Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 281: Deep into Grind

Chapter 281: Deep into Grind

Ja Sun wasn't only hard at trying to speed up time in a limit region through the virtue of arrays and runes. After all, arrays are just another form of equations and runes are its language. He needed time to complete what he wished so as to not wait to observe the complete process.

"Violet, this right here is an anchor rune. It can be used to exchange the stability rune and have a more restrictive effect so you would usually need to change the flow rune with weaving." Ja Sun muttered as he drew runes upon runes over a flower.

Violet watched her master at work intently. If she wasn't led on incorrectly then she would be able to grow stronger after reaching a certain standard in this art. Her yellow eyes were wide and her vertical black pupils were narrower than a thin needle with utter concentration.

As Ja Sun worked silently, she followed his actions and drew runes, too. But when compared to Ja Sun who only slowed down so that she could see his actions, Violet didn't only have trouble drawing these runes but she also had slight trouble attaching them in a manner that formed an array.

"Cool!" Ja Yin, on the other hand, continued to copy Ja Sun with ease... of course, she was a little rough around the edges but that didn't stop her from learning and him from imparting.

The difference between the two was their reserves of spirit energy. While Violet was still shackled in the confines of a 1000-year-old spirit beast, Ja Yin was at the next level already.

"Don't be impatient... with time, literally. Alright, this is real stuff we're doing and not something as simple as forming some gathering array and whatnot." Ja Sun calmly added and when his work was done, he waited for Violet and Ja Yin to reach that step, and only then did he activate his rune.

A formless flow of energy entered the flower and suddenly, it began to bloom but the next second, it was already wilting and finally turned to ashes alongside his rune.

Violet and Ja Yin silently activated their arrays but it let out a crisp noise before sizzling into failure, making their expression turn bleak.

"No worries..." Ja Sun shrugged. He had noted a few things already. First, he needed to add a dial to his array, and next, he needed to actually connect his divine intent this time...

Although, it was a bit sad that he couldn't achieve this array even after a week had expired. This meant that out there, somewhere, when it came to manipulation of time, Ja Sun had a lower comprehension compared to a similarly S-ranked talent... let's see if he can accomplish this within a month to get the A-ranked reward instead.


"Violet..." At the break of dawn, Ja Sun whispered. Her eyelashes fluttered open, revealing her slightly enamored gaze as he continued, "Do you know what's more troubling than one beast in heat...?"

Biting her rather voluptuous lips, Violet whimpered, "Master... it's two beasts in heat..."

"Then this is hell..."

Ja Sun looked at the three women sprawled over while Zi Ji had a furious blush and Bi Ji continued to shake her head constantly beside Ja Sun.

Violet closed her eyes shut. She hadn't really felt embarrassed even when she was naked all the time since she has lived this way from the very beginning but now she did feel a little ashamed at her body's annual needs. It's not a lie that most beasts have a mating cycle and that is the period when humans hunt specific spirit beasts the most, too. However, Violet has been constantly forced to accomplish her needs alone due to her human mutation not being acceptable in a more beastly environment.

You think humans are discriminative? Think again.

But worse than that was Xiao Bei...

Bi Ji's lips constantly twitched as she finally adjusted her glasses and looked away from the brown-haired woman and spoke to her superior, "You do know what you have to do, right?"

Ja Sun nodded, "Yes, use my divine intent to control their mindset temporarily so the three of them do one another while we watch... probably over a snack..."

"No!" Bi Ji snorted while Zi Ji's flush deepened as she glanced at Bi Ji surreptitiously.

"Then I don't know what else to do... Ja Yin would feel well with a spank or two but these two... aren't my problems."

"Aren't your problems?" Bi Ji gaped before berating her superior knowing full well that he wouldn't take offense but rather enjoys open discussions even if they turn slightly heated, "You're the reason Bei Bei is like that!"

"Hey, it's called being nice. Had she been in a human world instead of sticking around with dumb and dumber from before, she wouldn't have such drastic reactions after years of not feeling anything!" Ja Sun crossed his arms and scoffed. Indeed, that is the main reason why Xiao Bei succumbed to more human desires that reflected her beastly nature as Violet, still with her body heated, kept coiling Ja Yin and Xiao Bei so that they aren't let loose on her master.

"Oh, well... I hired you for a reason, Bi Ji. You're smart... you'll figure something out." As a great leader, Ja Sun had learned from Bibi Dong to delegate when it's important and even more so, when you don't want to do something yourself. And he really didn't want to break his innocence just yet... heck, he was surprised by himself. He was on a roll. Swatting temptations left and right!

But he also knew the main reason for it...

His veins bulged slightly as he looked at Violet, "Violet, I'm off to make that array work. We'll train once you're in the right mindset, yeah?"

Violet nodded, deeply blushing, "Master... are you certain that you do not wish my company... I"

"Nah, I'm fine," Ja Sun muttered as he walked past the trembling Zi Ji before delivering a slap to the back of her head, "The fuck are you feeling things for?!"

The dragon woman instantly scowled, much of her sensuality that had emerged due to watching the trio's antics receding once again, and snorted, "I don't know a thing you're saying! And don't you think for a second just because you're the Beast God hey! Stay and listen when I'm trying to talk to you!" Zi Ji stomped her foot with a feral growl escaping her lips as Bi Ji patted her back to calm her down before looking at the three women before her.

She hadn't thought of intervening but Ja Sun had made it clear from his actions that despite constantly eyeing them, he wouldn't make a move even if these women did not because of their beastly heritage, no... and that kind of increased Bi Ji's respect towards Ja Sun. He was a scammer... but he willingly had set some lines for himself.

She had once confronted him about this but his reply was a stunning one

A life without any meaningful barriers... is just too boring. And if you're so strong that societal barriers won't stop you, then make your own.

Indeed. Ja Sun was on the grind.

It wasn't even about Ah Yin anymore or Bibi Dong.


He only had a week left before a whole month passes and

'I'm going to get that A-rank reward!' He eyed the cocoon of transformation with a maniacal glint. He had almost forgotten that sheer desperation to complete the objective but now it was back. Now HE was back into the grind!


Dai Laohu's office has always been quite personal and intimate. He would rarely invite others and even after so many things Dai Taiyin had faced and already showed that he was capable of leading the empire, he was still only invited less than ten times.

Again, he didn't raise a tantrum. If he did so, it would only show he had much to learn.

"You asked for me, Royal Father?" Dai Taiyin entered and greeted.

Over the last three years, he had changed quite a bit. He had revealed to Ja Sun that he had inherited something divine during the banquet of his sister's engagement but not long after, that 'inheritance' strangely left his body. Even if it did, the advantages Taiyin had received were still quite a lot. His martial soul had mutated. His spirit rank began to climb at a greater pace, though, not comparable to the likes of Bibi Dong but he was closer to Tang Hao instead, which evened the fields between the two allying clans.

"Come..." Laohu grunted in response and pointed at the seat in front of his desk. Once Taiyin made himself comfortable, his father pushed over a stack of parchments. He hadn't thought anything of it at first but when read a few lines, Taiyin's brows were locked and he leaned forward to read the rest of the report.

"So... the Heaven Dou Empire is leaning towards Spirit City? That's an unexpected move. Although we have been at each other's throats... I am willing to bet that both empires would suppress an upstart."

"Indeed, that's what we wanted initially. Not to mention the natural resources in the Spirit City's control can be beneficial now that the Star Dou Great Forest is closed off..."

To be precise, the report suggested that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan was finally having open connections with Spirit Hall using trading as a means for it but the clan has always been the trusted ally of the Heaven Dou Imperial Clan and this only meant one thing... the situation was shifting and not in a good way.

The greater problem was the expedition the two powerhouses had begun under the name of future unity.

The Sunset Forest!

The Extreme North, the Western Ocean, Star Dou Great Forest, and Sunset Forest have always been extremely important but open locations not because the Empires didn't want to control them but they couldn't! Especially the ocean, the north, and Star Dou Great Forest.

Alone, Dai Father-son duo was still under the impression that they wouldn't be able to tackle Sunset Forest but if Spirit Hall and the Heaven Dou Empire ally together... they will control a major source of revenue and resources!

"Father, I think the Spirit Hall has something on the Heaven Dou Empire... else, Emperor Xue wouldn't have taken such a decision... the Spirit Hall with their number of spirit masters are becoming a threat to both the Empires..."

"And that may just explain why Bibi Dong sent such a... careless entourage a few weeks ago..." Dai Laohu's gaze darkened.

"Indeed," Dai Taiyin nodded but both fell silent. What could have Bibi Dong gotten on Emperor Xue to make him take such actions so suddenly?

Still, just when Dai Taiyin was about to leave, he was stopped, "I think your mother and I will make a trip and see what we can do during this expedition. For now, you will take matters into your own hands alongside clan elder."

Just when his son was about to interrupt, Dai Laohu chuckled, "Little Zhu is pregnant with your second child... and it may just be your second son. Stay here. Spend time with both of your sons until you can and prepare them... their life and yours wouldn't get any easier. Only in struggle, both emotional and physical do we get strong."

Dai Taiyin's expression turned complicated... he, of course, knew what his father was trying to say. The prominent tradition of the clan is to make the two sons battle one another... for the throne of the next Emperor. He had gone through with it and his sons are expected to accomplish the same.

"I understand," He muttered and took his leave.


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