoff. Now there were plenty of ways where he could sort Feng Liu out. But this wasn't a matter of strength. It was a matter of 'endurance' and not just any kind... endurance for a SPECIAL kind of pain that only a few could ever inflict on them.

Ja Sun never considered himself a masochist and the legitimacy of that claim was not in question. The question was WHO does Bibi Dong likes 'hurting' more?

Bibi Dong being in closed-door cultivation made it clear that this matter happens to be something both of them needed to resolve once and for all. Personally.

Both, the slender, short-violet-haired woman and silver-maned youth continued to stare daggers at one another. Just their existence in the lounge within the ship made it clear that no one else wanted to be a part of this ridiculous discussion. Not even the kinds of Xiao Wu and Ja Yin.



It was as if the two were arguing for their existence!

It... couldn't be literally true, right?

"S- so? How far have you gone with Master?" Feng Liu clears her throat and regains her composure. It's hard but she achieves it nonetheless. It wouldn't do to make a mess of such a luxurious and tasteful setting.

"I'm married to her, dimwit. How far do you think we have gone?" Ja Sun sat over the marbled counter next to the sink and rested a side of his face over his palm with an annoyed huff escaping the confines of his lips.

Feng Liu looked at her... well, 'Superior.' Even she knows that her Master's husband cannot be her equal, much less inferior.

"Only Master gets to call me names," Feng Liu frowns and finds herself a seat, too, finding Ja Sun glancing over at her and nodding, "I can respect that."

His reply was truly a surprise to her. After all, to Feng Liu, Bibi Dong was the strongest until Qian Xunji came around, and then that god got beaten and abused to the inch of his life by the man sitting in front of her. She had the option to either adapt to the changes, go batshit crazy by such revelations, or grow numb to them. Her body instinctively chose the last of it. After all, despite being a Titled Douluo, Feng Liu still fails to comprehend the true depths of his strength and she is well aware of her position.

In fact, right now, her position on this ship was at the bottom of the social ladder. The idea of it made Feng Liu squeeze her thighs in somewhat and when she thinks she is discreet about it, Ja Sun's quiet scoff and, "Are you serious?" made it clear that she was not as sneaky as she imagined.

Fighting off the blush, Feng Liu stood up and looked rather proud. Her hands akimbo and her chest pushed out. To be fair, compared to others including humans, the Firebird Douluo had fairly modest breasts but she did make up for it with her thicker ass and thighs that fit her long, translucent stockings well under her thigh-covering shorts.

"What the hell does that mean?" She demands. Just because this man was the strongest around didn't mean she had to listen to him! Damn it! She is loyal to Bibi Dong! The best Spirit Empress the continent will ever produce!

Blanking out for a moment and then recovering his gaze, Ja Sun snorts a chuckle and soon he throws his head back in a guffaw. His laughter got boisterous ever so slightly. But others wouldn't know of it. Every room and corner of this ship was made to ensure privacy so that Ja Sun could be free of his teammate's moans should the desire strike them and they could be free of the sounds from his OWN 'shenanigans.'

A little intimidated by such a response as if she didn't lord over a region once with the virtue of being the highest realm of cultivation on the mortal ladder, Feng Liu gulped and took a step back.

Her voice now wavers as she demands in a meeker tone, "Y-you cannot be thinking something foolish, right? Master will never let you"

"Oh, I know," Ja Sun interjected with a short wheeze, "I just realized something else. We shouldn't really be confrontational at all."

Ever since the beginning, fighting wasn't Ja Sun's objective. It was improvements and benefits. He just wanted a peaceful life and he still pursues it by aiming to be the strongest. So... it's clear in his views that making a willing enemy out of one of his wife's closest confidantes was foolish... and truly, Ja Sun was no Qian Xunji. True, power is a drug easy to get addicted to but Ja Sun has experience riding this particular tiger and knows how to reign himself well and remain in control.

"Not... confrontational?" Feng Liu traces her chin with an index and a thumb.

"Yeah, it's not even a question of who Bibi Dong likes hitting more. Heck, she's married to me," Ja Sun's remark went unappreciated as the Douluo frowned. Before she could comment on it, he adds, "We can always team up."

And the notion attracted Feng Liu.

It wouldn't be the first time Ja Sun befriended a bitch. He already was a brother to Hu Lana and Jun'er. He had experience under his belt and this made him realize that Feng Liu wasn't the kind of woman he should really even think of pursuing a more serious relationship with. Their 'interests' matched, that's all that matter.


She expected a verbal reply, not Ja Sun suddenly whipping his hand and smacking her really smackable butt with his padded paws as a yelp slips through her lips. Just when she came to digest what had occurred, Ja Sun placates her indignation before they even erupt.

"Now you have something in common with Bibi Dong, the feel of a spank from me," he stood up, positively towering. Even Qian Daoliu's presence never made Feng Liu feel like a helpless little girl as Ja Sun's did but then again, she was beginning to feel a lot more things a lot quicker than she imagined.

Averting her gaze, Feng Liu retorted, "I didn't appreciate that."

"Hah, sure you did," Ja Sun was confident. Again... he also DIDN'T appreciate spanks... but it was nice knowing that he could get smacked once or twice, right?

Patting Feng Liu's shoulder, he smiled, "I'll see you around. It's a small enough ship, after all. We eat around 7 so it's up to you if you wanna join us."

With that, Ja Sun left. Again, he didn't know about Feng Liu enough and wasn't interested in speed-running a newly budding spanking friendship...

They would have enough time to sort themselves out.


Yuehua certainly needed some attention. Some warmth, at the very least. Unlike others, she left her family behind, and it hung over her head. The worry. The burden of it all. Despite Ja Sun's consolation and her belief in his words, Yuehua worried for her family naturally.

So, she leaned against the railing around the roof of the yacht with a swimming pool embedded within. Yuehua still didn't understand why they needed a pool ON the ship when they were surrounded by Ocean but Ja Sun was pretty determined to have it.

"You aren't seasick, too, are you?" Ja Sun's question brings Yuehua back from her daze as she looks back with a smile. Her fingers brushed her flowing locks of hair as she kept her silver-blue hair untied. Even the hem of her somewhat baggier and thin skirt flipped along the wind as she was in the holiday spirit, at least, with her fashion if not her mind.

"No... I'm just thinking about my clan..." she revealed the truth. There wasn't any point in hiding things from him now, was it? Standing beside her in no time and looking in the same direction from where they departed, Ja Sun chuckled, "They'll be fine. Qian Xunji just can't afford to accidentally get on my bad side aside from what he has done already. After all, I have his God Tablet and Divine Tool. So, it's a stalemate. Truly. Not only in our individual situation but our political one, too."

Yuehua sighed softly, "So, it all boils down to who can get another powerhouse?"

Ja Sun nodded. Of course, to others, Qian Xunji had the numbers and he may just nurture another god...

But Ja Sun knew better.

An incomplete god-like Xunji would never let anyone ascend without gaining his own Tablet. So really, the initiative was with them.

Fortunately or Unfortunately, given one's own perspective... Gods just aren't THAT easy to create.

Soon hugging and covering Yuehua from the back as she leaned into his embrace, Ja Sun whispered, "Hey, want to meet them? I can arrange for your family to"

"No, that would be ridiculous," Yuehua pouted, "I mean, WE already feel cluttered with the addition of Bing Bing, Snow, and Feng Liu. Wasn't this trip supposed to be more about the Sea God Island?" She turns around while still in his arms with the barest hint of annoyance in her pale blue pupils, "And Erlong is slumping in my room... I know I invited her an all but I also wanted to... train."

Her voice grew a tad bit scratchier at the last word as she leaned further into his embrace with no one watching them.

After all, Yuehua felt she had waited TOO long. And if she would have pressed for marriage in some fear that things might not work out if she just puts out... she simply knew Ja Sun better at this point.

He wanted to be with her just as much as he wanted to be with others and remain responsible for his actions... to a certain extent, at the very least, when it came to his... H-Harem...

'I'm part of it... right?' Yuehua was self-aware. She most definitely was a part of it.

"We can train," Ja Sun nodded with a bright grin, "I could call Ja Yin and Violet, too. Give them their homework and all."

Restraining the urge to roll her eyes, Yuehua glared at the man, "You could stop... playing around for once."

Ja Sun smirked and then looked around before his eyes landed on the pool, "Want to take a swim?"

Yuehua blinked in surprise.

The pool?



Alternate Title: Spank Buddies


A/N: Clearly, this boat trip will be more of a smut chain than anything. Yuehua and others have their complete development and now the time is ripe to enjoy themselves... while beasts don't really need a better reason than just an itch to have it scratched, right?


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