Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 187: Nightmare's Kindness (3)

Chapter 187: Nightmare's Kindness (3)

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Laying on their bed and her body tied down, Zhu Ning gazed at the malevolent figure in front of her coldly yet a tinge of fear and despair had crept in her eyes.

"With the Sage's Cave inheritance, I now have the blood of the sage flowing in me. But I couldn't complete it and that's all on you!"

Dai Taiyin growled, "Hehe, but you will give birth to my children. They, too, will have part of the blood of the sage..."

Zhu Ning's glare turned into a slightly bitter one as she found her insecurities laid bare in front of her. It was true that after gathering quite a bit of contribution, Dai Taiyin was allowed to enter the inheritance ground around which the Star Luo Palace was built. Unlike Dai Laohu, Dai Taiyin successfully entered and managed to pass the first trial, allowing his strength to shoot up to the beginning stages of the Spirit Sage rank.

This was a very shocking revelation and Dai Taiyin kept himself concealed for a long while. However, he couldn't pass further ahead. And Dai Taiyin laid it all out on Zhu Ning truthfully.

The next trial was to kill his wife, and Dai Taiyin refused to do so. Still, the White Tiger and the Hell Civet clans are more militaristic. Zhu Ning loved Dai Taiyin but what had attracted her, in the beginning, was Dai Taiyin's strength. She was clear on the inner workings of the two clans and felt that later down the line, Dai Taiyin will definitely come to resent her. Her husband had given no such indications but he also couldn't control Zhu Ning's own fears.

Understanding all of this and knowing that it was merely an illusion, Zhu Ning still completely accepted the situation and the blame. This was a chance for her to sort her feelings out and that she did.

As a sense of calm finally touched her, Zhu Ning's mental fortitude and pressure made this illusion shudder as she hissed, "How would you know? I still haven't told you the news! Disappear, you freak of a clone!"


"You despicable bastard!"

Dai Taiyin and Zhu Ning opened their eyes practically but curses resounded around them.

"We expected a good show! Where are the flames and the blood?! Gore rocks!"

"Is this what a spirit master is? Shameless! He has no honor! Burn his face and then let's see if he screams or not!"

"What a pretentious freak! He should not be supported by the Spirit Hall!"

The couple finally came to be. The entirety of the arena was lit up in anger and disgust. Dai Taiyin and Zhu Ning looked around and registered each other before gazing back. As if sensing their gaze, Ja Sun looked back with a smile yet various portions of his clothes were torn and blood covered him. Still, not a single wound could be seen on his being.

What the couple saw, in front of Ja Sun, made their body shudder. Four men and women lay on the stage, blood pouring from their ears and noses as one particular individual had his chest sunken by a little. Dai Taiyin and Zhu Ning were startled by such a scene. Ja Sun was actually patting his opponents down!

He hadn't ever plundered his opponents because they would often give up and simply escape his grasp. Now, however, Ja Sun openly took the four spirit rings. Although he could force other factions to hand it over... it would have earned him greater ire but right now, Dai Laohu should already be used to getting looted by him, right?


It was at this time the couple woke up.

But they couldn't feel anger similar to the audience. They were confused.

What was going on?

"Boss Dai!" one of the backup members shouted in a shrill tone, "That bastard used the two of you as hostages and finally beat others down! He even robbed them! That scum actually used these underhanded means to disgrace us!"

"Hey!" Ja Sun shouted at the referee and stated coldly, "Do your job."

The referee shivered in anger but didn't butt heads with Ja Sun. Instead, he glanced at the member who interrupted and snorted coldly, "The Star Luo Academy is warned not to disrupt the match again. Next time, you will be qualified!"

"Hehe, even the referee is bribed! What a joke?!"

The audience only grew more dissatisfied. According to them, Ja Sun's act was hardly honorable and earned him disgust of many citizens and spirit masters while those considered rogues and evil who watched the match applauded with glee. This was simply a difference in idealism. Ja Sun strived to complete his mission by any means possible and he didn't care if he needed to use Zhu Ning or Dai Taiyin as hostages. His forehead still kept the use of his skull bone, revealing his unnaturally large reserve of energy.

"How was it? The illusion... even I cannot peer into your minds without using my mental energy during the illusion so... was it satisfactory?" Ja Sun ignored the angry spectators... spread across the continent. His teammates were already hiding their faces, completely embarrassed... but also silently agreeing with this act. Even Liu Erlong didn't expect anything less from Ja Sun and strangely, Tang Yuehua was the same. They may be the strongest team from the younger generation of the Spirit Hall but naturally, amongst them, Ja Sun was the most impactful one.

"Now before you hastily fuse," Ja Sun continued softly as he gazed at the couple, "Do not make me use the little one as a hostage, too. And do not think highly enough of me to not go through innocents for my needs and desires."

Ja Sun looked at Zhu Ning and smiled strangely. He hadn't looked into her nightmare but he had felt the skill materializing for the third time in front of Zhu Ning. It didn't take him long enough to find out about her pregnancy once he held her neck and sent a minute shock force through her veins and channels of energy.

As if understanding his intentions, Zhu Ning's expression turned for the worse.

"But it honestly shocks me... do you not care about it at all?" Ja Sun frowned a little. Even they didn't want Hu Lana to fight in case something untoward happens to her. Ja Sun himself knew that he was a bit protective of this debauched friend of his who would have the same mind as him most of the time.

"What is he saying?" Dai Taiyin frowned.

But Ja Sun replied to him instead.

"You both and your families should thank me instead, this bastard here was actually going to get through you to get to me," Ja Sun tapped the almost 30-year-old man who had his chest sunken in with his foot, "But then again, I don't want to be so cruel. Step down, or next time, I will strike at your weakest point."

"What is he talking about?!" Dai Taiyin growled, feeling a little flustered as he already speculated something and he felt angrier because of it.

"I..." Zhu Ning bit her lips. This was the worst situation she could have expected to reveal this news to her man.

"I'm talking about you finally growing your wings, Tiger! Congratulations, you gonna get litters of kittens!" Ja Sun would never give his opponent the satisfaction of being calm and collected. His grin only made Dai Taiyin grit his teeth.

"Step down," he stated coldly and looked at Zhu Ning.

Seeing her reluctant expression, Dai Taiyin's expression turned cold and he stated with as little dignity as he could maintain, "Zhu Ning, step down. Or are you planning on disobeying?"

Her body shuddered but she grew... a little timid and hurriedly turned around--

"Wait, your spirit ring," Ja Sun smiled kindly but Zhu Ning's body turned into a dark shadow and she was already out of bounds.

Ja Sun's lips twitched seeing this.

He may have revealed their nightmares...

But at least he was kind enough to not actually go overboard. He had long outlived his days of indiscriminate massacres so, of course, he wasn't planning on doing what he said. But it was clear that Dai Taiyin's concerns had heightened greatly.

"You have robbed me of my pride and resources..." Dai Taiyin stated calmly, his voice resounding and even the audience stopped clamoring as they saw his seven spirit rings appear behind him.

"For that, I am unable to forgive you, and myself."

Dai Taiyin lost all his anger now. He seemed to realize a little what Dai Mu must have felt after moving on from her bitter acts of vengeance.

"But you did what others didn't and knowingly did not harm... her. For that, you have my unending gratitude," Dai Taiyin bowed deeply.

Ja Sun blinked as his expression turned bitter.

He didn't want this kind of situation the most. After all, calm opponents are the hardest to deal with. Even if Ja Sun's True Fantasy continued to remain activated and suppressed Dai Taiyin's five senses, it wouldn't mean much if the Spirit Sage decides to go all out.

'Around seven minutes remain...'

Ja Sun waited patiently as Dai Taiyin straightened his back and smiled, "And thus, I cannot remain angry forever, too. However, I will win this match."

His appearance and current brilliance instantly attracted everyone. Dai Taiyin's reputation has always been great in the Star Luo Empire and seeing their prince reveal such grace and charm made many feel awed. That look of clarity. That look of dignity. Those words.

Everything resounded through the continent. Even the Heaven Dou spirit masters had to admire this prince of the opposing empire right now.

In the middle ring of the spectator's seat for the VIP audience, everyone glanced at the Dai Laohu enviously but deep down, Dai Laohu still felt uncertain. He was certainly happy for the growth of his children's characters and Ja Sun did indeed play a large hand in that. Dai Mu was only willful and coy around her parents but had grown mature otherwise. Dai Taiyin had grown steady and stable despite losing out on their Clan's inheritance.

But the memory of Ja Sun somehow managing to strike the constantly dispersing and merging spirit fusion masters was still fresh in Dai Laohu's mind.

It was quite hard to evade, much less find the real opponents but Ja Sun is never alone in his battles. He had dispersed the Nightmare's Fantasy into the pseudo-domain of his skull bone and finally, with his connection with the Spirit Soul, managed to glean information on his opponents. But it still took time and patience to find an appropriate moment of attacking his opponents. This was simply done to keep himself from being injured. If not for his greed of acquiring the Core of another well-renowned beast, he would have attacked the next second even if it meant a few gashes at worst.

"Hehehe, it seems that honor is something not taught in the Spirit Hall," Yu Yuanzhen finally remarked sarcastically as he gazed in Qian Xunji's direction.

"Ah, yes, if I do have a son, I will honorably exile him just because he cannot cultivate and make him enter an organized war," Qian Xunji agreed instantly with a soft smile as he referred to Yu Xiaogang's exile in the beginning. The Dragon Douluo's expression changed instantly.

All of this fell in Xue Ye's gaze as he felt more and more convinced of his own scheme.

"Let's not fight," A dark-haired man chuckled deeply. He was the patriarch of the Hell Civet clan and the Grand Advisor of the Star Luo Empire. But he had yet to become a Titled Douluo. However, his list of assassination records included a Titled Douluo that allowed him enough reputation to calm his surroundings.

He was also Dai Laohu's distant cousin and due to their constant interaction, both of them had gotten closer politically. They were also in-laws.

Only Tang Peng was silent. His thoughts were unknown as he continued to recall the scene of Ja Sun using the shock force with each slap and punch. This wasn't the first time he used Gentle Tactics but the sudden applications of the shock force that were similar to the Nine Absolutes of the Clear Sky Clan made Tang Peng apprehensive.

He secretly glanced at Qian Xunji.

'Does the clan have spies at a higher level reporting to Qian Xunji?'

He didn't think it was his daughter's actions at all. First, this was his daughter. She could never do it. Second, this technique was awarded to talented individuals with enough contributions and Yuehua never got close to this technique in the first place. So Tang Peng pinned the blame on Qian Xunji yet many sneaky plans also roused in his mind.

Since Ja Sun somehow cultivates one of the Clan's techniques... he can be considered a member, right? Even in the scenario where Ja Sun is talented enough to develop these applications by seeing Tang Min and others, there is no denying that he would have an affinity with their techniques so Tang Peng could even bait the youth...


As the mood of the spectators grew calm, Ja Sun and Dai Taiyin attacked each other.

Dai Taiyin meant what he said but it also acted as a way for the two of them to try and find any openings in their opponent's methods.


Dai Taiyin's seventh spirit ring glistened and his fur-covered body inflated. It wasn't as drastic as before and the transformation took place as he ran. His body soon transformed into a 5-meters high and 7-meters long white tiger. Currently, seven spirit rings wound around his tail like beautiful sets of rings as Ja Sun retreated. Dai Taiyin had a few skills that could hurt him or force him to use his other abilities. Like the explosion skill of his spirit bone.

At this point, the tiger gave a low roar and a malevolent glint touched its gaze.

Dai Taiyin's sixth spirit ring instantly glistened and he opened his mouth, revealing his set of sharp teeth. A great suction force instantly appeared and forcefully stopped Ja Sun in his tracks.

While he and Zhu Ning were in a daze, the other four had also used their personal abilities but they did not go overboard. Not everyone could cheat while using the Sigh of Immortal. And even then... it was an S-ranked mission because of Dai Taiyin's own skills.

"You cannot keep on holding back! Use your skills!" Dai Taiyin's voice boomed despite his mouth still open. It was clear that, unlike last time, Dai Taiyin could now control the range and desired effect of this skill as the devouring force only affected Ja Sun.

"If you insist," Ja Sun pursed his lips. The thin mist that quickly congealed and entered Ja Sun's body suddenly stretched out like a rope and wrapped an unconscious spirit master before contracting it towards Ja Sun. The Nightmare's Fantasy could turn illusory and real at its will so this force didn't affect it.

But it was evident that Ja Sun only intended to flaunt his skills in shamelessness as he threw over Dai Taiyin's teammate.

Shocked, the white tiger instantly stopped his skill and the poor body fell on the ground with a resounding thump and by now Ja Sun held two hostages...


The entire stadium was instantly silenced before suddenly rousing in a frightening clamor. The calm evening was completely broken and even the surrounding fishes were scared off.

"Fight fairly!"

"Oh! My! God!"

One particular individual with similar green-gold pupils hid further and still shouted, "Such shamelessness will not be endured!"

"Pffft! Hahahaha!" High in the sky, observing his disciple's actions, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but laugh and clap. Observing Ja Sun in his public moments was entertainment that Qian Daoliu relished as to what he did privately... considering Ja Sun's freakish nature, even Qian Daoliu wasn't keen on observing him and after attaining mastery of arrays, Ja Sun barely kept his room unprotected from spies. This act gave him the privacy he needed.

Even further away, simply idling in the guise of completing Qian Xunji's task of finding everything out about Ja Sun, Redstar watched the match in some city with a gloomy expression. He certainly did not like Ja Sun so seeing him enjoy himself even without any use of spirit rings made him a bit depressed.

But this basically confirmed what Qian Xunji had told him after he reached rank 97.

A Spirit Master is simply limited by the thought that only spirit rings and spirit bones are part of their arsenal.

It could be argued that more than his spirit rings, Ja Sun used his movement technique, his gentle tactics, and even the Fiery Golden Pupils that constantly nullified illusions. Even War God's Cauldron could be considered a skill of similar nature.

All these skills could be translated into spirit rings and they wouldn't lose out to more of Ja Sun's better skills.

Many were instantly angered. This was the last match. This match should be the highlight to be remembered and talked about... in a good light for at least a few years. Yet Ja Sun had managed to offend the citizens of the continent who were angered akin to keyboard warriors of his previous world.

They couldn't understand his greed and goals. It was well beyond their understanding.

Seeing Ja Sun setting up the unconscious bodies of his teammates around himself with a mocking sneer, Dai Taiyin almost wished to deliver himself a slap.

In his sense of 'Awakening', he had disregarded his teammates and now they became his burdens.

"Come on, prince, you can do better. Having a child is fraught with responsibilities... brrr," Ja Sun shivered. His words made Dai Taiyin apprehensive and the expressions of Xie Xan, Hu Lana, Oscar, Jun'er, Ah Yin, and Bibi Dong bleak.

'Hey, who are you mocking!' Hu Lana pouted.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong who had stated the condition of being married before anything felt cold in her heart. Ja Sun... is the responsible kind, right? All of this is an act, right?

But these were minor ploys.

Ja Sun himself was on the timer. His Nightmare ability manifested but instantly, the large tiger had his head covered by a giant helmet and he was no longer affected.

'Goddamn... should I get hurt after all? Is this my destiny?' Ja Sun pursed his lips and looked around.

He had four hostages... how could he make better use of the situation?

If he tries to hurt them, it will only reveal his desperation.

'But what if I attack Dai Taiyin using them?' Ja Sun thought calmly and grew a little dazed before he grabbed the two women by their arms and shot forward while dragging them behind him. This kind of intense action will surely wake them up sooner or later but Ja Sun only had five minutes or so and this needed to be done quickly.

Seeing Ja Sun holding the two girls from the Hell Civet clan and rushing in this direction, Dai Taiyin's gaze couldn't help but reveal a sense of mockery. He may have a shred of dignity but it did not extend to the branch members. The White Tiger and Hell Civet clan had no room for burdens and secretly, Dai Taiyin was both admiring and angered by his teammate's act of trying to go through his pregnant wife.

With a roar, the helmet on the Tiger's head glistened, and Dai Taiyin collected a tremendous amount of light-attributed energy in front of his forehead. Seeing this, Ja Sun only smirked. The flash of violet from his skull bone indicated something as his shock force was dispersed from the bodies of the two girls in front of him the moment Dai Taiyin launched the attack of his skull bone.

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