Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 209: Benefits of Divine Energy (1)

Chapter 209: Benefits of Divine Energy (1)

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"This is a really good location. Takes me back to when I used to guide you two every now and then during your training with Dong'er," Qian Daoliu smiled as he sat down cross-legged under the largest canopy of the Giant's Forest which was also the center of the forest. In front of Qian Daoliu sat Ja Sun and Ah Yin as they waited silently for their next session.

"You both have reached rank 70... still astounds me on the 'how' but I don't mind remaining in the dark only to be surprised later on. To spirit masters at my realm, the feeling of surprise is a gratifying emotion. But reaching rank 70 has a greater role in our life than we might think.



These are the two terms that are used for the title of this rank. Granted that you two have to absorb your seventh spirit ring, it is time that I explain that the Realms of Being I taught you way back is also related to this.

Make no mistake, this is the knowledge that I grant to the two of you alone. You may never share it with anyone else explicitly. Am I clear?"

Qian Daoliu seriously gazed at his two disciples.

"Yes," Ja Sun nodded. He had not thought of clearing the air between them. According to Redstar, Qian Daoliu knew of his true identity, too. If Qian Daoliu did not mind teaching then why would Ja Sun mind keeping the status quo?

"I will go through this stream of information only once. I assure you that no written knowledge of this category exists and if any outsider wished to gain this knowledge, they would have to go through a trial designed by me. And don't worry, I will know if you choose to go back on your promise as long as we share the same sky."

The man smiled kindly and looked at Ah Yin, "Hmm, do you not want to know of the path forward?"

"Master..." Ah Yin pursed her lips. She felt slightly complicated at this moment. Although she might banter with Ja Sun and even keep to her privacy at times, this was simply how their relationship was. However, Qian Daoliu had merely given inheritances and knowledge to her without expecting anything in return. She knew this for a fact when Qian Daoliu didn't mind her lack of interest in contributing to the spirit hall in any manner.

"Yes?" Qian Daoliu inquired.

"I... am thankful for everything... I just wanted you to know that. But I believe that I would never be able to return the favor of the knowledge regarding the higher path and someday down the line"

"I know," Qian Daoliu waved his hand, interjecting with a sigh, "Although I love you... Little Yin, you need to learn just a little more from the devil next to you. Never be pressured if someone is teaching you anything for free and remember what I taught the first day?

Teachers teach students.

Masters seek geniuses...

What you are..." he gazed at Ah Yin meaningfully, "And who you are," it was Ja Sun's turn now, "Mean nothing to me. I fell for your potential and I crave to see you two in the heights that I could never hope to reach.

My son taught me once Everyone adores geniuses in their own manner. Me, teaching you, is one such method. Qian Xunji, too, adores Bibi Dong for this reason."

Ah Yin was silent and her heart fell cold.

"What... do you know?" She inquired as her lips felt dry.

"I know that the senses of a rank 99 spirit masters can not easily be deceived.

Ja Sun looked at Ah Yin speechlessly. Why couldn't she just cover her guilt with shamelessness like he is used to ding?

"Cheer up," Daoliu chuckled seeing Ah Yin's expression, "It's not that bad. I know that I personally don't care about such things but it will do you well to only act in bouts of emotion only when you are at my level. Understood?"

".... yes." Ah Yin lowered her head.

"Now... do you want to join this session? I came here with two purposes. To enjoy the wedding tomorrow as an act of taking time off from my duties and to convey information to the two of you before handling your doubts."

Ah Yin nodded silently.

"Right, then let me start by saying that the Realms of Being is nothing more than achievement on control of spirit energy. There are two realms Self and Law. The latter can also be called insight, rule, nature, and harmony.

Hmm, I realize that even with you two, starting from the middle will only be confusing so let me go through the usual protocol but I can share more with the two of you compared to outsiders... hehe, did you know that they would actually die for such information?" Qian Daoliu shook his head with a sly smile as he recalled how many external geniuses had died by his hands just for more information so that they can pass it on to their future generation.

"I will start with Soul Origin itself. Every human and spirit beast has a core in the form of Soul Origin. It isn't a myth. For instance, this is my soul origin," Qian Daoliu flipped his hand and revealed a glowing orb of yellowish, almost golden light, "This is also the source of our spirit energy but it should not be confused by the storage of spirit energy. Aside from very rare and special martial souls and spirit beasts, one must reach my level of strength to observe and understand the soul origin."

This instantly confused Ja Sun because he had two written records that stated the opposite. In fact, he was pretty sure that Bright Goddess Butterfly had absorbed the Soul Origin of the Luo San Pao when Ja Sun killed it. But he kept his silence. What his master brought was a new direction of thought.

"However, at your level, a Soul Origin brings nothing new or powerful to the table. It's just a source of study. Even I demonstrated my Soul Origin to you for you to understand that effective use of such a resource has yet to be found and harvested.

Now let's talk about Martial Soul. It is clear that our Martial Soul originates from our Soul Origin but why do the spirit beasts not have the same trait? Why can only humans produce martial souls? Ah Yin, what do you think?"

Nothing more was needed for Ah Yin to realize that the secret she had been guarding against Qian Daoliu was known long ago but she could only accept this fact and answer, "I am not aware, Master... maybe it is the world?"

"You're not wrong. The truth is lost but there exists a reason for such a difference. What my clan has been able to salvage is that there was once a time where humans and spirit beasts were characterized together as organisms. Those who lived a hundred years or managed to harness a rare form of energy could show strength far beyond the imagination of a simple civilian. What I'm trying to say is that martial souls have only begun to exist after a breakthrough of innovation.

The details, however, are not known to me either. But this innovation changed mankind with the addition of a special heritage to our Soul Origin Bloodline.

Bloodline is not to be confused with the blood flowing in our veins. It is a metaphysical concept. Within me flows the blood of an angel for some reason. In you flows the blood of the Blue Silver Goddess. And it is the existence of twin martial souls that contradicted the ancient theory of bloodline and blood in our veins being the same in the first place," Qian Daoliu glanced at Ja Sun who smiled wryly.

"Erlong has also revealed how the evolution of bloodline directly affects one's martial soul, too. And, I want to make it clear that even though item-type martial souls do not have blood, their heritage is still shared somehow. This is directly related to the innovation in the system of our cultivation during ancient times.

Yet, I am a little confused by the martial souls held by Yuehua and Xiaogang. Hah, this means that this old man still has a chance to learn once again."

Qian Daoliu shook his head with a pleased smile. It was clear that he had been observing the two spirit masters for quite a while.

"Hmm, we have discussed origin and bloodline. Studying these two concepts might not bring any inspiration so my personal advice is to only study them after reaching the realm of Titled Douluo.

Now, we will discuss the more intricate issue as stated by Little Yin. World.

The times we live in are different.

Do you think that the convenient addition of spirit rings to add to the strength of humans has always been present?" Qian Daoliu inquired rhetorically before answering, "False. The world is forcefully changed to benefit humans. Somebody did this. The rules of this world now directly support humans and that is why things like spirit rings and spirit bones exist. Remember this term Rule. A law."

Ja Sun and Ah Yin silently listened and tried to make the most of the situation with eager expressions soon touching their faces as they realized how much they had missed on the basics of the cultivation, something that even most of the written material in Ja Sun's hand didn't touch upon for it was directly related to laying the foundation for the path ahead.


"Ah, Come in," Hu Lana smiled with a pleased smile. She looked radiant enough to attract Bibi Dong for a moment only to make the generous leader of the group silently chant, 'She has gotten fat! She has gotten fat! Oh god... I have to keep Ja Sun away from her. She's grown more dangerous.'

These thoughts came in unconsciously but Bibi Dong still followed Hu Lana. No, to be precise, Bibi Dong held back the urge to give it all away as Hu Lana hugged her arms with a happy grin while cooing, "I'm getting married! Can you believe that? Ah, did you find the dress you want to wear? You have to look good! I'm told that marriages can be a magical place for other couples, too~!" Hu Lana whispered the last portion hotly into Bibi Dong's ears, making her blush.

"Mind your manners," Bibi Dong spat but seeing her expression, Hu Lana only giggled carelessly, remarking with a hint of pride, "Still got it! Come on, everyone is waiting for you... Grandmaster really destroyed all my preparations by taking away Ka-ul and Yin."

She ended with a pout and hurriedly led Bibi Dong through her stay within the fortress. She lived in the same section as Bibi Dong so the duo was naturally aware of their residence and visited often. Hu Lana finally brought Bibi Dong to the living room where Jun'er, Erlong, and Yuehua waited. None of them looked particularly dressed up as it was already way past evening.

"You're so late," Jun'er instantly remarked as Bibi Dong shoved Lana away, recollecting her composure before sighing softly, "I had to prepare lodgings for Grandmaster since he will be staying till tomorrow."

"He hardly stays around us," Erlong shrugged.

"Doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to keep up with our duties," Yuehua reproached from the side as Erlong snorted.

The girls quickly sat down on the couches, making themselves comfortable over snacks Hu Lana had prepared as Bibi Dong questioned, "Where is Xie Yue?"

"Oh, Xan took Oscar and Yue'er to a boy's night out..."

"Boy's night out... where? In the forest?" Bibi Dong looked at her weirdly.

"No... in the canteen. Actually, Oscar and Xan were depending on Ka-ul to do something fun but now that's out of the way, they decided to give us some privacy and take care of Xie Yue while meditating if possible... hehe, Xie Yue is reverse cycling so fun for them," The fox grinned, making others feel bleak.

"Sister Dong... I heard from Ah Yin that Ka-ul is going to... take you both to the wedding tomorrow?" Jun'er smiled mischievously, instantly lighting up an attractive topic while bearing the glare of her 'teacher.'

"Ooh... since it's my marriage, you have to make the best of it! Balance it out with Yin. Don't let her hog away too much!" Hu Lana instantly chimed while Bibi Dong growled, "I don't know what you are talking about! We just decided to have a nice time together. That's all!"

"Really?" Erlong looked confused, "It doesn't sound like the two of them at all, right?"

"What are you looking at me for?" Yuehua dodged Erlong's gaze with a heavy blush as she recalled certain events.

"Hehe, come on, don't tease Sister Dong," Hu Lana giggled before solemnly stating, "At least wait until she is married. You know, she's the kind of woman who only trades goods once the deal is sealed."

"Don't make me kill you before your wedding!" Bibi Dong rolled her eyes.

"Oh," Hu Lana crossed her arms with a smile, "Could it be that you want to change your mind? Say, Yuehua, do you know any other couples with more partners than two?"

"Y-yes... during my etiquettes training, I was taught about courtly manners by three sisters who... who..." She lowered her head, "They shared the same partner..."

"Hear that?" Hu Lana smiled menacingly at Bibi Dong, "It's all fine. Use my marriage as an excuse to make a bad decision... well, technically, in this case, a suicidal decision. But come on, are you really going to say you're fine with how things are right now?"

"Well..." Bibi Dong hesitated before speaking up, "I do want him... to share things with me, too..."

"Ooh~!" Hearing the surprised 'ooh' from all the girls simultaneously, Bibi Dong scowled, "By that I mean information! It's just that... I feel a bit left out when I'm the only one who doesn't know something but the two of them do... and I'm not talking about cultivation stuff. I don't care what Grandmaster is teaching to them. I can eventually learn all of it as it would be my right as a Supreme Pontiff later...

I mean... jokes, or stories... or just general things."

"If I may say something," Yuehua smiled comfortingly, "The two of them are not easy to converse with in the first place..."

"That's right. Ka-ul would do something stupid and shamelessly blame others. Now, it feels like Ah Yin does the same thing at times," Erlong frowned.

"Ah, isn't there a simple solution? Just... be with him... or her? I don't know how it works in this case... ohhh! Did you and Ah Yin ever kiss?!" Jun'er gasped.

"What? No!"

"That's something you can make fun with including Ka-ul," Hu Lana shrugged without hesitation, her words causing Bibi Dong to go silent as her expression turned somber, "Continue."

"Since you were the one who wanted to get married before anything... it should also be you to initiate some intimacy, right? If I had asked Xie Xan to wait until marriage and expected him to make some advances while he might be fearing that it would offend me... all in all, it would be unfair to him... and myself. Just wear the sexiest dress you have and go with the flow!

Ka-ul is so perverted that he will probably get all over you the moment he sees you and..."

Thus, Bibi Dong began learning the divine knowledge from her mentor, too. Yet, Jun'er's, Yuehua's, and Erlong's expression turned somewhat reverent, too.


{A/N: So? What should the Evolutions of the two Three-eyed sibling bloodlines should be? I'm open for all ideas~ I'm at that point in Patron}

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